A moment to breathe

Cat EmbarrassedI’ve written and re-written this post five times now.

There’s so much going on these days and this week.

First to my mind: the wretched and twisted immolation (with much hope) of Christopher Dorner, nothing more than a narcissist who happens to have been black.  Get in line, Dorner, as you queue up in Hell.  The lines are lengthy and the heat unbearable.  Get used to it, sir, because you placed yourself there, and no one else.  My guess is that you were a mentally deficient genetic mutant from your early years and accepted into LAPD and the Navy because you were used.  Yes, you were used.  But not in the way you imagined.  So I suppose that one of your alleged “grievances” was accurate in terms of your being nothing more than a Convenient Tool.  But used by those who wanted you for nothing more than a statistic.  You were a black male that made the LAPD quotas and Navy quotas appear congruent.  They knew about your violent background but they purposely overlooked your history because you yielded another stat.  So yes, Dorner: you were used.  By GOWPs.  By the Leftists and Demorats and PC invertebrates you so embraced.

You were a Convenient Tool; now you are a crispy and smouldering Tool.  InfoWars is making you into a fallen martyr.  Let me be plain: fuck them.  Is that sufficiently clear for all of my readers?  Dorner was a narcissistic murderer who fooled many who were stupid and ignorant: GOWPs.  Guilty, Overeducated White People.  He was a deceitful mutant from his time of birth.  His mother, specifically, was so terribly concerned about his plight that she was drinking wine and eating chips during the standoff.  As covered by CBS.

Mr Obama made his SOTU speech on Tuesday.  Rentoon rentoon rentoon.  Blah blah blah.  Mr Obama’s bullshit is no more cohesive, logical, remarkable, stunning, innovative or insightful than it was in 2007 and 2008.

He is nothing more than any other Leftist Hack: tax and spend.  Tax and spend.  TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS in debt: we need to spend some more.  His SOTU speech was the least-watched since 2000.

Obama’s fecal material hasn’t worked yet; it won’t work now.  It is old and hackneyed and predictable and doddering.

Obama’s only advantage?  The only difference between he and other Leftist Hacks?  Correct!  His melanin count.  Effective with?  Yes!  GOWPs.

John Kerry is still an apologist and, literally, ineffective.

But perhaps of greater significance today:

Hillary WILL run in 2016, claims wealthy Greek donor (who says Bill told him)

A wealthy Democratic donor is fanning the flames of speculation that Hillary Clinton is indeed running for president.

Sacramento developer Angelo Tsakopoulos says Bill Clinton has confirmed the presumed plan that the former Secretary of State will make a bid for the White House again.

The millionaire told the Greek Reporter that Clinton’s husband revealed his wife’s political ambition, as the power couple gear up for a 2016 race.

This information sources from the area of my work.  And the Greeks control much of Sacramento via their money, to include former Sheriffs.  I could name at least three.  So when people accredit some future performances to the influence of Greek cash, I pay attention.

Further, I continue to ramble on:

Is there anyone besides me who finds the voice of Mr Obama to be similar to that of cracked nails on a chalkboard or — worse yet — having to listen to Fran Drescher?

I am SO incredibly tired of hearing his lying voice covered every day, every week, every month.  When his mouth opens one can count on lies issuing forth.

Just like a Muslim from Afghanistan hosted by the State of Fornicalia, defecating in the shower instead of the toilets.  On a visa.  Not like that happened or anything.

With a moment to breathe, I write this:

Did anyone over 50 — like me (ahem) — EVER think that their country could be so incredibly elitist or ignorant or insufferable or stupid or so easily duped or so simple or so needy or so dependent or so willing to subvert, controvert and ignore our foundational documents such as the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

I quite simply could not have predicted this 20 years ago.  I saw it coming, but I was likewise ignorant.

And with this as something of a logical Bottom Line:

With all of the things that Leftists “want” —

HOW is it that they plan to PAY for all of these so-called “wants” — ?

No one ever seems to address this, except the most meager of Republicans and the bulk of Independents and True Conservatives.

You may WANT;

But how do you plan to PAY?

With the Demorats, they don’t have a plan to do so.  They don’t seem to treat money as actual cash — as a thing that requires some form of sacrifice or cost —  physically or psychically or psychologically or monetarily.  It just IS because it can simply be DECLARED to be so.

Yes, I’m wandering.  Yes, I’m venting.  Yes, I’m platforming.  Go with me.  I think you’re there, you’re already with me.  .  .

Because it all adds up to: INSANITY.

And further, it adds up to not just insanity but insanity seeking money and power and control over those who could possibly OBJECT to the centralization of powers in DC.

Your thoughts?




Mikulski’s ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’ Would Allow Employees to Discuss Salaries

Socialist AmericaThe Private sector just took one more step towards Socialism and the “much hated” Public sector.

LANHAM, Md. (CBSDC)– A ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’ introduced in Congress last week would require employers to show pay disparity is related to job-performance and prohibit employer retaliation for sharing salary information with coworkers.

Senator Barbara A. Mikulski and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, both Democrats, said their legislation is aimed at closing the pay gap between men and women and would also address loopholes in the 1963 Equal Pay Act.

The phrase in the private sector, “you are what you negotiate,” would soon go away in Maryland.  And an employer having the ability to pay a worker who was much more productive than another worker across gender and sexual lines would also go away — meaning the ability to reward productivity, creativity and incentive would also disappear.

Which is, of course, what “fairness” is all about.  Because if you dislike the Public sector for its efficiency, you’ll soon enjoy said efficiency in the Private world.

Another way of dumbing and numbing down the America you used to recognize.




Obama Pledges to Continue Crackdown on ‘Irresponsible Behavior’

Obama Second Term AgendaMr Obama, on his Saturday radio address, promised to crack down on “irresponsible behavior.”

I applaud this outlook.  I think he should look inward first.  Here is where he could start:

Abandon his shredding of the US Constitution, starting with his 2nd Amendment attacks;

Consider an entire revamping of his cabinet, including the elimination of cabinet positions to include the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security.  This is just a start;

Press for the Truth In Bills Act, which would limit each bill to one topic and no riders;

Press for the Equal Applications Act, which makes the measures of each and every bill passed into law equally applicable to every individual in the federal and other governments;

Press for the Bill Funding Act, which would make it illegal to divert money earmarked for a specific bill to any other fund, budget, for any reason;

Press for the Tort Reform Act, which includes two very simple words: loser pays;

Press for the Energy Independence Act, which would develop our own national oil fields, approve the Keystone XL pipeline, approve drilling in ANWR, off our coasts (and not so far out and deep that we ask for another BP disaster); foster tax credits for the building of new electrical generation infrastructure to include updated coal, oil and nuclear stations, as well as new water projects, coastal desalinization plants, and new oil refinery construction;

Of course, this is just a start.

But no.  Fear not.  Mr Obama will not go there.

His goal: to bring this country down to the level of its lessers, to remove its sovereignty, and make it “pay” for what he called its colonial past.

To Mr Obama, I say: check your own irresponsible behavior; turn that alleged superior intellect inward first.


Obama Reminding



United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to Obama: “your recess appointments are unconstitutional”

USCA, Federal CircuitFrom the WashingtonTimes.com:

In a case freighted with major constitutional implications, a federal appeals court on Friday overturned President Obama’s controversial recess appointments from last year, ruling he abused his powers and acted when the Senate was not actually in a recess.

The three-judge panel’s ruling is a major blow to Mr. Obama. The judges ruled that the appointments he made to the National Labor Relations Board are illegal, and hence the five-person board did not have a quorum to operate.

But the ruling has even broader constitutional significance, with the judges arguing that the president’s recess appointment powers don’t apply to “intra-session” appointments — those made when Congress has left town for a few days or weeks. They said Mr. Obama erred when he said he could claim the power to determine when he could make appointments.

“Allowing the president to define the scope of his own appointments power would eviscerate the Constitution’s separation of powers,” the judges said in their opinion.

It is in fact an unprecedented act.  Obama sat on a controversial set of appointments waiting for the Christmas recess.  Then Obama unilaterally determined when the Senate could be in recess and thusly gutted the Constitution’s checks and balances.

It will, of course, be appealed as rapidly as possible.  Because it calls into question a year’s worth of similar appointments.  We have a system of powers already in place by the appointment process so that they are politically accountable.  This could be heard as quickly as June, or kicked to the side until fall.

I am shockedshocked, I tell you — that a federal court had the temerity to stand in public disagreement with the Autarchist-in-Chief.

Gentlemen of that court: your taxes are so going to get audited this year.