Rubio: Obama despises Netanyahu

Netanyahu WinsFirst, watch the video.  Barack Hussein Obama did all he could to ensure that Benjamin Netanyahu did not acquire re-election in Israel.  Netanyahu won despite that, and Obama is livid.  It’s time for retribution, as no one crosses Hussein.

Not a single word from the Obama Administration congratulating Netanyahu for his win.  Hold that thought.

“Barack Obama’s Democrat campaign team went to Israel, a team of five campaign managers, to coordinate the anti-Likud campaign.  Obama was literally trying to stop an ally, Benjamin Netanyahu, from being re-elected.”

One of the groups responding was literally funded by the US State Department.

It doesn’t get any more official than that.

“Is there a single country in the world with which America now has better relations than when Obama started?”

“Is there anyone who actually loves America more (under Obama) besides Iran and Cuba?”

I could make an excellent and cogent argument for a rampant and rabid case of anti-Semitism on the part of Barack Hussein Obama.

Further: Senator Marco Rubio hit the proverbial Obama nail on the Netanyahu head earlier Thursday.  From

Marco Rubio lambastes Obama for failing “to respect” Benjamin Netanyahu

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio took to the Senate floor Thursday afternoon to lash out at President Barack Obama for failing to congratulate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after his Likud Party victory in Israel’s elections on Tuesday.

“In March of 2012, he was among the first to call Putin in Russia,” Rubio said. “Or that in June in 2012, he was among the first to call Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood when they won the Egyptian presidency.” He went on to mention the election victories of the Chinese, Turkish, and Iranian leaders in recent years. “Time and again, this president has made a habit of quickly calling these leaders when they win. But as of 4:40 eastern time, as far as I know, this call has not been made.”

“That is saying a lot by someone elected at least once, if not twice using extremely divisive language,” he said, referring to Obama’s elections. However, he said that when the Iranian government appeared to have a fraudulent election and killed protestors in the street, the U.S. refused to condemn that government. 

Obama insists: up is down, black is white, right is wrong.

Rubio said he agreed with Netanyahu that conditions don’t exist now for a two-state solution “with people who teach their children that killing Jews are a glorious thing.”

The most telling — and logical — sentence is this:

“This President is making a historical mistake,” he said of Obama’s strained relationship with Netanyahu. “This is a historic and tragic mistake,” adding that it wasn’t a political issue. “If this was a Republican president doing these things, I would be giving the exact same speech. In fact, I would be even angrier.”

I can only conclude a few things:

Giuliani was correct.


Krauthammer Quote Obama

Obama: undermining Israel. Again.

It isn’t sufficient for Obama to attempt to undermine Netanyahu by funding his opponentsRead this as well.

It isn’t sufficient for Obama to work against Israel in favor of Iran, influenced as he is by his upbringing and education.

Now, Benjamin Netanyahu having reacquired the Prime Minister’s position — not by a thread but quite decisively — Obama has decided it’s time to double-down against Israel and Bibi.

Because Netanyahu played the “no two-state solution” card and ended up winning.  However, as the New York Daily News wrote, “reports that he ruled out a two-state solution are pure bunk.”  A fabrication by the Obama Administration.

That Netanyahu won rankles Obama to no end.  That and the fact that Netanyahu was asked to speak before Congress a few weeks ago regarding Iran.  Obama is weak-kneed on Iran and Muslims in general.  Upbringing and education.

Now, from

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay

by John Hudson & Colum Lynch

The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

The move follows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decisive re-election Tuesday after the incumbent publicly abandoned his commitment to negotiate a Palestinian state — the basis of more than 20 years of U.S. diplomatic efforts — and promised to continue the construction of settlements on occupied territory. The development also reflects deepening pessimism over the prospect of U.S.-brokered negotiations delivering peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Anything to cock-block Netanyahu and favor Iran over Israel.

Upbringing and education.



Here’s your loving Islam in Australia

204233-a-rioter-smashes-a-police-window-in-the-islamic-riots-in-sydney-cbdAh, Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance, non-violence.


Islamists Demand Australian Senator ‘Introduce Sharia Law’ or Be Beheaded

by Dr. Phyllis Chesler

Yesterday, terrorists threatened to “behead” Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie if she did not help “introduce sharia law in Australia.”

To her credit, Lambie had recently called for the introduction of the death penalty for terrorists and had been quoted as saying: “If you don’t like our Australian law… then pack your bags and… leave. We will never bow down to sharia law.”

The police do not yet know whether this death threat was sent by Jihadists or by opponents of a planned mosque.

 Australia is part of the core group coalition against ISIS, which consists of the United States, Britain, France, Canada, Turkey, Italy, Poland, and Denmark.

And here’s the history in Australia — a history you might think left Australia alone, but no.

Jihad has been building for years in Australia. In 1998, a Sydney police station was shot at by four Arabs. In 2004, a Lebanese-Australian told a reporter that he “wanted to undertake a terror attack in Sydney in the name of Islam.”

According to Australian terrorism researcher Andrew Zammitt, in 2003, thirteen Melbourne men and nine Sydney men were arrested and charged with forming two different cells to prepare attacks. Eighteen were convicted. These arrests suggested that Australians had become “newly radicalized” post 9/11.

In 2005, hundreds of Australian women at the beach were harassed by angry, offended Muslims. Two hundred such men thereafter smashed hundreds of cars and windows, bashed several people and threatened women with rape.

In the summer of 2014, when Israel was self-defensively trying to eradicate the diabolical terror tunnels in Gaza, a convoy of cars drove through Sydney, brandishing the black flag of ISIS. Some chanted: “Jew and Christian will not stand. You can never stop Islam.”

Does this mark the point with which Australia will begin to take a more active role in squashing Islamists in that country?

Mark my words.  The stories are coming and not stopping.  One more:

“I have had many Arab patients. I tell them I am German. Many praised me because Hitler was German and did ‘such a great job with the Jews.’ At a clinic, a Muslim reception clerk often greeted me with Heil Hitler, arm extended, and a smile. He thought I was an Aryan German. A young man, whom Australian Jews had helped, confided in me, saying that ‘Islam is going to take over the world as the fastest growing religion. Even in Australia.’ One of my Australian patients complained that he was harassed and bullied on the street by Arabs, shouting, ‘we are going to take over your f**king country.’ Someone who had been a member of Hezbollah, wanted me to write a letter for him to the Prime Minister so he would not be deported. When I declined, he grabbed me by the neck and threatened me.”

I wrote two years ago that I saw a young female in a Full Beekeeper’s costume in the Barnes & Noble bookstore (now closed) in Elk Grove, CA.

Islam is here in the United States and it is not a peaceful religion as practiced.  Islam is as Islam does, no more, no less.  Those practicioners of Islam who do not or have not or refuse to kill know full well that there are others who will, in their name and in the name of their shared religion.

Islam You Deserve To KnowHere is a sign I saw adjacent Highway 99, there in Elk Grove.  Islam, making inroads into my neighborhoods.  Another attempt to “normalize” Islam.

A religion that is far from normal.  A religion that is, in truth, nothing more than a death cult.

Islam = Borg.

Convert or die.



Obama: protecting Islam and Iran?

Obama Apple TreeBecause says:

Report: Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike

by Mark Langfan

The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday, that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.

Following Obama’s threat, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was reportedly forced to abort the planned Iran attack.

According to Al-Jarida, the Netanyahu government took the decision to strike Iran some time in 2014 soon after Israel had discovered the United States and Iran had been involved in secret talks over Iran’s nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel’s back.

The report claimed that an unnamed Israeli minister who has good ties with the US administration revealed the attack plan to Secretary of State John Kerry, and that Obama then threatened to shoot down the Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.

Obama was going to shoot down military jets belonging to the only stable country in the entire Middle East, those of Israel — a nation that has been a friend of the United States for many years.


Is it just me, or does this not border on insane?  Why would Mr Obama stop the Israelis from defending themselves as Iran does its level best to develop nuclear programs — not for “study” or for “power,” but solely for conversion to offensive weapons?

Once developed, how long would it take for Iran to somehow “allow” one or several of those nuclear weapons to fall into the hands of ISIS or the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaeda or Hamas or Hezbollah — either by “mistake” or purposely?

Please allow me to ask one simple question that I have yet to see the so-called Mainstream Media ask, a question no one seems willing pose:

With all the oil under its feet, why does Iran seem hell-bent upon developing nuclear power?  Iran doesn’t physically need nuclear power or its programs.  It could create tens or even hundreds of oil-fired energy production facilities around its nation, so that it could have guaranteed electric power damned near in perpetuity.

Yet, Iran cries that it must have nuclear programs in order to provide for its people.  I call bullshit on that.

It’s an excuse, and a poor one at that.  Read on:

According to the report, “Netanyahu and his commanders agreed after four nights of deliberations to task the Israeli army’s chief of staff, Benny Gantz, to prepare a qualitative operation against Iran’s nuclear program. In addition, Netanyahu and his ministers decided to do whatever they could do to thwart a possible agreement between Iran and the White House because such an agreement is, allegedly, a threat to Israel’s security.”

Check, please, the physical proximity between Iran and Israel:

Israel & IranThe distance between the two nations is roughly 1,100 miles, with only Iraq and Jordan in between.

Iran Missile ArsenalIsrael is easily within striking distance of missiles currently possessed by Iran.  Imagine arming them with nuclear warheads.

Clearly, Obama was raised by Communists and Muslims.  Read this if you doubt me.  There isn’t a Jew anywhere is Obama’s past; instead, his formative years were filled with Muslims in Indonesia and Communists.

The only Caucasoids he admired were Saul Alinsky (oddly enough, quantified as a “community organizer” by Wikipedia and the sole Jew that Obama admired), Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

Relations between Israel and Barack Hussein Obama have always been rocky.  I believe this is because Mr Obama sympathizes with Muslims and disdains Jews.  This is in consideration of his upbringing and his education, amongst other things.

On Tuesday, Benjamin Netanyahu will speak before the US Congress, having been invited by John Boehner.  The Spite House is doing everything possible to scandalize and minimize this speech.

I wonder: is it because Mr Netanyahu intends to reveal and lend credence to Obama’s plan to down Israel’s aircraft?  Will Netanyahu accuse the Spite House of disallowing Israel to defend herself?

Ultimately, just what is the purpose behind Barack Hussein Obama choosing Iran over Israel in the Middle East?

And why?



Valerie Jarrett: scared of Netanahu?

VJ DarkAnd why would that be?

I would submit: check her background.  Born in Shiraz, Iran, for one.  She was involved in Chicago politics.  She hired Michelle Robinson for a City of Chicago paycheck, who became Michelle Obama.  She was familiar with and made her bones on The Chicago Way.  Just like Obama.  And, like Obama, never possessed a real job in her life.


Here’s the Reason Valerie Jarrett is Scared of Benjamin Netanyahu

We have all seen the White House’s reaction to House Speaker John Boehner inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before Congress on the Iranian nuclear situation. The Obama administration has completely freaked out, lobbing public barrages against Netanyahu and Boehner for “going around the White House and diplomatic protocol.” This is quite humorous for the president who famously said “I have a pen and a phone and can do anything I want”–but that’s for another column.

The real questions are: Who is pushing this agenda? Who is pushing for Iran to go nuclear? And, who is so scared of Netanyahu briefing Congress and the American people on what Iran is up to?

The answer is Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin. This is where the anger from the White House is coming from.

Most people know she was born in Iran. This in itself does not disqualify her from advising the president, but it does open her agenda to scrutiny. There have been reports that she has been secretly negotiating with Iran on the nuclear issue, but the White House has vehemently denied it.

Now, the Jerusalem Post is reporting that the Obama administration has already given Iran eighty percent of what it has demanded in the negotiations.  The “deal” to be reached will leave Iran within months of going nuclear if they decide to move forward. All of the centrifuges will remain under their control.

This “deal” is not a deal, but an appeasement.

This is what Valerie Jarrett is so scared of–that her secret deals with Iran to allow them to go nuclear will become public knowledge. She is scared Netanyahu will tell Congress and the American people what is really going on. We can’t have that, can we?

Why else would the White House be so scared that one of our closest and reliable allies is speaking to a co-equal branch of government?

Why indeed?

As always: check the CV.  Check the background.  Check the antecedents.  As with Obama, so with Valerie June Bowman-Jarrett.