These people vote:

I tried not to post this, because the people here are so incredibly daft, but they are indicative of a particular mindset in a particular community and series of communities.

First up to bid, a video that is now a classic:

Next, a card-carrying SEIU-paid supporter indicates Romney promises to tax people who have no money:

We now display for your continuing entertainment more SEIU-paid protesters at a Cleveland, Ohio Romney event, September 26th.  SEIU paid the protesters a massive $11 an hour:

Let’s see, the federal “minimum wage” is $7.25 an hour. In Ohio, it’s $7.70.  I thought Leftists and Progressives paid people an actual “living wage.”  There won’t be much living and benefits on $11.00 an hour, for a temporary job, Leftists.

For an interesting change-up, here is an average younger GOWP who believes that Ambassador Christopher Stevens “probably had it coming.”

I’m glad to see that Leftists and Obama supporters are continuing to be the kind, expressive and caring individuals we always knew them to be.

But here’s a bit of the kicker: some fronts are indicating that the mere mentioning or reproduction of the first video above is racist.  Yes.  Correct.  Pointing out that an individual is an uneducated dupe is racist — if the uneducated dupe is black.

You know, with everything else taken in perspective and the rest of the baggage slung on Romney, Republicans and Conservatives, it all makes sense now, doesn’t it?