Racist Jorge Ramos: America is “our country”

Meaning: Mexico’s.

That is my opinion.

Univision’s senior journalist Jorge Ramos said that the US is their country — meaning Mexico’snot ours — meaning the rest of America.

From Breitbart.com:

Jorge Ramos: America Is ‘Our Country, Not Theirs’—‘And We Are Not Going to Leave’

by Katie McHugh

Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos declared on Friday that the United States belongs to Latino migrants, emphatically stating to a Spanish-speaking audience that “it is our country, not theirs.”

Ramos took an unusual tack, pivoting from talk of diversity and togetherness into boasts of conquest. Mass immigration, particularly illegal immigration, was a fait accompli. There is nothing the U.S. can do about it, and they must accept that America is “not their” country and that illegal aliens, particularly Latinos, “are not going to leave,” he said.

“But you know what? This is also our country. Let me repeat this: Our country, not theirs. It is our country. And we are not going to leave. We are nearly 60 million Latinos in the United States,” he continued. “And thanks to us, the United States eats, grows and, as we’ve seen today, sings and dances.”

“So when they attack us, we already know what we are going to do. We are not going to sit down. We will not shut up. And we will not leave. That is what we are going to do,” he added.

Let us not forget the word Hispandering, conjured by GOWPs.

The moderators of, for example, the 8th Demorat debates were the racists Jorge Ramos, Maria Elena Salinas and a token female Caucasoid journalista named Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post, who mostly remained silent.

When those two clear racists sat at a moderator’s panel and pushed agendas specific to only one race — Hispanics (God I hate that word) — and the name of La Raza (translated: The Race, which advocates “reconquista“) even escapes their lips, I know they are racists.

Reverse it: imagine there was a Caucasoid Channel sponsoring the GOP debates and moderators were asking what the candidates could do for whites?

Why are they racist?  Supremely easy to answer: either everyone is equal or no one is equal.

It is a conundrum I had to address at the earliest stages of my career as a law enforcement officer. Either everyone matters, or no one matters. I chose the former philosophy.

There is also La Raza. Translation: “The Race.” Meaning Mexicans. Then there is MEChA.

Can you think of an equally egregious racist statement made on behalf of Caucasoids this week? Any recent week? This year? Last year?

I cannot.



San Jose PD should be ashamed of itself


For doing very little when people were getting attacked and injured at the Trump rally in San Jose last Thursday — sometimes right in front of officers.

Perhaps I’m missing some kind of embedded and secretive point, but I saw a lot of indifference on the part of SJPD as Trump supporters found themselves hit and, like the Trump supporter in the red shirt, chased down by protesters and assaulted.  This is just the first video.  But wait; there’s more.  Oh yes, much more information.

Law enforcement operates on ROEs — Rules of Engagement — that come from command staff and also from city hall and/or the mayor.  I know that.  I spent 41 years in law enforcement, 35 years for a major California agency easily twice as large as that of San Jose’s 900 officers.

San Jose Mayor Sam LiccardoLet’s be clear.  The mayor of San Jose, Sam Liccardo, believes that it is the fault of the Trump supporters for being assaulted.  Liccardo said:

The mayor, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities and igniting problems that local police departments have to deal with.

 “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign.”

Completely ignoring the actual behavior of the unfettered Leftist rioters under the Leftist mayor’s SJPD Chief Edgardo Garciasnarky little nose last Thursday.

With that kind of rhetoric, you can mostly be assured that San Jose PD Chief Edgardo Garcia got the phone call from Liccardo, which was then was passed down via limp-wristed ROEs to the Watch Commander that day and then to the troops themselves.  Just as with Anaheim PD.  Stand down.  React only to the very worst.  If you absolutely must.  I’ll get back to that, however.

Until then, let us note just who was so terribly pleased when Edgardo Garcia was appointed — not elected — as San Jose’s Chief of Police in March of this year. Continue reading

La Raza with another racist whine

Aztlan - La RazaLa Raza, an organization that is racist foundationally and purposely (“La Raza” translates to “The Race” — as in there is no other race.) racist in nature, came out with another recent and similar racist bleat.  As in: Aztlan.

From Breitbart.com:

La Raza CEO: ‘USA! USA!’ Chants ‘Made Me Angry’

by Tony Lee

La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguia said it sickened her to hear Americans against illegal immigration chanting “USA! USA!” at protests around the country. 

Singling out the Murrieta demonstrators during her keynote address at La Raza’s annual conference in Los Angeles on Monday, Murguia accused them of having “cloaked their hatred in patriotism” by shouting “‘USA! USA!’ again and again.” 

“It made me angry,” she said. “In fact, I was outraged.”

Murguia demanded that the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants who are currently here receive amnesty and said the road to the White House for Republicans goes through the Latino community and La Raza. She also said Republicans who want to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or do not want to pass comprehensive amnesty legislation will not get Hispanic votes. And she repeatedly claimed that protesting illegal immigration was “un-American.”

“What we saw in Murrieta is not patriotism,” she asserted. “It is ugly, divisive, and yet another low in a debate I thought could not get much lower.” 

Odd, this from an individual who presides over an organization whose sole purpose is to promote “The Race” and also to promote “Reconquista,” which is the annexation, by Mexico, of much of the southwest United States.  Both are foundational goals that are by their very bent racist in nature.  Also check out the MEChA website.  Another lovely racist society believing in “Reconquista.”

At least Murguia is very clear in her bigoted ways, and does not hide behind layered rhetoric.  She states, clearly and up front, that every Mexican and South American needs to be granted immediate amnesty.  No, scratch that.  She doesn’t state, she “demands.”

Further, she happens to be a racist hypocrite, as demonstrated clearly below.

Again, from Breitart.com:

‘Viva La Raza!’ Pro-Illegal Alien Activists at Murrieta Town Hall

by Michelle Moons

Outside a community town hall meeting Wednesday in Murrieta, California, left-wing activists supporting the illegal alien transfers that had been thwarted earlier in the week chanted and intimidated community residents as they left the local high school. The town meeting had been held to address community concerns over the impact of hundreds of illegal aliens destined for processing at the Murrieta Border Patrol station.

An activist with a bullhorn spoke to direct the crowd. Shouts of, “Viva La Raza!” were raised from the crowd.

Imagine that.  Hypocrisy unrestrained.

Nothing portrays the truth like the truth.

Where, I ask, was the opprobrium of that?

Here’s where I exert Executive Privilege on my own blog, and tell La Raza President and CEO Janet Murguia: go straight to hell, you racist.  As if “your” race is “the” race.



Drawing the entitlement line: Bernadette, can you hear me?

It’s time to speak and write frankly.  Some of you may not like it.  I couldn’t care less.

There are limits to welfare, people are commencing to realize.  There are limits to benefits and entitlements.  And these limitations are starting to concern those competing for same, against illegal aliens.  Plain and simple.  Lawful citizens vs illegals.

Because some people may actually be starting to realize that The American Taxpayer has fiscal limits.

A Houston woman, Bernadette Lancelin, makes various points.

Question: are her points valid?

Watch the video:

I chose the longer video to display, which was edited for language.  Sheila Jackson Lee then gets involved therein with little enlightenment.  As far as she’s concerned, this isn’t an issue.

Lollipops and Leftist stupidity evidently solve everything.

Here is an expanded version of Lancelin’s cut, where she says what she means:

Does she have a point?

I believe she does.

“What about the kids here? In our neighborhood? Not just in this neighborhood but in our country.  All these kids? Really? Why can’t they go back?”

“I’m sorry that their parents are in poor living conditions or surroundings or whatever’s going on out there. I don’t care.  I care about what’s going on right here in my own back yard, my neighborhood.”

“Am I the only one in this community that’s out here that watches the news this morning? Oh, my god! I feel alone right now this this, and I’m very saddened by it.”

Get prepared, Bernadette.  I’m about to answer your question, and you won’t like it.

First: your concerns are by any Leftist’s standards incredibly racist.

However, you won’t get called on them because you are 1) black, and 2) female.  You hold the BF Exemptive Card.  Temporarily.

BZ-10-Year-BloggiversaryAs I’ve written for ten years now: demography is prophecy.  And the demographics don’t support you, Bernardette.  Because blacks are not procreating as rapidly as Mexicans and Central Americans.

They are bringing their women and their wombs into the United States, and having babies by the truckload.  Completely and purposely unimpeded by the current sitting US Government.

These truckloads are potential voters.  Their parents will be the current demanders for Free Cheese and their children will continue this demand into the next generation.  Ably abetted and supported by Leftists and Demorats.

Those people who want Free Cheese will continue to vote for Free Cheese and that means Demorats stay in power in perpetuity.

Caucasoids and blacks are too interested in abortions.  Their numbers are falling, not rising as contrasted with Mexicans and, now, Central Americans.

Your Rights End Where My Feelings BeginCaucasoids are interested in which iPhone is out now; which PlayStation has the best reviews, and which social media site is the newest and coolest.  They want to wear their dreadlocks and sport their tattoos and revile their so-called privilege via instructed guilt.  They are the T-ball Esteem Generation writ large, raised and monitored by Helicopter Parents.  Given a T-ball because their parents expected so much less of them.  Because just by existing they were so inherently stellar.

They want to be squeezed into mini-apartments in the center of a city with mass transportation, no individual cars, and Big Brother watching over them.  They are more than willing to eschew freedom for the allure of more and more Free Cheese.  So that they can “be themselves.”  But “themselves” involve “selfies” because, after all, “it’s all about them.”  Just as Obama’s NPD.

Big-Brother-BWCaucasoids the world over are dying out.  And possibly rightly so.  They are more than willing to trade freedom for security and — more importantly — security for a “cradle-to-grave” pablum blanket.  As long as they have their trinkets and their toys they’re just “fine with it.”  And as long as they accept Multi-Kulti.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

-Benjamin Franklin, 1755

[Note to Millennials: I am staying in my job, at my advanced age, to make sure that I piss you off with this Truism: just one of me, in my generation, makes about 2.5 of you, because you are such pussified Navel-Gazing Fucktards.  Sorry for the F-word.  But not really.  They pay me not for what I do, but what I know.  I am a Peter Drucker “knowledge worker.”]

Millennials have little if any care about our foundational documents regarding the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers.  They have no idea who Bastiat or Hegel or Ayers or Churchill or Reagan or Hitler may be.  But they know that Germany just beat Brazil in soccur.

The misspelling is purposeful.  Soccur is for pussies who embrace aerobics whilst they falsely writhe and twist on the ground for theatrics.

Still with me, Bernadette?


Because here’s the truth: you and your kind — blacks — matter in a minimal fashion day by day.  You don’t have enough kids which means you don’t kick out a sufficient number of potential Demorat voters.  Mexicans and — now — Central Americans simply have you beat.

Sorry girl.

Complain to La Raza and/or MEChA.  And you’d better click on each link.  What is the literal translation of La Raza, by the way?  Oh yes: “The Race.”

Nothing racist there, eh wot?  Nah.  Move along.

The demographics are finally catching up.  Move over for the New Boss, same as the Old Boss.