Justice Antonin Scalia’s words: American exceptionalism

This is Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (who passed away in 2016 at the age of 79), in a Senate Judiciary Hearing from 2011 regarding the role of judges under the US Constitution, and American exceptionalism.

I’m sorry, but listening to the great depth and breadth of this man’s understanding of the US Constitution brings tears to my eyes. As you watch the video note the thrall in which the audience is kept. They are in awe of being present in the same room as this man and the weight of his knowledge of history and his stellar intelligence. Can you imagine having had the honor and privilege of taking a class from Scalia?

We denigrate and dissolve the United States from within at our own peril and place, literally, the rest of the planet in jeopardy if for no other reason than Nature abhors a vacuum.



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3 thoughts on “Justice Antonin Scalia’s words: American exceptionalism

  1. As William Federer has called it, we have a Frankenstein government and it is by design. Therein is the genius, contradictory power was baked in.

    Yes, Justice Scalia was very good.

  2. And that is the difference between a leftest and a conservative. obama didn’t believe in American exceptionalism and mooch was never proud of her country her entire adult life…whereas, most conservatives understand that though imperfect, America is exceptional and worthy of our love and respect. It is not our perfection or lack of it that makes of great, but the fact that no matter what, we always strive to be better, to correct the wrongs, and make sure that those in America know they have it better than anywhere else in the world.

    • In every manner that matters has our country shown exceptionalism.

      Who cares what odummy and his husband Big Mike thought. Even now they are getting their comeuppance. But it will soon be very hot for them and their misfit brand.

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