Ah, the adoring, peaceful, understanding, sympathetic, non-violent, non-judgmental, all-inclusive, free-speech-loving Leftists in this country:

Who was responsible for this at an OWS event in New York City?


Who was responsible for the proliferation and advocation of violence at OWS events?


Who was responsible for rapes at OWS events?


Who was responsible for this?


Who was responsible for this?


Who is responsible for this:

Guess who?


You know, the same people who Occupy Wall Street and vote for Mr Obama.

Frankly, this Newsweek cover again says it all:

Make Barack Hussein Obama “hit the road” in twenty-seven days.





Factual summary of last Wednesday’s presidential debate:

And thanks to TOTUS for the “heads-up.”


Make no mistake; Mr Obama is again disinterested, uninvolved and arrogant.  When the New York Times writes a piece like this, you know the brass is tarnishing rapidly:

Obama’s Enthusiasm Gap:

All the post-game punditry aside, President Obama didn’t really blow Wednesday night’s debate in any spectacular or memorable way, the way George H.W. Bush glanced at his watch, or the way Al Gore sighed dramatically. Mr. Obama’s transgression was that he seemed to simply endure it. It was as if he had turned to his advisers at some point and said, “OK, I’ll show up at this thing with Mitt, but I am not getting drawn into some kind of debate.”

In this way, Mr. Obama’s performance, the first of three in any event, probably didn’t change the essential arc of the campaign, which was always going to tighten in the final month. But it did tell us something about what many feel is missing from his presidency.

 Watching the president grimace his way through the restrained back-and-forth reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a friend in Democratic politics, who posited that Mr. Obama simply doesn’t love being president. Not that he doesn’t want the job or believe he should have it, or that its challenges don’t give him plenty of cause for stress or solemnity — just that he doesn’t appear to actually enjoy the daily business of running the country.

Mr Obama is better than this, better than you, better than me, better than all of us.  And we’d damned well best realize it.


The empty chair:

First, we saw this wonderful cartoon from Michael Ramirez:

[And please note, if you will, the type of chair it is.]

Then we saw this cover from The New Yorker:


I think not.

Leftists are displeased.

And polls aren’t going well for The One: 49% to 45%.

More importantly: a week after the first debate.  What’s that about?




Rich businessmen pulling out of France as tax-hit looms

From France24.com:

AFP – A flood of top-end properties are hitting the market as businessmen seek to leave France before stiff tax hikes hit, real estate agents and financial advisors say.

“It’s nearly a general panic. Some 400 to 500 residences worth more than one million euros ($1.3 million) have come onto the Paris market,” said managers at Daniel Feau, a real-estate broker that specialises in high-end property.

While it is not yet on the scale of the exodus of rich French after the election of Socialist president Francois Mitterrand in 1981, real estate agents said, the tax plans of France’s new Socialist President Francois Hollande are having a noticeable effect.

While the Socialists’ plan to raise the tax rate to 75 percent on income above 1.0 million euros per year has generated the most headlines, a sharp increase in taxes on capital gains from the sales of stock and company stakes is pushing most people to leave, according Didier Bugeon, head of the wealth manager Equance.

No surprise there.

What you can expect in Obama’s second term.

Both Hollande and Obama believe it is the duty of businesses and business owners to lose money in order to ensure some kind of mentally-deficient “parity” with all.  Profits still continue to = “bad.”

If you really want businesses to pull out and land in some other nation yielding some kind of modern-day “Atlas Shrugged,” then keep on pushing, Socialists.  You won’t be far from your wishes.  For when you throttle the motor of business you also halt the motor of freedom.