Author: Military ‘purge’ meant to weed out officers who won’t fire on Americans

White House ExplosionFrom, of all places, the

On Wednesday, The Blaze reported that nine senior flag officers have been fired by the Obama administration this year alone, leading some to believe that a “purge” is underway. On Thursday, Dr. Jim Garrow, a renowned author and humanitarian who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, told in an exclusive interview he believes it’s part of the effort to weed out those who won’t swear loyalty to President Obama and obey orders to fire on American citizens who refuse to give up their guns.

Dr. Garrow said the president is looking for officers who will ultimately swear loyalty to him and blindly do as he says rather than follow lawful orders.

From there, he explained, it’s not too much of a stretch for those officers to fire on U.S. citizens who refuse to obey gun confiscation orders.

“Obama is basically saying ‘obey me’ rather than the lawful orders,” he said.

“It all has to do with breaching the Constitution,” he added.

According to Sara Carter, commanders who spoke to The Blaze say the administration “is not only purging the military of commanders they don’t agree with, but is striking fear in the hearts of those still serving.”

Setting up the bowling pins, as it were.  Lining up and identifying the generals and admirals whose only interest is sticking up their index digit to see which way the wind is blowing in order to keep their positions, their car, their driver, their government-paid home and the incredible deference shown them due to rank.

The situation with the military is so bad an unidentified Pentagon official told The Blaze that even “young officers, down through the ranks have been told not to talk about Obama or the politics of the White House.”

“They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job — just keep your mouth shut,” the official reportedly said, asking to remain anonymous because they were not authorized to speak on the matter, Carter added.

In other words, not only gutting our military but gutting its ability to think independently outside of DC.  Creating an atmosphere not of respect but abject fear.

In January, Dr. Garrow wrote on Facebook that President Obama wants military leaders who will fire on U.S. citizens.

Jim Garrow on Facebook“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new ‘litmus test’ in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks,” he wrote.

And be prepared for decorated soldiers to speak up:

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely weighed in on the situation.

“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” he told The Blaze. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”

An interesting concluding sentence to the article:

Perhaps this explains why Obama has recently taken to calling the armed forces “my military.”

“My military.”

Sadly, the American Electorate is no smarter or in possession of a collective memory greater than that of Dug:

Ask yourself a question: if you were a tyrant with NPD, cognizant of the fact that an ill-informed electorate placed you into office — twice — wouldn’t you want to gut the American military so that it reflected your feelings and Communist teachings ranging from your mother, your mentors — think Frank Marshall Davis, Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers — ?

Let me get down to a few more fundamental brass tacks, if you will.

Obama and his sycophant Leftists want to gut our military and reduce military pensions and care — things the federal government utilized in order to get young men and women to sign up initially.  ROE’s are ridiculous.  Military men and women with actual honor and courage are being forced to leave.  Some civilians are deciding it isn’t worth the effort considering the current treatment of veterans.

Concurrently, the salaries and pensions of cops are being cut with, at the same time, ROE’s becoming more and more stringent.

What happens when you give a war, and no one comes?

What happens when the intruder is coming to your door and no one responds?

Actions have consequences.





From lame to idiotic to stupid: “Obama calls on bartenders to host happy hours for Obamacare”

Obama - Dangerously IncompetentJust when you think that Barack Hussein Obama can’t get any more idiotic or stupid or — now — dangerous, you have the above headline.

From the

by Charlie Spiering

During today’s White House Youth Summit, President Obama called on young people to do whatever they can to promote his signature health care law — including plying their customers with cheap booze.

“If you are a bartender, have a happy hour,” Obama said as the crowd laughed. “And also probably get health insurance because a lot of people don’t have it.”

Great.  Ply the youth with booze.  Fabulous idea.

Can you imagine had GW Bush suggested a fraction of these stupid proposals?



Expert Testifies to Congress that Obama’s ‘Ignoring Laws’ Could Lead to Overthrow of Government

White House ExplosionI was planning two specific posts for today and tomorrow, when the above headline caught my eye.  I bring that article to you now, from

by Noah Rothman

During a congressional committee hearing about the constitutional limits imposed on the presidency and the implications of President Barack Obama’s disregard for implementing the Affordable Care Act as written, one expert testified that the consequences of the president’s behavior were potentially grave. He said that the precedent set by Obama could eventually lead to an armed revolt against the federal government.

Apparently one person, named Michael Cannon, seems to “get it.”  Continuing:

On Tuesday, Michael Cannon, Cato Institute’s Director of Health Policy Studies, testified before a congressional committee about the dangers of the president’s legal behavior.

“There is one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the constitution places on the government,” Cannon said. “Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it.”

And, in concert with Lincoln, JFK said:

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

 Mr Cannon’s most important sentence:

“If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

I have written, essentially, the same thing before on this very blog, but with regard to illegal immigration.  Now, we have the additional issue of ObamaKare.

Michael F. Cannon is the Director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute think tank.  Check their site here.

Mr Cannon also spoke to Glenn Beck about the unaccountability of Kathleen Sebelius, the Arrogant Bitch that she is:

Do you believe that?  If Obama fired Sebelius, he would have to nominate a new HHS secretary to be confirmed by the Senate.  The confirmation hearings would be a “bloodbath.”  And all the powers of the ACA would fall to her.  Except now?  It is a filibuster-LESS Senate.  51 votes.

I already posted on Michael Cannon writing about Kathleen Sebelius shaking down companies she regulates for ObamaKare.

Unpacking Mr Cannon’s words from above: as I wrote a number of times earlier with regard to illegal immigrants and the government’s decision to NOT enforce laws on the books —

If the government can decide to avoid and disregard its own laws — essentially picking and choosing which laws it wishes to enforce (without eliminating those laws statutorily) — then what keeps any other actual citizen from deciding to pick and choose which laws he or she wishes to obey when they become inconvenient?

If Mr Obama disregards the law, then why should Americans keep the law?

You tell me.




Obamacare: deconstructed

Two extremely important videos to watch (thanks Geeeez) regarding the facts and fallacies of Obamacare.

The second video has Paul Ryan shredding Obamacare in a mere six minutes.

Yet Obamacare was thrust through literally in the dead of night, on a weekend, with purely partisan support.  Not even one Republican — despite the plethora of RINOs within — voted for Obamacare.

Obamacare killed individual and private plans this year.  In 2014 my health insurance coverage will get killed, via my employer.

This is perfectly in keeping with Mr Obama’s plan to place the US government into the Single Payer framework, enabling the government to control over 1/6th of the entire economy.

He’s going to “Cloward-Piven” the entire nation, starting with healthcare first.


Obama Off With Their Coverage


Finally: Mr Obama admits his philosophy revolves around Roger Ebert

This past week Mr Obama spoke in Hollywood, campaigning as he was for not much in particular.  As is Mr Obama’s bent, “when the going gets tough, I get to campaigning.”  Start making more of that coin, Mr Obama.  That’s all you know.  Hit the campaign trail.

The going has, of course, been somewhat tough, since it appears that Mr Obama is under a bit more scrutiny as of late.  Obamacare.  Iran.  Lying.  You know; small stuff like that.  Ahem.


President Obama defended his policies during an economic address at the DreamWorks Animation campus on Tuesday — including his struggling health care reform — by quoting the late film critic (and fellow Chicagoan) Roger Ebert.

“I was fortunate enough to get to know Roger, and was always inspired by how he handled some really tough stuff,” Obama said. “He said, ‘Kindness covers all of my political beliefs.’ … When I think about what I’m fighting for, what gets me up every single day — that captures it.”

I find it intriguing that, only now, Mr Obama releases information indicating his entire philosophy revolves around a Chicago film critic.