A letter from an Oregon Sheriff:

Sheriff Tim Mueller, Linn Co, Oregon LetterI wish my own sheriff would proffer testicles in a similar size, shape and meaning, but he won’t.  He is too beholden to the federal government and cash-destitute.




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7 thoughts on “A letter from an Oregon Sheriff:

  1. I would be honored to have Sheriff Tim Mueller as my sheriff! I know he lives in a very liberal state and I commend him. A few years ago I had the good fortune to shoot my handgun at a semi-legal “range” here and the only other people there were 2 retired sheriffs from Washington State and a retired local cop. I only state this to say there are some excellent people in law enforcement in states like yours. I only hope they are not soon to be an extinct species in this day of advanced liberalism.

  2. Well, when I see stuff like that I think I’d rather live in Lebanon.
    (It’s a small town in Linn County) 😉

  3. Huzzah!!!
    I will stand with him at the bridge and place fire upon the invaders of our Constitutional Rights!!!
    In today’s vernacular,,,,”bring it on assholes”.

  4. So great to see a man of conviction willing to say what he knows is right. And you are right about the balls thing. He has his neck stuck way out there just for putting those words on paper. That should make the citizens in his county PROUD!

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