Thoughts on Donald Trump

Ross Perot For PresidentI’ve not made much mention about Donald Trump on the blog if for no other reason than he certainly doesn’t require my approval for any move he makes.  However, with the most recent kerfuffle regarding John McCain, I felt it was time to put phalanges to black keys.

That is because we, meaning Conservatives, are on the cusp of losing the presidency once again; not because we didn’t vote or decided to stay home but because we became what I will call “Perot’ed.”

One nice thing about being older is having a memory, as it is, with regard to America’s history.  Ross Perot, another wealthy individual not customarily linked to overt politics save those required to build his company, decided to enter the 1992 presidential contest as a third party candidate.  His vacuuming of votes from then-president George HW Bush resulted in the installation of Bill Clinton as president, though Clinton won only 42% of the national vote.  Perot himself won 19% of the vote — the greatest for a third party candidate since Theodore Roosevelt with his “Bull Moose” party of 1912.

I credit Trump for bringing certain issues to the forefront, primarily those of illegal immigration.

However, Trump’s venture into the verbal battle with John McCain proved that I cannot take Trump seriously for what I consider to be some very good reasons.

In my opinion Senator McCain “started it” with his pejoratives towards Trump.  Trump verbally retaliated.  I don’t believe it’s any more complicated than that.  McCain made it “personal” in the eyes of Donald Trump.  And therein lies the problem.

Certainly Trump can be as bombastic as he wishes because of the monetary buffer he possesses.  He is unlike any other candidate in that regard.  But upon closer examination one discovers that Mr Trump has supported Democrats and their causes in the past, written them large checks, and is a friend of Hillary Clinton.  Taken in a business perspective, this is understandable.  Trump’s world is New York as was Hillary Clinton’s.  In business you frequently have to play both sides of the street.  I just have to be convinced now, in order to vote for him, that Mr Trump is truly a reformed Democrat.

I find myself not so convinced, unlike others.

Trump is who he is, there’s no denying.  He’s loud, flamboyant, larger-than-life, and broadcasts his appearance via the neon-orange shellacked nest of material atop his pate.

What he isn’t, however, is politically astute.

Certainly, he has negotiated tremendous financial deals sitting down at ebon tables, that much is readily apparent.

But when as powerful a man as Trump takes a comment personally to the point that he retaliates with even greater overwrought (and apparently ill-thought-out) rhetoric, he proves to me that he can be unbalanced in his application of critical thinking skills.

To the point that he may be manipulated.

It is now no secret that, should Trump be elected president, he can be swayed or purposely engineered into speech or actions that are predicated upon either emotions or his own immediate personal reactions and feelings.

Yes, Donald Trump is getting good poll numbers at this point.  And yes, it is understandable that people are tired of staid politicians and yearn for something fresh and new on the political stage.  I get that.

But I can’t see handing a vote to Trump when he has proved, time and again, that he is not to be trusted with consistency.  He’s in, he’s out.  He’s serious, he isn’t.  He says he’s serious now.  He’s funding his own campaign.  He’s making what I believe are totally off-the-cuff speeches.

It shows.

You have to be able to play the long game.  Trump is having difficulty playing the short game.

But here’s the caveat.

As Trump — if Trump — continues to take the air out of the room, we as Conservatives and the Republicans are in danger of revisiting 1992 all over again.  Trump could siphon a certain percentile of votes away from the GOP to do nothing more than guarantee a win for Hillary or another Demorat candidate.

What keeps me from walking away away totally from the GOP this time around can be condensed down into one consideration: SCOTUS.

Think about that aspect.



Michael Beckman has a wonderful article about Trump here.  Please read.


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18 thoughts on “Thoughts on Donald Trump

  1. Exactly right BZ! I agree with all your points and am really worried we will be “Trumped” like we were “Perot-ed” I just can’t bear to think of a Hillary Clinton presidency following this anti-American president. Come on America #WakeUp!
    Thanks so much for the link to my blog BZ!

    • My absolute pleasure sir. You made excellent points. I wish I could rest assured how this will play out, but I cannot.


      • Correct me where I am wrong but to say you cannot be assured of how this will play out is tantamount to saying you (meaning us) not only know but accept that we are only relegated to bit players, that we can not be powerful enough to effect the desired outcome.

        Please understand, my intent is not to attack or criticize you as individual. I am fed up to here with the pervasive attitude that we are incapable therefore this decision is best left to them in power.

        The founders have to be spinning like Cuisinarts for bit by bit the people have allowed their rightful power be usurped by the few.

        • I understand your intent and I take no umbrage. But from where I sit, from the experience given me by my job and reality, I do not believe in the inherent brilliance or wisdom of the “American People.” Too many are brain-dead idiots who will vote Free Cheese and cannot name the first president of the United States. Or even the reason behind the 4th of July holiday.

          I believe in unity but I see it acquired in so few circumstances.


    • Wake up to what? How will we wake up to the implied new dawn when we continue to do the same damn thing? Yeah, we all say we are agitating for a major course change…or else. Yeah, right. Already so much crap has come down the pike and still e all stand around and say, ‘if just one more thing’. It’s been year after year of ‘one more thing’ which we supposedly find intolerable.

      So good sir, who do you like and why? We MUST carry this beyond the hashtag BS an effect a desired outcome. Electing another product of the same brand will not accomplish anything but to cast us as blooming idiots.

      • You and I are not so much in discord. I see that Trump is Your Guy. I get it. You are pissed. Me too. RINOs are out for me. I’m considering Cruz, Rubio, Walker, even Perry. Bush is out, Christie is out, Graham and Hackabee are out, Pataki, Paul and Santorum are out.


  2. Thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts down in this column. I wish I had written it because it’s very good. I agree that Trump is brash,has a big mouth & speaks before he thinks sometimes. I must agree with most of what he says…and wouldn’t it be great to have a president that wasn’t a politician “a career politician.” But you are absolutely correct in the Perot analogy. I am, sadly, ashamedly, one who voted for PEROT, and sorry for it everyday.. My best excuse is-I was WAY YOUNGER-and less informed of unintended consequences. Clinton!! Fast forward to present…I like Trump…but for POTUS -probably not…but what he says is what millions of Us Are thinking and others not willing to say such flamboyant provocative language…JEB is a definite NO for me…and if the election were held today? And if we could knock Hillary outta the park? I’m hoping for the candidate that can BEAT HILLARY…period…of all of the candidate-and way too many for any body to keep straight …I would love to see a CRUZ/Fiorina ticket…but that’s today….could change after the debates…time will tell and PRAY for the GOP to get some brains and put forth the BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST for our nation..God Bless America!!

    • Trump would be nice when pulled out of your back pocket during some kind of direct negotiations. One must admit he knows his way around money. My bottom line is this: I want someone who will NOT appoint unbridled Leftists to SCOTUS.


  3. Who is playing the ‘long game’ AND is not smitten with and beholden to status quo politics? Who is the better choice for conservative who believe in original intent of the Constitution?

    You slather Trump with invective, whether his mouth deserves it or not, but do not proffer an alternative. Here is an aspect to think about; no one will be everything to even a single bloc of voters. While we wait for that political aberration we will have lost the election. As bad as things are, things can and will get much worse as we continue this same course of events.
    We get to choose a new skipper. But he also needs to change course. Who else do you trust to accomplish that?

    I too not enamored of Trump but I trust him far and away more than any other candidate. I mean, I like Carson but he is a very long shot plus I am not aware that he has yet made clear his stance on 2A issues.

    You must have noticed by now that Walker, Perry, and Bush (OMFG Bush!) have each engaged in dirty politics this election cycle. But only Trump incurs your displeasure? Is that because Trump enjoy a commanding lead? Does such a lead not demonstrate viability as a candidate?

    Abortion, open borders, 2A, tight fiscal policy are my biggest issues not necessary in that order. Other than Carson, Trump is the only one who has publicly declared his position on those issues. You think Trump portends a wild card, a vote sucking machine whereby we lose the election? Any of the others are far worse. We will see, and when any of the others become pResident, we shall reap the wind.

    And rather than only complain about it, I wish to thank you for beginning this discussion.

    • Oh please. Invective. I’ve given him props where props were due. You don’t become a millionaire by being stupid.

      And no, if you read me, I’m not pulling for Bush. I’m favoring Cruz, perhaps Rubio, perhaps Kasich. We have to win Florida and we have to win Ohio, tactically.

      Thank you for the kudos, such as they are. Please return any time. I enjoy discussions not filled with S and F words like some other blogs.


  4. Someone sent me an email and asked me to explain why I thought Trump would be a third party candidate when he is running as a Republican.

    First, read this article by Frank Luntz, the person who moderated Trump in a debate two days ago:

    Trump refused to say he would endorse whoever got the Republican party nomination. That intimates quite a bit just with the statement.


  5. Right now, I am a Trump voter. A lot of people are making a big deal over his mcCain comment about liking guys who do not get captured. Hey, we all get mad and attack without thinking. Trump is a man who is on the offensive and is up against not only dems, but republicans as well. He is alone, and is not used to losing often. So, he attacked back, and simply hit below the belt. Is there anyone that can realisitically believe that Trump dislikes all POW’s…seriously?

    And then there is the point that Trump gave money to dems, and other politicians. As if to say Trump will go where the wind blows. I think he explained it well…as a businessman, he paid off any politician that he could use to benefit himself. And if anything, this proves that ALL politicians are beholden to lots of people the moment the get into office. Thus, all of their good intentions are out the door when a money contribution donor asks for a favor. They can NOT say no. Whereas Trump, well he will be beholden to know one.

    Trump is loved my lots of people, and has more money than he will ever need. At his age, Trump is probably starting to think about his legacy. Being stupidly rich is one way to be remembered.
    But being a president…and a damn good one, well that cements a nice legacy. Plus, Disney makes a robot of you for the Hall of Presidents…how cool is that?

    Trump will not owe anyone anything, and will not do something because someone will line his pockets. If president, he will do what is good for America. And capitalism will be preserved by him. Trump also believe in hard work, and something he will require of anyone who is able and on welfare. These two notions are what this country needs desperately. Remove the red tape and high taxes on business and let them do what they do best…grow, hire people, provide stuff, and pay taxes, Second, cut the expense of liabilities. I do think Social Security and Military are taboo and should be preserved. These two things are paid for by those receiving benefits..either in a lifetime of payroll deductions or blood. Any other entitlement, well, some trimming needs to be done.

    I want a non-politician. A guy who will not preserve the status quo of politics. How many times do we hear that we should “think outside the box”, yet in Washington, no one changes the way things have always been done. And why? Because that’s the way it has always been done. Trump will think and ACT outside the box. And that is what ALL of the politicians are afraid of on both sides of the aisle.

    Trump will upset the apple cart, and the gravy train that both sides feed from will be put to an end. Imagine Washington being run like a real business? Imagine if politicians had to produce something of value to justify their positions? OMG…how great would that be? No other politician can or will do this. Not even my second favorite, Cruz.

    I may be wrong, but I think that whoever gets the nomination, regardless of who it is, the people will vote their party lines. That leave the independents. People so stupid that they do not know where they stand…and they will decide the fate of our country. WOW. So, who is likeable?

    I also believe that The Donald will not go third party. He is not stupid and he know that this will not only get him a win, but will hand one to hiLIARy. Trump is a patriot, and will want any of the republican choices over hilLIARy.

    Look at what the last three way race before perot did to this country. Good old teddy roosevelt let his ego interfere and gave of woodrow wilson. A man so evil and vile…and our first communist president. This man is why we pay income taxes. Of course, it started out as only for the very rich and only a very small almost unnoticeable amount. Yeah…see where that went. The moment you open any door for any politician to let out one single animal, they figure out a way to swing both doors wide open and cause a stampede. And We The People get trampled everytime.

    So, I have to believe Trump will bow out if it looks like that is the way things need to be.

    And even with Cruz as my second choice, I would be okay with any of the republican nominees except for one…jeb. MY GOD, we do NOT need another new world order RINO in the white house. His bother, other than his war stance, did very little to impress me. Are voters so stupid that they need a recognizable name to vote for?

    Anyway, if hiLIARy gets in, we will have sealed our fate. It will prove that Americans were not meant to survive as the Founding Fathers had planned for us. We will become a socialist state, and soon after, communism. The great experiment will be a failure. Well, it was said that ALL democracies kill themselves. That once the leeches realize they can vote themselves gifts from the treasury, it’s all but over. And as Ben Franklin had warned us…”If we can keep it”. We will have shown we could not.

    Conservatives did nothing, letting little things go here and there. Never sticking up for our values. Our live and let live attitude getting the better of us. Appeasement minded, hoping that every give would be the last.

    It is said that everyone gets the government we deserve. That will hold true. Conservative parents not teaching their children. Letting them go off to school to learn liberalism. Giving them no strong foundations. Telling them they were all special and deserving. So many were so desperate to give their children the things they did not have as a child, and protect them from the difficulties that they encountered in life, that they denied them the most valueable thing of all. The lessons that are learned with these hardships. We suffered and were better people for it. Why did we think raising our children differently than how we were raised would produce like minded adults.

    So, I have gone off tangent enough. But said what came to mind. I hope we can show Mr. Franklin that we could keep it.

    • I know what you’re saying. I understand your points. My concern is with Trump being rash and reactive. I don’t believe Trump hates veterans or soldiers. But as president he has to play his cards close. He’s doing one of two things: PLAYING the role of loose cannon, or he truly IS a loose cannon. I haven’t heard one thing about who he’d tend to nominate for SCOTUS. His former Demorat affiliations and affinities also bother me.

      That said, you make very sound points in a convincing fashion. I’m just not there yet.


  6. How about this? Cruz for Vice-President.
    Trump may blow an artery, get shot, etc,,,,and not last 1 or even 2 terms.
    Cruz is young, smart, and a Conservative.

  7. Well, I have to get this off my chest; I am not playing, and can not play this *lesser of the evils* crap again… No more holding my nose to ignore the stink of a damned RINO…

    No vote is a wasted vote in my opinion, we have gone through this on what, the last 3 POTUS elections? No more my friends, I will vote for the Conservative, no matter if it’s a GOP ticket or an Indy ticket, and I see 2 Conservatives so far, Trump and Cruz.

    How about a Trump/Cruz ticket?

    It’s a can’t win you say? In the immortal words of Kinky Friedman, “Why the hell not?” Trump/Cruz2016

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