Moron Alert: Biden speaks about “raising taxes with tax cuts”


“This is deadly earnest, man. This is deadly earnest,” the vice president said. “How they can justify, how they can justify raising taxes on the middle class that has been buried the last four years — how in Lord’s name can they justify raising their taxes with these tax cuts?”

Correct.  Read that again.  Closely.

Yes.  Biden is that stupid.


Who, after all, has control over Taxmageddon come January 1st?



The deaths behind Fast & Furious: Obama and Holder, you OWN THOSE DEATHS

Mr Obama was shocked, absolutely stunned, when Univision didn’t pitch him a series of interview “softballs” two weeks ago.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Once again, however, Obama LIED: “Fast & Furious” did not start under President Bush.  Even ABC News acknowledges this fact.

Then Univision did something worse: it found many more weapons that were linked to Fast & Furious:

The Spanish language television news network Univision unleashed a bombshell investigative report on Operation Fast and Furious Sunday evening, finding that in January 2010 drug cartel hit men slaughtered students with weapons the United States government allowed to flow to them across the Mexican border.

“On January 30, 2010, a commando of at least 20 hit men parked themselves outside a birthday party of high school and college students in Villas de Salvarcar, Ciudad Juarez,” according to a version of the Univision report in English, on the ABC News website.

“Near midnight, the assassins, later identified as hired guns for the Mexican cartel La Linea, broke into a one-story house and opened fire on a gathering of nearly 60 teenagers. Outside, lookouts gunned down a screaming neighbor and several students who had managed to escape. Fourteen young men and women were killed, and 12 more were wounded before the hit men finally fled.”

Citing a Mexican Army document it obtained and published, Univision reported that “[t]hree of the high caliber weapons fired that night in Villas de Salvarcar were linked to a gun tracing operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).”

That operation was Fast and Furious.

The result to date?  Yes: absolutely nobody in the Department of Justice was held accountable. Some lesser administrators were allowed to “resign” quietly or found themselves magically reassigned. Nobody was fired.  Nobody was arrested.

Clearly, Eric Holder has Obama’s “complete confidence” regarding Fast & Furious:

The DOJ already said it won’t prosecute Holder for contempt;

Eric Holder stonewalled handing over Fast & Furious documents;

Obama himself asserted “executive privilege” with regard to the F&F documents;

Holder himself said Fast & Furious doesn’t really mean “Fast & Furious.”

Paul Ryan said on Monday that Eric Holder has to resign and do so immediately.  In fact, Romney said in December of 2011:

“Either Mr. Holder himself should resign, or the president should ask for his resignation or remove him.  It’s unacceptable for him to continue in that position now given the fact that he has misled Congress and entirely botched the investigation of the Fast and Furious program.”

Obama is corrupt.  He is a liar.  He is at once fighting to retain his White House chair and simultaneously disengaged and disinterested in actually LEADING this country.

Trotted out nightly on the DEM/MSM?  Of course not.


Obama: stopping the military from voting!


Requests from military voters for absentee ballots have dropped significantly since 2008, according to newly released statistics, prompting claims that the Department of Defense is dragging its feet in enacting a law meant to boost military voting. 

The drop in the battleground states of Virginia and Ohio is among the most pronounced. According to statistics released Monday by The Military Voter Protection Project, the number of absentee ballot requests by both military members and other overseas voters in the two states has dropped 70 percent since 2008.   

Imagine: military absentee ballot requests down since 2008.  Let’s think about that for a moment — oh yeah.  That’s when Barack Hussein Obama came to town!

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said the numbers mark a “serious failure” by the Pentagon. 

“This is an unacceptable failure by Pentagon leaders to comply with the law and ensure our service members and their families are able to exercise one of the most fundamental rights for which they sacrifice every day,” he said in a statement. 

As Hugh Hewitt wrote: if it’s not close, they can’t cheat.

And the Demorats are cheating as never before.

Ladies and gentlemen: you cannot afford to “stay home” in November, as many Republicans did in 2008.



Your advice to Romney for Wednesday’s debate with Obama?

What would YOUR advice be to Mitt Romney for this coming Wednesday evening’s domestic policy debate with Barack Hussein Obama? [2012 Presidential Debate Schedule is here.]

My immediate advice would be this:

  • Get under the skin of Mr Obama early;
  • Let people see the real B. Hussein Obama;
  • Kill him with FACTS;
  • Point out his shortfalls in domestic policy;
  • Again, hit him with facts: GM, bailouts, the budget deficit, the true cost of ObakaKare, the true cost of CapNTax, the failure of QE1, 2 and 3, Taxmageddon, not one vote for even one of his proposed budgets (Ryan’s got more votes!), Solyndra, complete lack of transparency, his arrogance, his detachment, his disinterest, his lies.

Everyone knows that Mr Obama’s ability to speak contemporaneously is seriously lacking absent a certain piece of technology.  Everyone also knows that in the bulk of the GOP debates Mr Romney came out consistently as the top two best speakers.  Mr Obama tends to fall apart when one does not display the proper formal obeisance.  He dissembles, he stutters, he “ums” and “uhs.”

Mr Obama is an Elitist who doesn’t deserve the title and whose dues have never been paid.

He is thin-skinned, he hasn’t had to work at an actual difficult job, in terms of physical labor or otherwise, a day of his life.  He never had to meet a payroll.  He never had to deal with difficult employees.  He never had to deal with governmental regulations.  He never had to deal with workers comp claims.  He never had to deal with people calling in sick or simply not showing up for work.  He never had to deal with a fryer or a refrigerator that broke down.  He never had to meet business taxes.  He never actually created one fucking job in his life.  Mitt Romney did that and infinitely more.  With humility and logic and planning.

Mr Obama fractures because he cannot take heat and he cannot take confrontation.

Mr Romney needs to provide that heat and that confrontation.

Immediately.  Up front.  In order to promptly set the tone throughout the rest of the debates.

Your thoughts?



These people vote:

I tried not to post this, because the people here are so incredibly daft, but they are indicative of a particular mindset in a particular community and series of communities.

First up to bid, a video that is now a classic:

Next, a card-carrying SEIU-paid supporter indicates Romney promises to tax people who have no money:

We now display for your continuing entertainment more SEIU-paid protesters at a Cleveland, Ohio Romney event, September 26th.  SEIU paid the protesters a massive $11 an hour:

Let’s see, the federal “minimum wage” is $7.25 an hour. In Ohio, it’s $7.70.  I thought Leftists and Progressives paid people an actual “living wage.”  There won’t be much living and benefits on $11.00 an hour, for a temporary job, Leftists.

For an interesting change-up, here is an average younger GOWP who believes that Ambassador Christopher Stevens “probably had it coming.”

I’m glad to see that Leftists and Obama supporters are continuing to be the kind, expressive and caring individuals we always knew them to be.

But here’s a bit of the kicker: some fronts are indicating that the mere mentioning or reproduction of the first video above is racist.  Yes.  Correct.  Pointing out that an individual is an uneducated dupe is racist — if the uneducated dupe is black.

You know, with everything else taken in perspective and the rest of the baggage slung on Romney, Republicans and Conservatives, it all makes sense now, doesn’t it?