The goodness and kindness of Leftists: young black single mother fired from ObamaCare Help Line for speaking to Sean Hannity

I’d posit this video says it all:

Ah, the virtuous, kind, understanding, loving, all-inclusive, humble, non-judgmental, nurturing, moral, accepting and ethical goodness of Leftists nationwide, and particularly those in charge of the administration of Obamacare, no matter who they may be, from Kathleen Sebelius on down.

After all, Lord knows, this young single black mother with one son certainly needed to be fired from her five-week, low-paying Obamacare phone-help job (the Healthcare Marketplace Call Center) — as she deigned to be helpful and speak to the Evil Sean Hannity.

Earline Davis had the temerity to speak to the “enemy” and, for that, was fired summarily the very next day, held in a locked room, not allowed to go back to her place at the phone desk, not allowed to go back to her locker.  She was then escorted, by a number of security people (you can see, Earline Davis being an imposing thug herself), out of the building where she worked — past tense.

Sean Hannity makes an excellent point: Earline Davis lost her job for being effective, helpful and kind, whilst Kathleen Sebelius, as arrogant, unhelpful, condescending and ineffectual as she is, still has her job.

Imagine that.

Those kind Leftists.




Powerline: “Lies of Obamacare, Documented”

PowerLineSometimes there are columns that simply need to be reprinted and referenced and read by all, and this is one of those columns and those times.

John Hinderaker from Powerline writes:

Over the last day or two, the major breaking story has really been a throwback: in 2010, the Obama administration promulgated rules governing what plans that pre-existed Obamacare would be “grandfathered” under that statute, and allowed to continue. In the context of announcing its rules, the administration predicted that because of their restrictiveness, many millions of Americans would lose their existing insurance coverage, whether they liked it or not. Further, it has been widely reported (as by CNN, here) that Republicans tried to reverse the administration’s “grandfather” rules so that those who liked their insurance would be allowed to keep it, but Senate Democrats voted them down.

Given the lies with which Obamacare was promoted–”If you like your health care plan, you can keep it”–this is of course a blockbuster story. So I spent some time today tracking down the original sources to verify it.

At this juncture (my favorite video to date), here are moving pictures which solidify lie after lie after lie, by Mr Obama, at numerous and different venues:

That shown, Mr Hinderaker continues:

That brings us to September 29, 2010, when Senate Republicans brought to the floor a resolution that would have disapproved of, and reversed, the administrative rules that the Obama administration promulgated on June 17. Wyoming’s Mike Enzi sponsored the resolution; the debate that followed is here. Enzi introduced his resolution:

Mr. President, the resolution we are debating today is about keeping a promise. The authors of the new health care law promised the American people that if they liked their current health insurance, they could keep it. On at least 47 separate occasions, President Obama promised: “If you like what you have, you can keep it.”

Unfortunately, the Obama administration has broken that promise. Earlier this year, the administration published a regulation that will fundamentally change the health insurance plans of millions of Americans. The reality of this new regulation is, if you like what you have, you can’t keep it. The new regulation implemented the grandfathered health plan section of the new health care law. It specified how existing health plans could avoid the most onerous new rules and redtape included in the 2,700 pages of the new health care law. …

Unfortunately, the regulation writers at the Departments of Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services broke all those promises. The regulation is crystal clear. Most businesses–the administration estimates between 39 and 69 percent–will not be able to keep the coverage they have.

Under the new regulation, once a business loses grandfathered status, they will have to comply with all of the new mandates in the law. This means these businesses will have to change their current plans and purchase more expensive ones that meet all of the new Federal minimum requirements. For the 80 percent of small businesses that will lose their grandfathered status because of this regulation, the net result is clear: They will pay more for their health insurance.

Does this give you a sense of deja vu, or what? The baleful consequences of Obamacare that we are now seeing–there are many more to come–were known and foreseen in 2010. The Democrats voted down the Republicans’ effort to preserve the health care plans that Americans already like on a party-line vote. The Democrats knew that Obama had been lying through his teeth, and they voted unanimously to sustain his lies.

Let me write Mr Hinderaker’s words again, that you might realize what a chump you have been had you voted for Mr Obama not just once but, as the brainless nematode you might be, twice:

The Democrats knew that Obama had been lying through his teeth, and they voted unanimously to sustain his lies.

I can hear it now: the few Leftists who read this blog are insisting that Obama never lies.  I would again refer you few to the video above because I realize you have the collective minds of mites.

Hinderaker concludes:

So it’s the usual toxic stew of lies, corruption and incompetence that we have come to expect from Barack Obama. But one last point should not go unmentioned: where has the press been in all of this? As of 2010, it was blindingly obvious–was baldly stated by the Obama administration itself–that under Obamacare, far from being permitted to keep your health care coverage if you like it, most Americans’ policies would speedily be terminated, and all would soon cease to exist. Given the dozens of misrepresentations by Barack Obama and other members of his administration, and given the entirely dishonest basis on which Obamacare was rammed through the Democratic Congress without a single Republican vote, and given that Republicans’ warnings were indisputably coming true–was there not a news story here? How can it be that three more years went by before our one-party media thought to mention what happened back in 2010? One can only imagine how the 2012 election might have been different if the electorate had understood that Obamacare was sold on a scaffold of lies.


Imagine that.


Please read the full article here.

And for those of you who revel in the misfortune of others, in terms of their insurance cancellations, go to



The ramdown on the horizon: Demorats want to force doctors to take Medicare and Medicaid

ObamaCare DoctorsFrom

Virginia Democrat calls for forcing doctors to accept Medicare and Medicaid patients

You would think that when your party is burying a hole that is getting harder and harder to get out of, you wouldn’t want to that hole get deeper faster.  But here is Kathleen Murphy, Democrat running for the House of Delegates against Barbara Comstock, telling a forum in Great Falls that she believes it should be a law to force doctors to accept Medicare and Medicaid patients.  Forced by government decree, mind you.

After all, some of the best things are the result of force; ObamaKare, for example.  Socialism.  Taxes.  The Holocaust.

THIS along with the fact that Terry McAuliffe has already said he’d go to the government shutdown mat to get a state exchange in Virginia.  Unbelievable.  Combine the chaos of thousands of people across Virginia losing their health insurance, we are going to add to that on the state level by forcing doctors to accept patients they can’t afford to help?  Unbelievable.  Dark days are ahead, but there is still time.    Three days to make sure this does not happen.

Democrats in Virginia will drive up health care costs, drive doctors out of the state, and then drive health care costs up even more because there will not be enough doctors practicing in the state.

The best part yet to come?  Of course, you know where I’m going, because my job is to do what I call The Logical Extension.  And that is this:

If it’s a good idea for Virginia to mandate that all doctors take Medicare and Medicaid, then an idea such as that deserves its own bill from the Big Dogs in DC, does it not?  If force is good for Virginia, then imagine such a thing nationally; wouldn’t it be glorious?  Because everyone knows the US government pays so quickly and with such efficiency and courtesy for Medicare and Medicaid patients.

Those evil, evil doctors, making millions of dollars, driving their Bentley Arnages and wearing Gucci loafers.

At this rate, doctors won’t volunteer to go through medical school; they’ll be appointed.  And to be fair, it’ll be every 10th baby born in any given hospital on a given day.  That’ll be equitable, won’t it?


You need to read this article, in regard to the number of doctors ready to leave the profession as the result of ObamaKare.


Does the US government consider you an “extremist” or a “potential terrorist”?

Obama ShameCourtesy of this website (thanks Jeff).

How interesting that, simultaneously, the US government is removing references to Muslim groups or interests.

The 72 types of Americans believed by our government to threaten it:

1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”

2. Those that advocate for states’ rights

3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”

4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”

5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”

6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”

7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable”

8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”

9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”

10. “Anti-Gay”

11. “Anti-Immigrant”

12. “Anti-Muslim”

13. “The Patriot Movement”

14. “Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians”

15. Members of the Family Research Council

16. Members of the American Family Association

17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union’”

18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol

19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform

20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition

21. Members of the Christian Action Network

22. Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order”

23. Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”

24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21

25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps

26. Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations”

27. The militia movement

28. The sovereign citizen movement

29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”

30. Anyone that “complains about bias”

31. Anyone that “believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia”

32. Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies”

33. Anyone that “visits extremist websites/blogs”

34. Anyone that “establishes website/blog to display extremist views”

35. Anyone that “attends rallies for extremist causes”

36. Anyone that “exhibits extreme religious intolerance”

37. Anyone that “is personally connected with a grievance”

38. Anyone that “suddenly acquires weapons”

39. Anyone that “organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology”

40. “Militia or unorganized militia”

41. “General right-wing extremist”

42. Citizens that have “bumper stickers” that are patriotic or anti-U.N.

43. Those that refer to an “Army of God”

44. Those that are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”

45. Those that are “anti-global”

46. Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”

47. Those that are “reverent of individual liberty”

48. Those that “believe in conspiracy theories”

49. Those that have “a belief that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack”

50. Those that possess “a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”

51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”

52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”

53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”

54. Those that have “supported political movements for autonomy”

55. Anyone that is “anti-abortion”

56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”

57. Anyone that is “anti-nuclear”

58. “Rightwing extremists”

59. “Returning veterans”

60. Those concerned about “illegal immigration”

61. Those that “believe in the right to bear arms”

62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling”

63. Anyone that exhibits “fear of Communist regimes”

64. “Anti-abortion activists”

65. Those that are against illegal immigration

66. Those that talk about “the New World Order” in a “derogatory” manner

67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations

68. Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes”

69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)

71. Those that believe in “end times” prophecies

72. Evangelical Christians

[Click on the link to see the source governmental document involved.]

How many applied to you?


Just by dint of the categorization for this post, I make myself suspect.



Ouch! Tenn. state senator presents Kathleen Sebelius with book that might come in handy


Tennessee State Senator Brian Kelsey presented Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius with a gift today during her visit to his state:

Kathleen Sebelius Twieet from KelseyFollowing that, the photograph is simply too priceless for words.  Please, oh please, lock onto the gesicht of Sebelius.  Enlarge for even greater grandeur.

Kathleen Sebelius Websites For DummiesSometimes Life is simply this enjoyable.