Fox News: “The Tangled Clinton Web”

It isn’t just Fox News writing and talking about Clinton corruption, on the heels of the upcoming book “Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer.

It’s the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post.

With luck, you were able to watch “The Tangled Clinton Web” this past Friday on Fox.

American uranium could well be sent, through Russian-controlled UraniumOne — ultimately controlled by Vladimir Putin — to Russia’s satellite state, Iran.  Is this why Obama is pushing so hard to let Iran off the nuclear hook?

Watch out Hillary, your corruption may finally be catching up with you.  Perhaps your Far Leftists — who quite dislike you — are correct: you’re a horrible Corporatist.

It’s all about you and Bill, and about making the two of you much more rich and much more powerful.  America can go to hell.



Hillary: the problems pile up

First, check this article by the

Also recommended is this by the New York Times; quite in-depth.

And this from the Washington Post.

The Patriot Post writes, in a succinct summary:

Today, Russia controls a fifth of the uranium production in the United States, according to The New York Times. Needless to say, this is the bitter fruit of the Obama administration’s foolish “Russian reset.” Thanks, Hillary Clinton. While a Russian company was taking over energy company Uranium One from 2009 to 2013, millions of dollars tied to the company’s previous owners ended up in the Clinton Foundation’s coffers. When the deal was made public, Bill Clinton was invited to speak to a Kremlin-linked bank that was promoting the stock of Uranium One. He was paid $500,000. So not only did the Clintons profit off of Russia, but Hillary did so while damaging national security in her critical position at the State Department.

That is the crux of the biscuit.  The Clintons are corrupt to the core.  This is not, however, news to those with intelligence.

The overarching question is: will it have any affect on Hillary’s campaign?

Please weigh in.