BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 4-26-18

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

BZ led into the show with Happy Stories, to include those involving Pompeo, Grenell, SCOTUS, Trump and any number of other topics. I talked about the East Area Rapist arrest and sounded the clarion call for America to gird her borders because roughly all of Central and South America is unstable and likely soon to flood our southern borders — as witness the current “caravan” sitting currently in Tijuana.

Plus more rampant political foolishness.

For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-execrable potty-mouthed goodness.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 4-26-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow in the middle of the video. Please SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color), click right here. Kindly LIKE us on Facebook.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember that BZ can only monitor the SHRMEDIA.COM chat — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. If you wish to interact with myself and the bulk of the chatters, I heartily recommend and invite you into the SHR Media page for complete and utter satisfaction or triple your money back. Only a slight 92% restocking fee involved. Offer not valid in Bolivia or on Zephron.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTube? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, January 25th, 2018

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Tonight we spoke about leadership, or the lack thereof. We also talked about reality and about Leftists attempting to capture votes in perpetuity via illegal aliens. We also featured two great articles by Kurt Schlichter and Matthew Betley.

These topics were covered, and more:

We began the show with the tolling of Big Ben, Winston Churchill’s “Fight On The Beaches” speech, and Churchill planning for D-Day in honor of true leadership in times of crisis; England at the time truly believed it would be defeated by Germany after all the conciliatory machinations by the Quisling Neville Chamberlain;

  • Bill Clinton gets addressed on the streets of NYC: “how’s Monica?”
  • Brian Shul’s “L.A. Speed Check”;
  • Landmark global warming study debunks high end temperature increases;
  • headline: “NASA wants to probe Uranus in search of gas”;
  • People we lost in 2017;
  • NYT: Trump ordered Mueller fired;
  • WSJ: Trump proposes citizenship for 1.8 million “Dreamers”;
  • Kurt Schlichter article: “Will Trump Go Sloppy & Soft On Illegal Immigration?”
  • SCOTUS to hear most recent Trump travel ban;
  • Illegal Aliens are quietly redistributed around the US;
  • Matthew Betley article: “When Our Leaders Fail Us“;
  • It will be proven that the “dossier” was the source for an illegal FISA warrant;

And so much more buttery political goodness!

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 1-25-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on the red start button. Fear not, it’s actually the Berserk Bobcat Saloon and not the Sack Heads Radio Show.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
  • Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.
  • Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here.
  • Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Trump “travel ban” ALLOWED by US Supreme Court

As we suspected, there is Fake Law as well as Fake News.

The lower federal courts who consistently and in a clearly-biased fashion continuously overturned President Trump’s so-called “travel ban” from dangerous Middle Eastern countries in order to more closely attempt to vet who is allowed into the United States have had their rulings overturned today — Monday — by the US Supreme Court.


Supreme Court allows President Trump’s travel ban to go fully into effect

  • The Supreme Court is allowing President Donald Trump’s latest travel ban on six Muslim-majority nations to go into effect.
  • Two of the nine justices — Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor — dissented.
  • The ban applies to travelers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen

The Supreme Court is allowing the Trump administration to fully enforce a ban on travel to the United States by residents of six mostly Muslim countries.

The justices, with two dissenting votes, said Monday that the policy can take full effect even as legal challenges against it make their way through the courts. The action suggests the high court could uphold the latest version of the ban that Trump announced in September.

The ban applies to travelers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Lower courts had said people from those nations with a claim of a “bona fide” relationship with someone in the United States could not be kept out of the country. Grandparents, cousins and other relatives were among those courts said could not be excluded.

What the American Media Maggots will not, trust me, emphasize is that this was a 7 to 2 ruling, meaning that damned near all jurists ruled in favor of the travel ban.

Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor would have left the lower court orders in place.

That means Kennedy, Breyer and Kagan — liberal and swing members — voted in favor of affirming the travel ban. We now know where Ginsburg and Sotomayor side.

Ginsburg was a dissenting vote because it’s what she does. We expect no less. Sotomayor voted as a dissent because she is a supporter of illegals — it’s that simple.

Finally, an indicator that the United States federal judiciary has not gone totally off the rails.



One new win for the 2nd Amendment

At a time when we in the United States find the Second Amendment challenged on any number of levels, most certainly in blue states like Fornicalia, and when any number of citizens in Europe wish they had their own version of the Second Amendment, there comes the occasional federal ruling chalked up into the “win” column.

Such was a recent opinion this past week.


Federal court strikes down DC anti-concealed carry law

by Josh Delk

A federal appeals court reportedly ruled on Tuesday that a Washington, D.C., law requiring people to prove they have “proper reason” for a concealed-carry gun permit is unconstitutional.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the law, which requires people to show “proper reason to fear injury” in order to carry a firearm, is unconstitutional and a violation of D.C. residents’ Second Amendment rights. 

Let’s remember this, shall we? The DC Court of Appeals is the second most powerful court in the nation, directly behind SCOTUS.

According to the law, acceptable reasons to get a permit included jobs that required employees to protect valuables or if an individual had been threatened. 

Hello? Earth to Common Sense? For once we appear to be communicating.

Nothing succeeds like success.



SCOTUS ruling on the First Amendment

Sadly, this slipped by me until now.

The US Supreme just recently released a terribly important opinion on a First Amendment case,

One that will and has upset and pissed off Leftists nationally and globally.

From the

Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment

by Eugene Volokh

From today’s opinion by Justice Samuel Alito (for four justices) in Matal v. Tam, the “Slants” case:

[The idea that the government may restrict] speech expressing ideas that offend … strikes at the heart of the First Amendment. Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express “the thought that we hate.”

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote separately, also for four justices, but on this point the opinions agreed:

A law found to discriminate based on viewpoint is an “egregious form of content discrimination,” which is “presumptively unconstitutional.” … A law that can be directed against speech found offensive to some portion of the public can be turned against minority and dissenting views to the detriment of all. The First Amendment does not entrust that power to the government’s benevolence. Instead, our reliance must be on the substantial safeguards of free and open discussion in a democratic society.

Yes. You read that right. This was a unanimous decision, 8 to 0 (Neil Gorsuch was not on the court when the case was argued). The US Supreme Court incontrovertibly and undeniably upheld our right to free speech. Even the Leftists.

How sad to think that I would — even for one moment — be concerned about this case, as clear to me as it appeared.

And the justices made clear that speech that some view as racially offensive is protected not just against outright prohibition but also against lesser restrictions. In Matal, the government refused to register “The Slants” as a band’s trademark, on the ground that the name might be seen as demeaning to Asian Americans. The government wasn’t trying to forbid the band from using the mark; it was just denying it certain protections that trademarks get against unauthorized use by third parties. But even in this sort of program, the court held, viewpoint discrimination — including against allegedly racially offensive viewpoints — is unconstitutional. And this no-viewpoint-discrimination principle has long been seen as applying to exclusion of speakers from universities, denial of tax exemptions to nonprofits, and much more.

In other words, speech that simply makes you “uncomfortable” and prompts you to head for your “safe space” is still protected speech in these United States of America, no matter what anyone happens to say or think on US college campuses.

I wonder, however, what would happen if I were to attempt to register “The Crackas” as my band’s trademark when it consisted of all Caucasoids?

Oh yes. This: not one fuck given or one shit proffered.

GOWPs. Guilty Overeducated White People.

Even Noam Chomsky believes in free speech, and on campuses.

My final comment: were you aware that the United States of America is one of the very, very few Western Civilization countries left that does not have a “hate speech” law guaranteeing prosecution of that vastly nebulous phrase?

Be thankful.

Be very, very thankful.

But be very, very mindful.