The glory of Obamacare: “Analysis: Tens of millions could be forced out of health insurance they had”

ObamaKare Deciders

Highly trained Obamacare Specialists assist you with your personal and detailed medical issues in order to provide exacting, efficient, individualized and concerned service to you and your family.


[Honesty In Blogging 101: in the 70s, I worked for both McClatchy Broadcasting and McClatchy Publishing, for radio station KFBK AM and FM, and for The Sacramento Bee newspaper as a photographic stringer.  I met Eleanor McClatchy, daughter of C.K. McClatchy, who ran the empire from C.K.’s death in 1936 until 1978, whilst the business still occupied 21st and Q Streets in downtown Sacramento.]

By Kevin G. Hall and Anita Kumar

— Even as President Barack Obama sold a new health care law in part by assuring Americans they would be able to keep their insurance plans, his administration knew that tens of millions of people actually could lose those policies.

Please let me repeat the most important part of that sentence — a part that I already addressed here — and that is:

“his administration knew that tens of millions of people actually could lose those policies.”

Finally, a slight portion of the American media begins to realize that a lie has been cast by the revered and untouchable Obama Administration.

But the most important part:

And a report in 2010 said that as many as 69 percent of certain employer-based insurance plans would lose that protection, meaning as many as 41 million people could lose their plans even if they wanted to keep them and would be forced into other plans. Another 11 million who bought their own insurance also could lose their plans. Combined, as many as 52 million Americans could lose or have lost old insurance plans.

Backing up what I referred to and wrote here.  This was already known by Demorats and, despite that, they doubled down their vote in the dark of night.

Obama lied.  The Demorats knew he lied.  They doubled-down and voted All Ahead Flank speed whilst, at the same time, not ONE Republican voted for the ACA.  It passed 219 to 212, by seven votes.  The greatest clusterfuck foisted upon the entire nation passed by seven Demorat votes.  Mr Obama couldn’t sign it fast enough.

Obama lied.  Then Obama lied about the lie.

Another interesting point:

Later in June 2010, Sebelius’ department published estimates in the Federal Register that 39 percent to 69 percent of employers’ fully insured plans would relinquish the coverage they had prior to the March 2010 passage of the ACA and thus would have to cancel or change policies.

My take on the very honest and humble Kathleen Sebelius here.

Again, play to your heart’s content for the sheer audacity of the LIES:

And there you have it.




Obama: “I can take your guns”

The question for you up front: how many times does Mr Obama say that he can and will take steps against firearms that do not require any Congressional action — just action by Executive Fiat?  Count them, please:

That’s right, he doesn’t just hint, he says it overtly three times.  Minimum.

Why have a Congress?  Obama is all you need.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is called a clue.




Spite House: no idea how to solve the Obamacare problem

Obama SCOAMF BookIn an interview between guest-host Carol Platt Liebau and Chuck Todd, on Friday’s Hugh Hewitt Radio Show, Chuck Todd (who interviewed Mr Obama here) essentially stated that the White House has no idea how to repair the Obamacare problem regarding people whose insurance has been dropped.

My, that is certainly hopeful, is it not?

There, ladies and gentlemen, is the leader you elected.


Obama You Can Keep Your Healthcare, Period


Chuck Todd interviews Obama: no “sorry” forthcoming

Because, frankly, Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t have an ounce of “sorry” within him.

First, the interview.  Listen very carefully.  You may have to play this more than twice.  Listen to the words and the mannerisms because Mr Obama is working off-Prompter.  Barack Hussein Obama is not a facile extemporaneous speaker of any sort.

Did you catch it? The actual apology for ruining the plans of, literally, millions of Americans?

Neither did I.

But let’s focus like a laser beam now.  Compare the above video to that below.  Focus on a very specific sentence — then a massively important correction made seconds later which reveals all with regard to Mr Obama.

This is a video you will NOT be seeing on any production by the American Media Maggots.

Listen again.  Just what did Mr Obama state?

His words: “having said that, given that I’ve been burned already by a website — well — more importantly — the American people have been burned by a website.”

Right.  You got it.  Mr Barack Hussein Obama, the possessor of NPD.  Because, after all, it’s “all about him” as he clearly stated up front.

Let’s check an article from, which reveals: “How to Spot a Sociopath“:

  • Superficial charm and good intelligence
  • Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
  • Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations
  • Unreliability
  • Untruthfulness and insincerity
  • Lack of remorse and shame
  • Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
  • Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
  • Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
  • General poverty in major affective reactions
  • Specific loss of insight
  • Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations

Ladies and gentlemen, do any of these symptoms sound even vaguely familiar?

Hey, look, all I’m doing is getting you acquainted with your elected president, after all.