One black man weighs in:

But do we listen to him?

No we don’t.  Because he dares to tell the truth.

Who’s the house negro?  The slave from the crack cup of liberal propaganda? This man?  Or the bulk of blacks who bought Obama’s rap to the tune of a hook, line and a sinker?

It’s just a question; these are just words.

Words that no one wants to hear.




Truth: your taxes are about to literally skyrocket in 2013

Economics 101Courtesy of both the Demorats — for the demand — and the Republicans, for lack of a spine.

Mitch McConnell, the blithering idiot, said “the tax issue is finished.”  (Full transcript here.)

Uh, no — you moron — no, it’s not.

It’s barely started.

My first paycheck of the year just got lowered by $200 via additional taxes.  I get paid bi-weekly, so at this point I’m initially losing a minimum of $400 a month.  So far.  The month is young.

That translates to: I’ve just initially lost the equivalent of one car payment a month.  So my chance of purchasing another car?  ZERO.

From “Face The Nation” this past Sunday, The NanceMeister weighs in:

Did you listen closely?  McConnell thinks he’s won.  And Pelosi baldly states that the Demorats are out for “tax reform” and “increased revenue.”

SCHIEFFER: Do you then agree with the Republican leader in the Senate, Mr. McConnell, who says we’re done now with the taxing side of it; now we have to concentrate on spending? Is that done now?


SCHIEFFER: Is the revenue side of it taken care of yet?

PELOSI: No, no, it is not. I mean, the president had said originally he wanted $1.6 trillion in revenue. He took it down to $1.2 as a compromise. In this legislation we had $620 billion, very significant, high-end tax — changing the high-end tax rate to 39.6 percent. But that is not enough on the revenue side. We’ve already agreed to $1 trillion in spending cuts, over $1 trillion in spending cuts.

SCHIEFFER: So what are you talking about there? Are you talking about more taxes?

PELOSI: We’re talking about looking at the tax code, putting everything on the table from the standpoint of closing loopholes — and we know that we can do that — special subsidies for big oil, for example, $38 billion right there. But again, not to take things in isolation, just to say, OK, well, how much more revenue can we get as we go forward?

SCHIEFFER: Are you then saying to the upper classes, get ready; you’re going to have to pay some more; this is not the end of it?

PELOSI: Well, I’m saying that’s not off the table.

SCHIEFFER: That’s not off the table?

PELOSI: That’s not off the table. But not in terms of tax rates but in terms of other considerations.

SCHIEFFER: You’re talking about deductions and other things.

PELOSI: And the rest.

$800 billion dollars already acquired in taxes.  The Demorats want another TRILLION dollars in taxes this year.  Where?  From YOUR pocket.  Americans, to the thoughts of the Demorats, are still insufficiently taxed.

Am I a mega-millionaire?  Hardly.  I’m “middle class.”  And — thanks to Mr Obama and Demorats — my ass is already on fire with the initial additional taxes.  The precise strata, Mr Obama, that you swore wouldn’t be affected.  You damned LIAR.

Even CNBC says the tax code may be the “most progressive since 1979.”  Hello?  Jimmy Carter?  Anyone?  Bueller?

Even Obama supporters find themselves “shocked” and “angry” at the new tax increases.

Yes indeed.  That’s how stupid are Obama supporters.

You mean he actually wants Cloward-Piven?  He actually wants taxes to skyrocket?


So: how much did YOU lose on your first paycheck of the year?


Demorats Laugh Over Your Tax PlightUgly Demorats laugh profoundly at the stupidity of the American Electorate.



Ending the 22nd Amendment: not just specious “Right-Wing conspiracy theories”

Obama Destroying US ConstitutionIt’s fact, it’s right in front of our faces and — yes — desired by the Left.  As introduced by Demorat Jose Serrano of NY:

U.S. Rep. Josè Serrano, D-N.Y., once again quietly introduced a resolution that would allow President Obama or any president to serve an unlimited number of terms, according to a report.

According to GovTrack.US, Rep. Serrano introduced House Joint Resolution 15 on Friday. The resolution is described as:

“Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.”

This resolution was assigned to a congressional committee on January 4, 2013, which would have to consider it before it would be sent to the House or Senate.

The bill was a reintroduction of House Joint Resolution 17 presented by Rep. Serrano in 2011. That resolution was never sent to committee.

So: why not allow an unlimited number of presidential terms?

Because, in my opinion, the wants of the bulk of the electorate just became abundantly clear this past November of 2012: give us more state and federal FREE CHEESE.  The parasites in the country are, now, roughly numerically on par with the hosts.  The producers and the consumers.  Taxpayers and non-taxpayers.

The national hard drive has been corrupted: corrupted by the elitist Worms in DC and the spreading Virus of Free Cheese.

Don’t you find it odd that the only persons who want the 22nd Amendment abolished are those on the Left?  And don’t you find it odd that the only presidential term under which the bill is introduced is that of Mr Obama’s?

Because, after all, there’s never any veracity to those incredibly crazy and suspect Right Wing Conspiracy Theories.

Is there?


The 22nd Amendment reads, in full:

Amendment XXII

Section 1.

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

Section 2.

This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission to the states by the Congress.

Bears At Welfare


Obama and Congress go over the fiscal cliff with their pockets stuffed full of cash:

Just as America goes over the proverbial fiscal cliff, Mr Obama recently signed an Executive Order increasing pay for himself, Biden, and Congress.

Despite what a Bloomberg Businessweek article characterized as “the nation’s worst economic slump in seven decades,” Barack Obama has issued an executive order granting pay increases for his second-in-command Joe Biden, Congress, and a number of federal judicial posts.

WHY, I ask, WHY hasn’t this information been BLASTED across the national and global DEM/MSM?

Whilst you and I suffer as taxpayers, the only people profiting are

We spend 42% of GDP on government.

When do we say “enough,” people?

When do taxpayers start to revolt?