In an interview with the Daily Beast published Friday, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) suggested Tea Partiers are the “same group” who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement.
“It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t care about how they looked,” Rangel said.
A racist statement just like this racist statement regarding “creepy ass crackers.”
And I’m done with racism being a so-called “one way street.”
Let’s face it: Charlie Rangel appears as the ancient white guy with a George Hamilton tan gone horribly wrong via bad wrinkles in Buenos Aires for the past year. His voice sounds just like Frank ‘Frankie Five Angels‘ or ‘Frankie Pants’ Pentangeli requesting a favor on the Godfather’s wedding day. He is as black as Vito Corleone from the old country, having spent some time in the Italian sun. Or perhaps a darkened paint booth, similar to something a 1954 Chevy Bel Air might have encountered in the day.
And: really? More racist smegma from a Poverty & Racist Pimp tax criminal?
When: historically, blacks have been Republicans? When a Republican fought to free slaves? When a Demorat — Lyndon Johnson — fought to enslave blacks once again via welfare and was astoundingly successful at removing the black male from the once-nuclear black family? When MLK was a registered Republican? When Demorats believe that more black babies need to be aborted — and they easily get their wish?
From the Virginia Black Conservatives:
History is the decider of truth, and I implore those who read this note to take a moment and look at history:
1. Today’s Democrat-ideology on race began to take shape under President Andrew Jackson and Vice President John Calhoun.
2.Jefferson Davis (Confederate President) was a Democrat Senator from Mississippi. The Democrat Party was pro-slavery to the point of secession. Many Democrats during this time viewed slavery as a need both for the master and the slave.
3.Liberal abortion advocate Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project was designed to control and reduce the population of the black race in America.
4.FDR-Approved and allowed the Tuskegee experiments to take place, and would stay until 1970 under the Nixon administration.
5.Senator Robert Byrd-Long time Democrat was active in the Klan up until the 1940s
6.FDR-issued an executive order during WWII to send Asian-Americans to interment camps while at war with Japan.
7.John Kennedy-As a U.S. Senator, voted against the first Civil Rights Bill in 1957.
8. Robert Kennedy-Approved the FBI plans to wire-tap Dr. King; citing concerns of communist ties.
9.Segregation was a concept that received praise by Southern Democrats until the late 1960s. Notable segregationist (Clinton’s mentor-Orville Faust, George Wallace-converted the term to Dixiecrat).
Notable Democrat Quotes on race:
Jefferson Davis-In reference to slaves “credulous creatures” who “depended on their master for survival”
Woodrow Wilson-In reference to the silent film Birth of a Nation “It is like writing history with lightning, and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true”
Former Klan-member and Democrat Senator, Robert Byrd — in reference to his view on race “Well there are a such thing as white niggers too…” which indicates by default his perception of the term nigger is black human.
Bill Clinton-In reference to Barack Obama: “A few years ago this guy would be getting us coffee”
Hillary Clinton in reference to Indian immigrants- “Mahatma Gandhi runs a gas station in St. Louis”
Joe Biden: In reference to Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy…I mean that’s a story book man”
Joe Biden: “You cannot walk into a 7-11 or Dunkin doughnuts without having a slight Indian accent, I’m not joking”
Harry Reid: In reference to Barack Obama and why Obama is a winnable candidate: “He’s light skin with no negro dialect”
A very telling paragraph:
FYI-1977-1981: Democrats were in the same place of power (Control of House, Senate, and Presidency), and how did the state of Black America improve during that time? Ask yourself this question: Were you, your neighbor, your racial status better than it was three years ago before the liberals gained control, and has your sign of hope began to show economically since the election of President Obama?
If you’re black, can you answer that question?
I submit: no you can’t. Perhaps all of two black persons read my blog because I am not an apologist for defeatist philosophies. Today, no one wants to read about having to work harder, of having to not rely on race or age or any number of “protected classes” to get ahead in life. Everyone wants their own protected version of Free Cheese and all others can go straight to Hell.
Would I get in trouble if I strangle Rangel? A gag would be good enough but the best plan would be for him to retire and shut his mouth. He’s another Democratic criminal who keeps getting re-elected even though it is proven he is a crook.
He might enjoy a ball gag. Or perhaps a neoprene suit. I simply couldn’t tell; I’m not myself into that sort of thing.
The thing is; it’s OK for Rangel and his *brothers* to call US ‘White boy’, ‘Cracker’, ‘Honky’, ‘Whitey’, ‘Gringo’ or ‘Caveman’, but if we say the word NIGGER, OH MY GAWD… We are the most vile racists ever…
Why is that only WHITE people are deemed RACIST?
I expect this from ‘ol Charlie, he is what he is. What bothers more than what he says, is the people that keep voting to keep him in office. I’d love to see a picture and a bio of each person that voted for him.
Rangel is the exact composite of the majority of the voters in his district. He is a decorated Korea vet. He is 83, can we hope?