Former Black Panther Mason Weaver tells the truth about Democrats and John Lewis

Like a lot of people, I’ve been conditioned to think that when I’m about to hear a response from a former Black Panther concerning Georgia’s Representative John Lewis and his labeling of the coming Trump presidency as “illegitimate,” I’m going to witness a polemic about evil Republican Caucasoids.

I couldn’t have been more surprised when Tucker Carlson interviewed former Black Panther Mason Weaver on his Monday show

It would appear that Mr Weaver speaks a closely guarded truth that almost no one, from the Left to some of the Right, wants to hear. Mason Weaver named and shamed, including John Lewis, Al Sharpton and the Congressional Black Caucus.

Mason Weaver (@masonweaver) called John Lewis a “civil rights turncoat,” “fraud” and “sellout” who at one point in his early life faced “tear gas and dogs” in black protests alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. — taking a brick in the head on March 7th of 1965 when he and Hosea Williams led 600 marchers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama — but now works for his “oppressor” whom Weaver quantified as the Democrat Party, in alignment with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Mr Weaver said that Lewis has “gotten rich, as black America has gotten more poor. He’s gotten more powerful, as black America has gotten more poor.”

“John Lewis, bless his heart — it took courage to do what he did in his early life. What he has done now, he has turned himself to his enemy.”


Weaver said that Lewis is like “a little girl being beaten by Daddy and joins Daddy,” and “a woman beaten by her husband who joins the husband.”

From the FoxNewsInsider:

Responding to Lewis’ contention that President-elect Donald Trump is “not a legitimate president”, Weaver called Lewis an “illegitimate Congressman.”

Weaver called Lewis a “Civil Rights turncoat” who has “collaborated with the Democratic Party to oppress black America.”

He said the people who beat and ran over Lewis and his fellow marchers that day were Democrats, also pointing to the party affiliation of former Gov. George Wallace (D-Ala.), an avowed segregationist of the time.

“After they beat his behind on that bridge… he got up and joined them,” Weaver said of Lewis. “He joined the oppressors and became a stooge for them.”

Weaver said he could not understand why any African-American could identify as a Democrat, calling them the “party of the Klan” and the “party that went to war to keep slaves.”

“If you’re a real man, John Lewis, you stand up tomorrow and you apologize,” Weaver said.

Just as “only Nixon can go to China,” only Mason Weaver can apparently tell the truth about American blacks and the Demorat party.

Refreshingly honest.

Because you know it’s true.



Bill Whittle on Ferguson: some common sense


  • In 2010, 62,593 blacks were the victims of white violence.
  • In 2010, 320,082 whites were the victims of black violence — 5 times greater.
  • Black perpetrators violently assault white victims 25 times more frequently.
  • In aggrevated assaults, black-on-white crimes are 200 times higher than white-on-black crimes.

Where is Mr Obama’s “post-racial future”?



In the voices of blacks themselves:

Interesting to see just who these racists wish to murder.  .  .

And, by the way, this video is sponsored and featured via  His lovely FaceBuch page is here.  You all need to see it.  I wrote about this racist, earlier, here.

Because, in a role reversal, had a Caucasoid male been employed by DHS and sponsored this amount of hate, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and advocation of violence and murder, he would not only be fired but be facing local hate crime charges, federal prosecution by Holder’s DOJ, and a subsequent civil prosecution as well.


Interview of Dr. Khallid Muhammad is by Phil Donohue, in 1994.  Full interview is hereMuhammad was shot by James Bess, a former NOI member, after he spoke at the University of California at Riverside on May 29, 1994.

Correct.  Murdered by a fellow black Nation of Islam member.



Black racist, an employee of DHS, advocates “killing a lot of whites”

War on the HorizonReverse racism once again?  Check this out:

by Abby Ohlheiser 622,584 ViewsAug 21, 2013

A Department of Homeland Security employee who works on, among other things, the procurement of guns and ammunition for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, spends his nights and weekends preparing for a coming race war and advocating for anti-gay causes, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Meet Ayo Kimathi, a.k.a. “the Irritated Genie,” who told his bosses at the DHS that his anti-white, anti-gay site, “War is on the Horizon,” was just an entertainment site that sells concert and lecture videos.

The site? (the server was down as of this writing).

The opening page of Kimathi’s website describes the group as “a Haitianist organization created for the purpose of preparing black people worldwide for an unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race. Whites around the world are absolutely determined to exterminate Afrikan (sic) people in all corners of the Earth.”

“Warfare is eminent, and in order for black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites — more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” reads a 2010 post titled “Black Ethnic Cleansing: An Idea Whose Time Has Come.” ”Waging war against whites is at the core of the Afrikan warrior’s spirit. It’s the flame that drives our willingness to fight in the face of certain defeat and/or death.”

And let us not forget — oh joy — this black racist is employed by the federal government and tasked with the acquisition of firearms and ammunition for ICE.

Of course, no one could possibly have foreseen that Ayo Kimathi brought his racist views to the federal work site.  Just as no one could have foreseen the Islamist views of Major Nidal Hassan.  As in: everyone knew about Nidal Hassan but afraid to act for fear of being perceived as anti-Muslim — just as I suspect everyone at Kimathi’s work site knows that he’s a racist but afraid to act because he is black.

I summarize once again: I am past tired of a continuing and unrelenting accusatory finger pointed at Caucasoids for being unmitigated racists.  I am done with being a door-mat for the Racial Industry and Poverty Pimps.  Until everyone is truly equal, and all are responsible and held to account for their racist views — on every side — then there is no true equality.

And I shall not stop pointing out the glaring and ignored inequalities.



The unreported reverse racism marches on:

Delbert-BeltonCheck this out.  It is a race crime, plain and simple.

Un- or -under reported?  Naturally.  The race of the suspects plastered up front, early in the article, as it would have been had the suspects been white and the victim black?

Of course not.


Patrick Buchanan weighs in here.