Another business fleeing Fornicalia THIS WEEK: Campbell’s Soup

It comes as no surprise to those who read my blog that I live high in the Sierra Nevada mountains and work in Sacramento, Fornicalia.

There is a reason for this.

Sacramento, of course, being the capital of Fornicalia and, thusly, the proverbial Belly of the Beast.  The Demorat Belly of the Beast.

The Beast that is responsible for the continuing destruction of this once-beautiful and once-proud state.  Taken down and disassembled peg-by-peg and piece-by-piece at the hands of Leftists, Socialists, Demorats and Social Experimenters.

To the point, now, where the state finds itself in financial insolvency, disarray, and its counties and cities charged with heeding not only onerous federal mandates but those of the state itself, as well.

Resulting in the breaking and bankruptcy of various cities and counties within Fornicalia.

And, perhaps, time to reflect: why have I always termed my state, California, as “Fornicalia“?

It is because my state ends up fucking itself as well as its inhabitants, its neighbors, its friends, its enemies — damned near everyone into which it comes in contact.

And so it continues.

In Sacramento, I recently wrote about Comcast leaving Sacramento’s call centers behind for other states.  Comcast is fleeing Fornicalia.  And rightly so.

Now, this Thursday, another major Sacramento manufacturer — Campbell’s Soupannounced it is pulling up stakes and leaving the state wholesale, to the tune of 700 jobs.  No, no “relocations.”  No, no “re-training.”  Simply leaving and laying off workers.  It has been a presence in Sacramento since 1947.

In a sentence, Sacramento lost 1,000 jobs in one week.

Demorats control the state.  They control Sacramento.  They control the electorate.  They control the purse strings.  They control all the politics.  They control the bribes, the corruption, the naked causticity of that Belly of the Beast.  Republicans and Conservatives in Sacramento and my state are nothing more than an asterisk, an addendum, a bibliography.

That said, could one possibly conclude that Fornicalia Demorat Senate President proTem Darrell Steinberg would be potentially a tad bit “concerned” when two major businesses flee the state’s capital in one week?  Hello?  Even a wee bit concerned?

Uh, no.  Apparently not.  In fact, Steinberg decided to double down:

“Senator Darrell Steinberg says that despite the Campbell’s factory shutting down, the private sector in Sacramento is improving.”



Steinberg: Economic Climate Not To Blame For Companies Leaving Region

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Lawmakers reacted to the shut down of the Campbell’s plant Thursday.

At the capital, Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg says despite this latest shutdown of the Cambell’s factory, the private sector in Sacramento is actually improving.

“Facts are stubborn things, and the facts are the facts,” said Steinberg.

Within the past week, Sacramento has lost 1,000 jobs, but Steinberg says the state shouldn’t be taking the blame.

“It’s not California’s or Sacramento’s business climate, in fact, evidence is to the contrary,” said Steinberg.


But another fact remains; businesses are leaving California besides Comcast and Campbell’s. Waste Connections is leaving the area for Texas due to what their CEO called an unfriendly business climate in California, and Rancho Cordova based Vision Service Plan is threatening to follow.

But here’s the frosting on the cake:

“Come on in, talk to me, talk to the governor’s office, if there’s things we can do, things that can keep you in California and we’ll be glad to act,” said Steinberg.


It’s Business’s JOB to solicit Sacramento for workable situations.

I say NO.

It’s Sacramento’s job to beg for businesses to STAY!

So: THANKS Demorats.  You resolute losers.




“End of Watch” — for the nation

I attended a Sunday showing of the new David Ayer film, “END OF WATCH.”

At its conclusion, I couldn’t help but make some linkages and indulge in a tad bit of introspection.

First, “End of Watch” is notTraining Day.”

I would recommend EOW to everyone looking for a remarkably accurate portrayal of police work in a big city rife with gangs, violence, mixed races and endless challenges for law enforcement.  It does an excellent job of displaying the best and the worst of humanity.  It does an excellent job of illustrating how the current young mixed generation of cops deal with the concepts of evil, sacrifice, history, courage, violence, reality, insanity, family, support, camaraderie, cliques, teams, and a greater awareness and sense of self.  And, moreover, how they are the video, social media, explicit, unabashed, put-everything-out-there generation — with little concern for the concomitant consequences.

That said, I wanted to investigate the making of the film.  America Ferrera has an interesting insight in this article. As in: the neighborhoods were true and correct.  As were a bulk of the “actors” in the “background.”  I won’t event speculate as to the amounts of cash that had to flow for the movie company to work unimpeded in L.A.

And that made me think further:

Perhaps there is an actual coming “end of watch” for our nation as well.  Further: the reasons are so clearly illustrated in this film.

There are not only individual persons but gangs and neighborhoods and communities and areas and subdivisions and cities and states reliant but upon the continual flow of local, state and federal cash.  Welfare cash.  Free cash.  Cash undeserved but still proffered.

As in:

But: how did we get there?  And what will we do now?  And how can we rid ourselves of this denigrating and corrupting plague?

And how did these two disparate persons/races manage to not only survive but — until the de nou mas — thrive?

How did we get here?

How did we get our cops to battle death edicts called in from foreign countries?

How did we allow MS13 “Big Evil” to exist in our suburbs in the first place?

Why do we or should we pit our civilian cops against militaristic cults, groups, gangs, unions, units or brigades from foreign military groups?

In one car: two Glock 17 pistols, six magazines, and one shotgun with six shells?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a proverbial setup for failure.

Open borders.  Versus closed borders.

Right vs wrong.

How did we get here?

And a final question:

Would your dead grandparents recognize this current country?



Truism for Sunday:

“Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured… but not everyone must prove they are a citizen.”
Now add this, “Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.”

-Ben Stein

Trust me, ladies and gentlemen, there are people who are completely unable to understand the above quote whatsoever.




OBAMA LIED — AGAIN: “Tax penalty to hit nearly 6M uninsured people”

From the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 6 million Americans — significantly more than first estimated— will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama’s health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class.

The new estimate amounts to an inconvenient fact for the administration, a reminder of what critics see as broken promises.

“An inconvenient fact.”  Translated: LIE.

The numbers from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office are 50 percent higher than a previous projection by the same office in 2010, shortly after the law passed. The earlier estimate found 4 million people would be affected in 2016, when the penalty is fully in effect.

That’s still only a sliver of the population, given that more than 150 million people currently are covered by employer plans. Nonetheless, in his first campaign for the White House, Obama pledged not to raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 a year and couples making less than $250,000.

And the budget office analysis found that nearly 80 percent of those who’ll face the penalty would be making up to or less than five times the federal poverty level. Currently that would work out to $55,850 or less for an individual and $115,250 or less for a family of four.

Average penalty: about $1,200 in 2016.

So, Joe Middle Class GOWP: how’s that Obama vote working out for you?