SCOTUS Leftist female bias, violent physical threats

scotus-ginsburg-sotomayorAnd they’ve come from two of the sitting females.

Can you imagine what would occur had any remotely right-leaning Supreme Court male jurist said similar things?

Another in a continuing series of reasons why America is calling bullshite on the Left.

First, from Ruth Bader Ginsburg via

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a ‘faker,’ he says she should resign

by Joan Biskupic

Washington (CNN) Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s well-known candor was on display in her chambers late Monday, when she declined to retreat from her earlier criticism of Donald Trump and even elaborated on it.

“He is a faker,” she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. “He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. … How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that.”

It is highly unusual for a justice to make such politically charged remarks, and some critics said she crossed the line. House Speaker Paul Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday night the comments were “out of place.”

“For someone on the Supreme Court who is going to be calling balls and strikes in the future based upon whatever the next president and Congress does, that strikes me as inherently biased and out of the realm.”

But that, as Captain Beefheart once said, is “safe as milk.” Sonia Sotomayor went over the top. From

Sonia Sotomayor Says She Would Have Bashed Scalia with a Baseball Bat

by Thomas D. Williams PhD

In an unguarded moment Monday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said that conservative Justice Antonin Scalia occasionally made her so angry that she would have beaten him with a baseball bat if she could have.

During a Q&A session at the University of Minnesota with some 2,700 people present, Sotomayor admitted that Scalia’s opinions sometimes infuriated her.

“There are things he’s said on the bench,” Sotomayor told the room full of lawyers and students, “where if I had a baseball bat, I might have used it.”


And the same individual who said this:

I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.

And apparently you — like most Leftists — automatically deign to know and understand my life more intimately than I do. Wisdom, you “latina,” doesn’t suddenly visit through your jaundiced perspex simply because you are allegedly well-educated or passed a bar examination. In fact, some of the most stupid persons I’ve ever met, with regard to the real world, are “highly-educated” and/or attorneys. You wouldn’t trust them to safely open a jar of Prego or a cylinder of Pillsbury biscuits.

As I’ve said a thousand times, it isn’t what you’ve been taught; it’s what you’ve learned.



Obama DID filibuster Samuel Alito

Mr Obama can’t stand it that Republicans are indicating they may filibuster any Obama nominee until after November’s election.

How dare they?

Some Republicans have made it clear they believe the next president, Republican or Demorat, should be the one making such a nomination — with the full power of the electorate behind them.

Mr Obama lies once again when he states there is a constitutional requirement to make such an appointment.  There is no constitutional “requirement” for the president to immediately replace a Supreme Court justice.

The American Media Maggots — and Mr Obama himself — seem to mostly so conveniently minimize the fact that Obama filibustered Samuel Alito when he was nominated by a Republican president.

As you can see, Mr Obama verbally tapdances around the question — as he must, because he has been caught.  Having been caught, he says he “regrets” his actions back then.

Uh, no.  He only “regrets” it because he doesn’t want done to him what he did to the Republicans.

Hypocrisy, thy name continues to be Obama.



The Perfect Storm of nominees for Obama, Demorats and Leftists?  That would be Loretta Lynch for SCOTUS and then Kamala Harris to replace Lynch as AG.


Democrats: confirm any Obama nomination

Democrats are strident about ensuring confirmation of any candidate that Barack Hussein Obama nominates for justice, as a replacement for Antonin Scalia.  Hillary Clinton is saying “the Republicans in the Senate and on the campaign trail who are calling for Justice Scalia’s seat to remain vacant dishonor our Constitution.  The Senate has a constitutional responsibility here that it cannot abdicate for partisan political reasons.”

In other words: hurry up and fill the position with a Leftist in order to skew SCOTUS to the left for decades to come.

Isn’t it odd, then, that Chuck Schumer absolutely insisted that “we should not confirm any Bush nominee except in extraordinary circumstances” in 2007?

Pot and kettle?  Rammpant Leftist hypocrisy anyone?



Antonin Scalia: another Mel Gibson movie?

Scalia Death 1It’s no surprise for those Americans who are paying attention that the death of 79-year-old Justice Antonin Scalia, placed in something of a vacuum, creates a massive series of issues for not just the Supreme Court of the United States, but for the entire political tent in DC and the societal atmosphere of the United States.

That is to say, this is a huge political issue insofar as Demorats want to make as Left a nomination as possible, and Republicans seem to generally want the next president to make the nomination.

In a way these wants are immaterial insofar as Mr Obama has the lawful authority to make what is termed a “recess appointment” as the US Senate, which customarily approves presidential nominations for SCOTUS, is in recess and not slated to return until February 22nd, a week from today.

A recess appointment allows a sitting president to temporarily fill a court vacancy.  ScotusBlog writes:

The presidential authority at issue in this possible scenario exists, according to Article II, when the Senate has gone into recess and the vacancy a president seeks to fill remains.  Such an appointment requires no action at all by the Senate, but the appointee can only serve until the end of the following Senate session.  The president (if still in office) can then try again during a new Senate session, by making a new nomination, and that must be reviewed by the Senate.

The bottom line is that, if President Obama is to successfully name a new Supreme Court Justice, he will have to run the gauntlet of the Republican-controlled Senate, and prevail there.  The only real chance of that: if he picks a nominee so universally admired that it would be too embarrassing for the Senate not to respond.

The entire nature of the US Supreme Court is on the cusp of a major upheaval which could change the complexion and the bent of the court for at least an entire generation.  Both Demorats and Republicans realize the deadly-serious nature of the situation because, up to this point, a large number of critical cases heard by SCOTUS have hinged, literally, on the vote of one sole justice to the tune of 5-to-4.  Cases of huge societal import are about to be heard, to include the first major abortion case in a decade, affirmative action, immigration and voting rights.

Clearly, cases of paramount concern.

Of sufficient concern to kill a sitting justice?

Isn’t that just tinfoil-hat-wearing, Conspiracy Theory, full-tilt Moonbat Thinking?  To even write about it here?

I was on Twitter last night and corresponded back and forth with war correspondent Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard, whom I follow and follows me back), who made me aware of the fact that Justice Scalia is to be buried with no autopsy.  He questioned the wisdom of this.  He pointed out to me that the owner of Cibola Creek Ranch, where Scalia Death 5 Cibolo Creek Ranch MapJustice Scalia had passed away, is John Poindexter and a Democrat donor who had been honored by Mr Obama at the White House.  Dollard also had questions:

Scalia Death 6, Dollard QuestionsInteresting questions, which became more interesting when I was pointed to an article from a local Texas website — not InfoWars and not ConspiracyZone.

The wrote about the discovery of the jurist:

Eventually, Poindexter entered the silent room, apprehensive.

“I was worried I was going to find something very tragic,” he said.

He spotted Scalia, still in his pajamas.

“He was in perfect repose in his bed as if he was taking a nap. His face wasn’t contorted or anything,” Poindexter said. “I went over and felt his hand and it was very cold, no pulse. You could see he was not alive.”

Scalia Death 8, BedroomThen this:

Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara told WFAA Dallas that she pronounced Scalia dead due to a heart attack, but Lujan said he had not seen a death certificate reflecting that. Guevara did not immediately return calls Sunday.

The judge had not physically seen the body of Scalia. writes:

Chris Lujan, a manager for Sunset Funeral Homes, said about 20 law enforcement officers arrived early Sunday morning at the funeral home. The procession traveled more than three hours from the West Texas resort ranch where Scalia, 79, was found dead in his room Saturday morning.

Lujan says Scalia’s body was taken from the facility late Sunday afternoon. Lujan says it was to be taken to Virginia, but he didn’t know exactly where.

Lujan says an autopsy was not performed.

He says Scalia’s family didn’t think a private autopsy was necessary and requested his remains be flown home as soon as possible.

The county official who declared Scalia dead Saturday did not order an autopsy after finding he had died of natural causes. She said investigators told her there were no signs of foul play.

The Washington Post wrote:

It then took hours for authorities in remote West Texas to find a justice of the peace, officials said Sunday. When they did, she pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body and decided not to order an autopsy. A second justice of the peace, who was called but couldn’t get to Scalia’s body in time, said she would have ordered an autopsy.

As late as Sunday afternoon, there were conflicting reports about whether an autopsy would be performed, though officials later said Scalia’s body was being embalmed and there would be no autopsy. One report, by WFAA-TV in Dallas, said the death certificate would show the cause of the death was a heart attack.

On its face, at least in California, it isn’t out of the ordinary for the surviving family members to not call for an autopsy on a loved one — and the county coroner will generally agree — if the fact patterns are such that the loved one was under the care of a personal physician for a specific set of medical issues and there is good causal linkage made between the treated medical issues and circumstances of the death of the individual.  The family must agree and the physician must agree, with concurrence of the coroner and involved coroner’s investigator, for the dismissal of an autopsy.  In other words, was the death unforeseen?

Also interesting from, again, the Washington Post:

“It wasn’t a heart attack,” Guevara said. “He died of natural causes.”

Not a heart attack?  How do you know?  What was responsible?  Oh, that’s right, we won’t know, there won’t be an autopsy.  “The family did not believe an autopsy was necessary.”

Back to the article:

When Poindexter tried to awaken Scalia about 8:30 the next morning, the judge’s door was locked and he did not answer. Three hours later, Poindexter returned after an outing, with a friend of Scalia who had come from Washington with him.

“We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled,” said Poindexter.

My personal first thought: petechiae?

Why was that sentence left out of other articles?

Of additional interest is the fact that Scalia had apparently declined the presence of US Marshals (as bodyguards) while present at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Texas.  That fact would not have been a secret to all.

John Poindexter, owner of the property, found the body of Anonin Scalia.

Patrick Dollard logically asked:

Scalia Death 7, Dollard Tweets SituationFrankly, with events as volatile as they are in DC, and in consideration of the constant 5-to-4 decisions from SCOTUS — with major cases soon on the horizon — my buzzing wheelhouse cannot but think of a man named William Colby.

And this: embalming fluids contain formaldehyde, various solvents and methanol.  All of those chemicals act as inhibitors and will interfere with any tox screen.

Not saying.

Just asking.



In the meantime, Demorats use Scalia’s death as impetus for fund raising, and “modern liberals” gloat over his passing.

Good times.


Antonin Scalia, SCOTUS justice, dead at age of 79

SCOTUS Antonin Scalia Dead, 2-13-2016At this point, all that is know about the passing of Justice Scalia is that he died during a hunting trip in west Texas.

Leftists couldn’t be happier.  I haven’t checked the various Leftist blogs and sites but I’m certain they are replete with obscenities and glee about Scalia’s passing.

Scalia was a non-politically correct individual who was responsible for the Heller decision.  He was also a “textualist,” meaning that he believed what the Constitution said according to the words as written, and left little for interpretation according to fluctuating surrounding societal times.  Since he couldn’t argue in front of the justices himself, he would use the questions he asked of presenting attorneys as his arguments to the rest of the bench.

A court is now left that is essentially split four to four, almost literally.  There will be no “Kennedy as tie-breaker.”

This is going to be a massive issue in DC, as SCOTUS was on the cusp of addressing the first major abortion case in a decade, affirmative action, immigration and voting rights — important buzz issues on both sides.

Leftists are going to demand an immediate appointment.  Republicans are going to want to wait until after the election so that Americans can have more of a say.

Barack Hussein Obama attempting to appoint a successor is therefore going to be a huge issue in DC.  He and the Demorats will attempt to locate and nominate as much of a black transgendered dwarf university professor who teaches “America’s Racist, Sexist and Capitalist Past” as possible.  Obama has already appointed the last two justices, Sonia Sotomayor in 2009 and Elena Kagan in 2010.

The difference today is that the GOP is in charge of the Senate.

How “in charge”?

We are about to find out.


Essentially, nothing.  History proves, according to the National Review, that the ruling of the lower court will stand.  The 9th Circuit holding sway?  That’s not quite encouraging.  The Washington Post indicates that, no matter what, things won’t generally be going well for Conservatives, as lower courts are already stacked with Leftist appointments.

This is where the stiff spine of a GOP-controlled Senate will, frankly, mean everything.

Is McConnell up to it?