Frog will remove 2 MILLION acres of California land from public access

[And thanks to the Sanger Paranormal Society for the h/t.]


2 million acres in California

While this is a bit out of character for us (usually posting feel-good trail information), we felt the need to make folks aware of an issue that has recently affected our local Forest Service. In a 2011 settlement agreement, the US Fish and Wildlife Service agreed to evaluate a certain number per year of 479 requests to list different species of animals and plant as endangered. The USFWS is moving forward on two of these: certain variety of frogs and toads covering 2 million more acres of California’s forests.

As in:

“Human Activities That Will Be Restricted Or Forbidden: 2 million more acres of California’s forests will be sealed off to recreational photography, off-road vehicles, packstock use, hiking, mountain biking, banning of pets, grazing, timber harvest, fire management, farming and ranching, mining…… the list goes on.”

And where?

“14 Counties: Alpine, Amador, El Dorado, Fresno, Inyo, Madera, Mariposa, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sierra, Tulare, and Tuolumne. This is an area covering 2/3 of Sierra and Plumas Counties.”

Red Frog Forbidden Areas, FornicaliaDo we have a map?  Check the above.


Certain science indicates the single most effective approach is the elimination of trout from areas they are historically not native to. This action does not require a critical habitat designation. Studies have shown as high as a 10,000% increase in populations if amphibians when non-native trout are removed from their habitat.

Imagine that.  Logic.  Not proscription.

Yet, let not your hearts be troubled, the federal government intends to double-down on removing the human salient from the equation entirely.

An “eco-friendly” site suggests:

This is happening in our community and will greatly affect areas located in Plumas and Sierra Counties (an area covering 2/3 of Sierra and Plumas Counties), including the Lakes Basin Recreation Area. If granted, here is what human activities could possibly be restricted on more than 2 million acres throughout the Sierra Nevada in California: recreational photography, off-road vehicles, packstock use, hiking, mountain biking, banning of pets, grazing, timber harvest, fire management, farming and ranching, mining…… the list goes on.

In the meantime, the Obama Administration wishes nothing more than to restrict human beings to the smallest footprint possible, in high-rises, in cramped conditions, away from suburbs, into cardboard box housing with the greatest amount of governmental control possible.

Including the impetus to not seek solace in our wilderness areas.  Those areas are for animals and plants, not people.





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12 thoughts on “Frog will remove 2 MILLION acres of California land from public access

  1. Environazis have always been rabidly anti-human. They don’t apply logic, or offer realistic solutions, when they present their ideas for “saving” various species that they claim are endangered. When presented with the fact that some species simply do not adapt to changes in their environment and, naturally, disappear, environazis plug their ears and shout like a two year old having a tantrum. Too many politicians listen to these wackos, and enact asinine legislation on their behalf.

    • Species come and go. There is no more dodo bird, no more coelacanth, no mammoth, and hundreds and hundreds of other species that cannot adapt to a changing planet.

      It’s absolutely insane.

      Here’s something even wilder: in Davis, CA, a tunnel was built under I-80 so that a frog could migrate from one side of the freeway to another which had available habitat.

      The frogs died on the one side. Apparently, they failed to actually READ the memo that indicated the tunnel existed.

      Imagine that.

      Yes, that’s how stupid is the Republic of Davis.

      And the Religious Left.


  2. Sorry, Sierra Club, the seeds you planted decades ago are now in full bloom and choking your elite garden. Your smug supercilious assumptions of stewardship have been hijacked by even more radical nutjobs.

    As for us common folks, as long as we have personal firearms, we still have a vote.

    • Hope you don’t mind hiking hear freeways and adjacent downtown bus lines, Sierra Club, because you may not be hiking in the mountains any more in those areas


  3. THAT is one hellva land grab… And what do those people in those counties that supply those campers/hikers/photographers do for a living???

    • Uh. . . nothing.

      Except become DEPENDENT upon the current Obaka Administration and suck up to their own demands for Free Cheese.



  4. Such horseshit. I have worked all over these areas eradicating marijuana plantations and NEVER saw even 1 frigging frog!!!!
    Mother-humping environmentalists, all of them long haired communists!!!
    So glad I am retired!

  5. Thanks for posting this insanity. Eradicate non-native trout to save frogs? I want to go to bed and wake up in a very different America (anything but Obama’s America!).

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