The DOJ not only abides, but promotes a bounty on former President Donald Trump

I’ve said and written it before, I’ll say and write it again:

The DOJ and FBI are nothing more than the weaponized arm of the DNC and Leftists, corrupt, anti-American terrorist organizations.

The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

That was true regarding the FBI’s investigations, at the behest of the DOJ, of concerned parents in open school board meetings, the investigations of churches, the handling of Hillary Clinton’s email server, and incidents altogether too numerous to mention here.

So it’s on one hand appalling — yet not appalling — that the DOJ essentially put a public bounty on the head of former President Donald Trump by releasing the letter written by second wanna-be assassin Ryan Routh where, in essence, he placed a $150,000 bounty on the head of Donald Trump.

In a new federal court filing, it was discovered that Routh was staking out Trump for weeks. His SKS had a scratched-off serial number and a 7.62 X 39 round down the throat, plus he had two sets of license plates, six cell phones in his car, one of which had researched escape routes from Palm Beach to Mexico. No shock there.

Routh also gave some kind of a box to an unidentified civilian witness months before he attempted to assassinate Donald Trump. That box, according to the FBI, contained an additional four cell phones, tools, ammunition, pipe, and a number of hand-written letters from Routh.

The FBI then released a photo of the first page of what they say is a letter written by Routh.


Why Did The Biden DOJ Release Trump Assassin’s $150,000 Reward To “Complete The Job” Letter To The Public?

by Tyler Durden, 9-23-24

Former President Trump’s would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh wrote a chilling letter admitting he failed in trying to take the life of the former president, and offering a reward for anyone who can finish the job…

The note was addressed to the “World” and reads:

“This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job,” according to court papers.

Routh dropped off a box at a person’s home that included the letter, the court documents state.

This clearly portrays serious malice aforethought, as if it wasn’t already apparent.

This civilian witness took a photo of the first page of Routh’s letter, sending it to the FBI three days following the interrupted assassination attempt. A photo of the letter was utilized in a federal court filing.

Prosecutors found “a notebook with dozens of pages filled with names and phone numbers pertaining to Ukraine, discussions about how to join combat on behalf of Ukraine.”

“He [the former President] ended relations with Iran like a child and now the Middle East has unraveled,” Routh wrote in one of the documents, according to the court papers.

“Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest knows that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less U.S. president. U.S. presidents must at the bare miminum embody the moral fabric that is America and be kind, caring and selfless and always stand for humanity.”

Perfect standard Leftist talking points blathered forth for years from the Biden Regime and abetted by the American Media Maggots.

The letter stated, in advance, that Routh had failed to assassinate Donald Trump, and that he was offering $150,000 to anyone who could complete the mission. Anyone.

Please notice that at no point did Reuters ever ask the question: why release the letter with such details? What’s the public good or interest?

At first blush and final blush, it appears that the DOJ doesn’t mind releasing impetus for any number of further crazy units to emerge and attempt to claim fame and/or some mysterious $150,000 bounty by placing Donald Trump in any number of various crosshairs. What’s the point?

Matt Walsh wrote on September 23rd:

They didn’t release the Covenant shooter manifesto because they were allegedly afraid it would inspire more shootings. And yet within a week they release a letter from Trump’s would-be assassin where he openly encourages more shootings and offers to pay for them.

Additionally, even TDS-infected former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr said in a statement:

Former AG Barr ‘dumbfounded’ at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin

by Brianna Herlihy, Anders Hagstrom, 9-23-24

Bill Barr: ‘It served no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence’

Former Attorney General William Barr says he is “dumbfounded” that the Justice Department released a chilling letter penned by would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh on Monday, calling the decision “rash” and serving no purpose “other than to risk inciting further violence.”

“I was dumbfounded that the DOJ made public this morning the contents of the letter that, Ryan Routh, left with an acquaintance prior to the attempted assassination of former President Trump,” Barr said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

There were mitigations available, were there not? Of course there were.

“Even if DOJ thought it important to provide the letter to the court, it could have redacted inflammatory material or arranged to have the letter submitted under seal. It was rash to put out this letter in the midst of an election during which two attempts on the life of President Trump had been made,” Barr said. 

Because even Bill Barr knows how dangerous, under today’s obviously heated and violent circumstances, the contents of that letter were.

Let me repeat Bill Barr:

“It served no purpose other than to risk inciting further violence.” 

Therefore, as with the prior actions and inactions involving the US Secret Service, one can only draw two conclusions:

  1. The DOJ is utterly thoughtless and inept, OR
  2. This was an absolutely intentional release

It’s no secret that the alphabet agencies despise Donald John Trump with every last fiber of their being, and have been actively working against him — which means they have been actively working against the actual American people, you and me — since before Trump descended the stairs at Trump Tower in order to formally announce his candidacy for president.

It has been an ongoing and vigorous soft coup against a presidential candidate, a presidential nominee, a president-elect, a sitting president and, now, a presidential nominee running for his separated second term.

The goal? Eliminate Donald John Trump by any means necessary.

Up to and including attempted assassination.





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