One other slight difference between Germany and the US:

French Socialists Elect Hollande May 2012

Jubilant French Socialists elected Hollande in May of 2012.  Something changed.

From Josh Gerstein at

Germany, ‘Veggie Day,’ and Michelle Obama

BERLIN—The elections set to take place here in Germany Sunday are expected to turn largely on the country’s solid economy, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s handling of the European debt crisis and social issues like women’s role in the work force. But add to that plate one more thing: Germans don’t want the government telling them what to eat.

In what could be a cautionary tale for First Lady Michelle Obama’s efforts to tweak Americans’ diets, Germans look set to punish the Green Party for urging that public cafeterias go meat-free on a designated “Veggie Day” each week in order to help the environment and reduce cruelty to animals. Borrowing colorfully from English, German newspaper Bild described public reaction to the idea as a “shitstorm.”

Imagine that: “Germans don’t want the government telling them what to eat.”

Top that with this, from an older post of mine:

Germany’s Angela Merkel has the temerity and courage to state the obvious.  Germany has “had it.”  A pull quote: German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “lmmigrants should learn to speak German.” Read the article here.

The article I referred to in October of 2010 is entitled: “Merkel says German multicultural society has failed.”  How heinous, how overbearing, how insensitive of her to insist on a national language being embraced by immigrants!

Germany clearly has had it.

The French say multiculturalism is a flop as well, from my February 12th, 2011 post entitled: “Even The French Admit: “Multi-Kulti” = FAILURE.”

So the Germans did the proper thing and re-elected a person who has made them stronger in the face of weakness, more determined in the face of waffling, and more fiscally solvent in the face of budgetary EU failure and bankruptcy.

You won’t see that happening here because this country possesses what I term “Historical Alzheimers.”  We learn nothing from history.  Leftists are obviously historically ignorant.  Obama Socialist?  Indeed.

Everyone seems to think they can “do” Socialism better than the prior guy.  Including Obama.  He just doesn’t have the courage to say what he really means or wants.

But tell me, as one fellow reader at work said to me a day ago: “Show me successful liberalism.”

Key word: successful.

Chicago?  Detroit?  Even DC?




House Republicans pass test vote to defund Obamacare; shutdown edges closer

Cruz ObamacareFrom the

By Tom Howell Jr., The Washington Times

House Republicans survived a key test vote Thursday on their plan to keep the government running while trying to halt the health care law, defying a veto threat from President Obama and inching closer to a shutdown showdown with Senate Democrats.

Top Republicans say their party’s strategy is unlikely to succeed and not worth shutting down the government, but some rank-and-file lawmakers said they have to draw a line now and use the leverage of the spending bill to end the president’s signature achievement.

Ted Cruz hit the nail on the head during an interview with Hugh Hewitt.  In one reply, Senator Cruz stated:

TC:    .  .  . every day it becomes clearer and clearer that this thing isn’t working, that more and more Americans are losing their jobs, are not getting hired in the first place. More and more Americans are finding themselves forcibly reduced to 29 hours a week. More and more Americans are seeing skyrocketing health insurance premiums. And more and more Americans are losing their health insurance altogether. And as you noted, the fact that the unions are jumping ship, I mean, there is bipartisan agreement that it isn’t working, and President Obama has already lawlessly granted exemptions for big corporations and for members of Congress. And this fight over defunding Obamacare in one sentence is about if President Obama will grant waivers to big corporations and members of Congress, why would President Obama threaten to shut down the federal government in order to deny those same waivers to hard-working American families?

Correct: if Obamacare is so wonderful, why are there any exemptions whatsoever, to either corporations who donated to Mr Obama’s campaign, or any DC politician and their staffs?  If Obamacare is so wonderful, inclusive, less expensive and more efficient, why would there be any exemptions at all?

I think you know that answer.

And finally: a filibuster?


This just in:

Democratic Official Allan Brauer Wishes Death on Ted Cruz Aide’s Children


Allan Brauer, the communications chair for the Democratic Party of Sacramento, Calif., told an aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Tex.) on Friday that he hoped her children “die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.”

He followed up the attack with a series of vicious tweets:

Ah, those loving, understanding, compassionate, sensitive, tender, kind and all-inclusive Demorats and Leftists, embracing and considerate of all persons’ feelings and opinions.

Rep. Jackson Lee introduces bill to cut funds to stand-your-ground states

Rep Sheila Jackson LeeFrom

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee reintroduced the Justice Exists for Us All Act to Congress Wednesday.

The bill, which the Texas Democrat stated is a response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, would pressure states to drop stand-your-ground laws, which assert that citizens can use force for self-defense rather than being required to retreat from dangerous situations.

Under the Justice Exists proposal, states that didn’t amend their stand-your-ground laws and require a “duty to retreat” would face a 20 percent cut to previously allocated funds.

I wonder: how many laws were passed by the federal government when OJ Simpson was found not guilty in 1995?

Correct: none.



George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue

Again: I don’t make these things up.  I am merely an aggregator of the news from around the world, with opinions mixed in.  But sometimes these things simply write themselves.  From

George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue a family who was trapped in an overturned vehicle, police said today.

Zimmerman was one of two men who came to the aid of Dana and Mark Gerstle and their two children, who were trapped inside a blue Ford Explorer SUV that had rolled over after traveling off the highway in Sanford, Fla. at approximately 5:45 p.m. Thursday, the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin.

By the time police arrived, two people – including Zimmerman – had already helped the family get out of the overturned car, the sheriff’s office said. No one was reported to be injured.

Zimmerman was not a witness to the crash and left after speaking with the deputy, police said.

It’s the first known sighting of Zimmerman since he left the courtroom following his controversial acquittal last week on murder charges for the death of Martin. Zimmerman, 29, shot and killed Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012. The jury determined that Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.

Another link to this incident here.

Once again, the racist George Zimmerman at work.  I’m certain there are witnesses who will confirm that Zimmerman glanced into the cab of the vehicle with purposeful scrutiny in order to determine the race of the persons he would potentially rescue.

If they were white Hispanics, they would be subject to his salving efforts.  If not, to hell with them.

Once again, clear and obvious evidence of Zimmerman’s blatant racism.  That evil, evil George Zimmerman.