Email: “IRS’s Lerner, Treasury Department secretly drafted new rules to restrict nonprofits.” Meaning? Again: Obama LIES.

Lois Lerner LIARFrom the

The Obama administration’s Treasury Department and former IRS official Lois Lerner conspired to draft new 501(c)(4) regulations to restrict the activity of conservative groups in a way that would not be disclosed publicly, according to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

The Treasury Department and Lerner started devising the new rules “off-plan,” meaning that their plans would not be published on the public schedule. They planned the new rules in 2012, while the IRS targeting of conservative groups was in full swing, and not after the scandal broke in order to clarify regulations as the administration has suggested.

And this information comes on the heels of the LIES that Mr Barack Hussein Obama foisted upon the public on Sunday in his interview with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly.  A portion of that transcript:

O’REILLY: You’re saying no corruption (about the IRS)?


O’REILLY: None? No?

OBAMA: There were some — there were some bone-headed decisions…

O’REILLY: Bone-headed decisions…

OBAMA: …out of… out of a local office…

O’REILLY: But no mass corruption?

OBAMA: Not even mass corruption, not even a smidgeon of corruption, I would say.

As I wrote:

No.  Not even a “smidgeon of corruption” by the IRS.  Not a molecule.  A LIE.  A HUGE LIE.

Mr Obama LIED to Bill O’Reilly, and his lie is further exposed by this new story regarding Lois Lerner.

Lois Lerner retired.  But, as Politico readily admits (being a Leftist organization essentially to it core though it plays “moderate”):

Lois Lerner is the political piñata that Congress still loves to whack months after she awkwardly acknowledged that the IRS wrongly scrutinized conservative groups for years.

Lerner acknowledged that FACT in front of Congress in open hearings.  Mr Obama refuses to acknowledge even this.

If even Politico recognizes this, and Obama denies this — because Politico can be a very “pro” Obama organ — then I can only conclude that Mr Obama LIED once again to Bill O’Reilly, in front of MILLIONS of American Taxpayers, this past Sunday.

But only because Mr Obama assumes that those millions of American Taxpayers are predominantly stupid and willing to purchase his dribbling “fabrication.”

Mr Obama assumes YOU are stupid and I am stupid.

How “stupid” are you and how long with you tolerate this administration?



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6 thoughts on “Email: “IRS’s Lerner, Treasury Department secretly drafted new rules to restrict nonprofits.” Meaning? Again: Obama LIES.

  1. I quit “tolerating” this administration as soon as he was elected. Been fighting against him every step of the way. Seems the only time he doesn’t lie is when he keeps his mouth shut.

  2. He LIES EVERY TIME he opens his damned piehole! Again I ask, WHY did Congesss allow Lois Lerner to claim the 5th amendment? The 5th is to be used on a question by question basis, NOT as a blanket shield to get out of even being interviewed! Don’t believe me, go to court some time and just try to get away with the bullshit that they let her get away with. I expected more from the lawyer types in Congress. Maybe that is why they are in Congress, because they would make/made lousy attorneys!

  3. “how long with you tolerate this administration?” That’s the big question. How in the heck can this person still be president? His assumption that we are stupid must be true because an enlightened population with any morals would not tolerate him.

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