After Paris, Obama triples down on EVIL

Paris Attack Bataclan Concert Site Dead BodiesIt wasn’t enough for Mr Obama to say, on May 23rd of 2013, that “the global war on terror is over.”

It wasn’t enough for Mr Obama, the very day of the Paris attack, to say that “ISIS is contained.”  When of course it wasn’t, 129 bloody bodies later.

It wasn’t enough for Mr Obama to say that he must now “increase and accelerate” the number of Syrians we place onto hallowed US soil.  Without an adequate intelligence data base this is a terribly dangerous action which jeopardizes the lives of Americans.

Because as the Paris attacks occurred, Syrians were in fact being landed in New Orleans.  And with that information, a modicum of common sense began to occur.

There began to become pushback by US governors on the Syrian “refugee” infiltration.  It was a wonderful and timely outcome stemming from a continuing wave of insanity from Obama and DC.

Mr Obama then decided that, on Monday, it was time to triple down on his stupidity as illustrated by the graphic which reflects Obama’s actual quote.

Because, as Obama says,

“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France.  I’m too busy for that.”

Obama isn’t interested in American leadership.

Obama isn’t interested in America winning.

Mr Obama’s thoughts are inchoate, absurd, puerile, jejune, naive and, well, I’m running out of adjectives here.

What occurred in Paris can happen in any American city on any day.

“ISIS is an Obama creation.”
— Mayor Rudy Giuliani

“It would be malpractice on behalf of Islam to not take advantage of the Syrian  refugee crisis.”
— Dr Ben Carson

This is a proverbial “clash of civilizations.”  Either Islam wins or Western Civilization wins.  There is no “in between.”  There is no “moderation,” no gray area.

Mr Obama understands precisely none of it.  To him, this is a practice of artifice made in the vacuum of his mind.



US pushback: thank God it’s starting

Syrian Refugees Being REFUSEDAs I’ve said many times, frequently you can find better and more accurate reporting in the UK media.  Such is the case here.

In the wake of what occurred recently in Paris and with the flood of potential ISIS infiltrators into Europe — literally changing the face of Europe itself — it would appear that, unlike Mr Obama, state governors can actually learn from tragedy and stupidity.

There is now pushback against Obama’s plan to purposely import Muslim corruptors into the United States.

From the

Alabama, Michigan, Texas, Arkansas, Indiana and Louisiana governors start refusing Syrian refugees in wake of French terror attacks

by Associated Press

  • Alabama Governor Robert Bentley has announced he is refusing Syrian refugees relocating to his state 
  • Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan also said his state would postpone efforts until federal officials fully review security clearances and procedure
  • Governor Bobby Jindal asked the White House how many Syrian refugees have been resettled in Louisiana 
  • Gov Jindal said he wanted the information ‘in hopes that the night of horror in Paris is not duplicated here’
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas also said that they would not be allowing Syrian refugees into their states
  • Governors Mike Pence of Indiana and Charlie Baker of Massachusetts will not allow refugees into their states at this time, they said

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley has announced he is refusing Syrian refugees relocating to his state on the same day Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan said in a statement that his state would also postpone efforts until federal officials fully review security clearances and procedure.

In a news release Sunday Bentley said, ‘After full consideration of this weekend’s attacks of terror on innocent citizens in Paris, I will oppose any attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to Alabama through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

‘As your Governor, I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way.’

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas also said on Monday that they would not be allowing Syrian refugees into their states at this time.

However, it’s already too late for Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.  Syrian “refugees” are already landing in New Orleans, courtesy of Mr Obama.  Unless and until Governor Jindal likewise tells the Obama Admin: “not just no, but hell no.”  He’s already asked “how many” have been resettled in LA.  Taking bets on Governor Jindal even gettting a response from DC., South Georgia News, Weather, Sports

As Chief Dan George once said, regarding this logical and common-sense pushback: “my heart soars like an eagle.”

We need more pushback.


Syrian Refugee Governors OPPOSING

Europe rethinks guns

Gun Control European StyleThis is the sound of BZ slapping his forehead.

Gosh.  I wonder why?


In Response to Massive Influx of Refugees, Europeans Seek More Guns

by Warren Mass

As The New American has reported in multiple articles, European nations are frantically trying to accommodate the thousands of immigrants fleeing to Europe from the ongoing civil war in Syria. This massive influx, which has been described as an “invasion,” has prompted many Europeans to arm themselves, fearful that the migrants will cause a rise in violent crime, according to a report published by WorldNetDaily (WND) on October 26.

However, notes the report, citing Czech and Austrian sources, obtaining a firearm in Europe can be difficult to nearly impossible, depending on gun laws in each individual country. A Czech television reporter spoke mostly about the situation in neighboring Austria, which is in the main path of migrants traveling from Greece to their most popular destination — Germany. 

I’m sorry, but I have to readily admit that my first thought was: oh boo-hoo.  Europeans are rethinking gun control?  A tad late perhaps?

“I’m disarmed.  How do I keep me and my family safe, considering my ______ government appears to be disinterested in defending me from the invading Muslim hordes?”

And yes, they are invading Muslim hordes.  They’re certainly not Buddhist hordes.  You’re stewing, Europe, in the Leftist mess you created.  You can’t get guns now that you actually need them to defend your families?

Live with it.

The Czech reporter stated that long guns such as shotguns and rifles have been selling out in Austria, and those who haven’t already purchased one may not have an opportunity to obtain one for some time. “If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them,” noted the Czech newscaster. “All of them are currently sold out.”

Funny thing is, guns are selling like hotcakes in the United States as well this year — the exact opposite intention of the Obama Administration.  Even better, gun and ammunition purchases have “skyrocketed” in Fornicalia — particularly since Fornicalia Lt Governmor Gavin Newsom has said he’s going to put a measure on the ballot to enact even stricter gun regulations, also mandating background checks before you can purchase a single box of ammunition.

Great idea!  Let’s make criminals out of citizens and leave the real criminals themselves entirely unaffected — by letting them out of jails and prisons, minimizing property crimes (by increasing the value of a stolen item before the crime constitutes a felony) and sending drug users and dealers to rehab instead of putting them in jail.  AB 109, “realignment,” is already working like a charm (not), as is Proposition 47.  Meaning: the criminals are doing very well in Fornicalia, and property crimes are likewise blossoming.  Heroin users aren’t stupid, after all, just drugged.  They know they can steal more items before they’re charged with a felony and actually have to enter the system.

(As an aside: the effect of AB109In Los Angeles, because of the court and jail conditions associated with overcrowding, AB 109 inmates were serving anywhere from 20 percent of their sentence — after half-time was deducted. For the most serious and repeat offenders the percentage of time served peaked at around 40 percent of a sentence for the most serious offenses.  The results of both AB 109 and Prop 47?  The outcome “is criminals serving very short sentences and threatening public safety.”)

But wait until you read this:

I just returned from a gun rights meeting in Belgium, and I can attest that all over Europe people now want the means to defend themselves. Self-defense is no longer a dirty word. In countries like Austria, where it is still legal to own a firearm, gun sales are at record levels. I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment.

Yes, let’s repeat that last sentence for the brain-addled and ill-educated Leftists amongst us here (I know you’re there, I get your comments and emails):

“I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment.”

Socialists and Euro-Cheesers wishing for their own Second Amendment?

Even more astonishing:

Going back to the fears generated among Europeans by the large numbers of refugees from the Middle East, it appears that such fears are well grounded. The U.K.’s Daily Mail reported last May: “Islamic State terrorists who are hell-bent on committing atrocities in Britain are being smuggled into Europe by posing as refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean.”

Those “fears are well grounded.”  Muslim terrorists posing as “refugees.”  Oh no!  Muslims wouldn’t stoop to something as bad as that, would they?  Could they?

Listen up, American Leftists:

The Daily Mail cited as its source a Libyan security advisor, Abdul Basit Haroun, who used to live in Britain. Haroun said during a BBC Radio 5 Live Investigates program: 

[Terrorists] use the boats for their people who they want to send to Europe as the European police don’t know who is from IS and who is a normal refugee. The boat owners have a list of who to take but some people come suddenly and they’re told, “Take them with you.”…

They are for IS — 100 per cent.

Which is why I say again and continue to say: keep Syrian and all other Muslim “refugees” out of the United States of America.  ISIS has already infiltrated via our southern border.  There are ISIS elements present in the US.  My federal LE sources tell me so.

I say: let Europe, who so eschewed firearms and pointed their fingers at US “gun nuts,” stew in the juices of their own making and lack of foresight.

BZMuslims Don't Love Peace

Leftist Gun Control

When you lose your borders

When we lose our borders, we get what is occurring now next to our border in Mexico.  You get Mexican cartel gunmen murdering people in broad daylight.  You get this.

LZ 1 LZ 2 LZ 3

Mexican authorities continue to look into the kidnapping that led to a firefight that killed five Los Zetas cartel members and one Mexican soldier.  Sad.  That was at one time a very nice Lincoln Navigator with beautiful leather.  The equivalent of a Mexican hoopti.

When you lose your borders, you lose your sovereignty.  Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Demorats wish to enable that to occur even faster, by granting illegal invaders rights to ObamaKare.  She said so, specifically, in Tuesday night’s Demorat debate.  Most of the Demorat contingent tried to more of a Leftist than the next — with the exception of Jim Webb, who graduated from the naval academy, first in his class, served in the Marine Corps and, further, was Secretary of the Navy.  He received the Navy Cross, Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.  Then you have Socialist Bernie Sanders, a “conscientious objector” during Vietnam who wants to be Commander In Chief of the US military.  Can you imagine?

When you value illegals over your own countrymen, you lose your country, your sovereignty, your identity as a nation.  Go see Sicario and try not to be even more resolute that our borders absolutely must be shut and controlled.  In the meantime, an illegal alien who was deported (and came back) has raped a sleeping woman in Chicago.

Just as is happening in Europe now.  People in Europe are being removed from their own homes in order to accommodate the “refugees” from Syria.

It has been proven that the so-called “refugees” from Syria aren’t necessarily that.  The bulk of them are economic “refugees” who are taking advantage of the offer of Euro Free Cheese provided by EuroGOWPs.

The Swiss are starting to push back against the migrant crisis, and Sweden is in political turmoil over the migrant crisis and the number of “refugees” in their nation.

“Refugee” criminals are now so brazen, knowing German police will do nothing, that they have taken to social media posing with stolen property.

In Germany, 1 in 3 citizens want Angela Merkel to resign over her “open arms” refugee policy.  “Easy access” and Free Cheese are the obvious attractions for migrants.

Let’s be frank.  Europe is doomed.  Its overall visage has been fundamentally changed overnight and there is no going back.  Each country receiving Syrian “refugees” and ISIS elements (oh yes, there are ISIS elements embedded in the flood — just look at how many young males, the perfect age for soldiers, are in the throng) will not be able to turn back that clock.Syrians Fleeing From ISISCheck the photographs.  Do the research yourself.

Europe is broken.  Islam has thundered into most every country there.  This is purposeful but it is also the result of the US taking no stance and “leading from behind.”  A vacuum was created.  Putin decided to fill it, along with Islam.

This is what you get when your country is run by GOWPs of all makes and models.  Marseilles is 90% Muslim, the UK is going, as is Germany, Sweden, Switzerland.  Islam is larfing its arse off.  Islam plays Long Ball, ladies and gentlemen.

The US — though divided from that problem by the Atlantic — has its own obvious border problems.  Also taken advantage-of by Muslim elements who only must get their ankles damp.

When you lose your borders, you lose your individuality, your language, your culture, your sovereignty, everything good that was the core of your country.  Europe is learning that lesson now and so are we.

Take a peek at the photos above once more.  This is what you will begin to see inside the US in a very short time.  On American streets.  We could have stopped it but decided, politically, not to.  Just as Mexican cartels assassinate police officers, attorneys, journalists, politicians and judges in Mexico, so may they begin to do so here.

Stand by for even more terrible consequences.


Syrian Muslim Refugees