He is from Argentina, and he is 76-year-old Jorge Bergoglio, who wishes to be called Pope Francis.
The Catholic church is at a crossroads; Pope Benedict stepped down in a move not seen for 598 years. As with Pope Gregory XII, it was and is a time of division, corruption and discontent. It’s no secret that the Vatican is a seething cauldron of power struggles, infighting, fiscal corruption and scandals.
Can Pope Francis take control, throttle his Cardinals and administrators, and get the church back on track?
And that, sir, is a HUGE issue they have yet to address directly, fully and finally.
I have very little interest in the job of the “pope” To me, it’s a man like any other.
The Pope is elected by 177 “cardinals” to be the leader of 1.2 Billion Catholics. In my opinion that’s like having the senate elect the president. The people are not included.
If “Cardinals” are human, they have the same problems those who aren’t cardinals have. They have beliefs and ideology’s and those will conflict with others.
IF the Pope is supposed to have the ear of GOD that’s a real problem for me. For I know the ear of GOD is only through Jesus Christ and he’s not partial to listening to just one man.
I will say this: I like this POPE for one reason already. As soon as he was elected the liberals went nuts! They found he was anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion. Did they think he wouldn’t be? IS there actually Cardinals who are okay with those?
The other thing: Latino’s are overwhelmingly catholic. The Latino vote went 80% to Obama this last election. Nuff said.
And why so “Latinos” — who are predominantly and outright Mexicans — ?
Because they simply want THEIR Free Cheese. Studies prove this. They don’t vote for “family values” or other so-called Conservative ideals. They vote for Free Cheese because, in Mexico, it is the Government that provides Cheese and work — not so much business.
So in the “Latino community” Catholic does NOT automatically = “goodness” or adherence to Christ.
It just indicates crosses around necks as they kill each other for drugs, money and power.
I am a VERY conservative American of Mexican descent. I believe Latinos/Mexicans overwhelmingly vote for Democrats because the Demon-crats have done a better job of outreaching and making their case to this sector of the population. Ask yourself this question – Why did Prop 8 in California pass a few years ago? I assert, because the Mexican/Latino populations in CA actually do hold conservative social values and when focused on just the gay marriage issue, they voted their conscientious. I also know that since then, the liberal media has focused on Latino TV and radio in order to socialize the gay marriage concept and get more support. Unfortunately, I have heard nothing, in the Latino media, from the other side on this issue. Unfortunately, like most people, Mexicans/Latinos are uninformed voters – they don’t seek out the truth for themselves. They vote based on what comes across their radio programs or TV advertisements. And just like most media outlets, radio and TV (especially Latino-based) is left leaning. In my youth, I too was a Democrat voter – because the other side is painted to be the devil incarnate. As I grew older and decided to see for myself who held the same beliefs that I do, I realized that conservatives, not liberals most align with my values.
Most Mexican people are extremely family oriented and hold deeply conservative values – not the gangbangers – but the ordinary people. Mexicans are hard workers and they don’t like laziness anymore than anyone else does. They don’t want their kids to be ignorant, promiscuous and on drugs. And most are catholic, so they hold conservative social values like on gay marriage and abortion. These positions are ripe for conservatives to expound upon. We must make the connection between personal responsibility and their hard working values, the connection between establishing English as the only language in the US with their desire for their children to be well educated and successful. We must connect the social conservative values with their desire to minimize promiscuity and drug use.
Unfortunately, Mexicans come from a corrupt country where laws are broken with bribes and so the lines between legal and illegal are grey – and this is wrong. Because of this, I don’t know that they understand the impact that is caused by the flood of illegal border crossings. But I think it is the job of the conservative movement to reach out to these people to educate them about the fact that our current situation is unsustainable. Nothing is free-not free cheese, not free education, not free healthcare. I am not for legalizing the “undocumented,” but unfortunately, it looks like the country is moving in that direction. If we are going down that road, conservatives need to push for educating these people that illegal activities, including border crossing, will not be tolerated. We must punish law breakers harshly. Secure the border! No more illegal crossings!
I believe that with some effort, conservatives, not Republicans, could reach this sector of the population. But we need to become approachable and be willing to take the time to get our message out in a remedial way to reach every level of education and political involvement. Not just to those who are politically savvy and financially vested. Our goal should be to make everyone financially vested, so everyone will want to have a say in how taxes are spent.
Sorry so long
” I believe Latinos/Mexicans overwhelmingly vote for Democrats because the Demon-crats have done a better job of outreaching and making their case to this sector of the population.”
I agree. And what’s the case of the Demorats? Is it “we’ll be making illegals account for their actions”? No, it’s “how can we find more ways of providing more FREE things for you?” So with that kind of messaging, yes, the Demorats can have it all.
“Why did Prop 8 in California pass a few years ago?” Quite easily answered: because fewer younger Mexicans voted than older and LEGAL Mexicans. And the issue also resonated with Caucasoids and, mostly, TAXPAYERS who are disgusted with the rape of their paychecks for “social services” and other grab-bag goodies for illegals.
God bless you, sir, for leaving the Dark Side. But in Mexico, where does the greatest support come from? Yes, the government.
“Nothing is free-not free cheese, not free education, not free healthcare.” PRECISELY. But let me absolutely blunt: who do I want in my country? I want people who are well educated, intelligent, clearly free of disease, and bring money and business. That’s not the bulk of Mexicans.
And let’s get down to the nitty-gritty in two ways:
I couldn’t give a crap less that the bulk of illegals are Mexican. If France was on our southern border and the same situation occurred, I’d want the French to stay the hell out of my country. And I’d resent their illegal entry, their sucking of my paycheck and their disdain for my laws and my language.
Second, I see illegal Mexicans and what they do to MY community and MY state EVERY DAY. My wife is Mexican so guess where we live? It ain’t in a gated community. It’s in an horrendously upside-down house in Ghetto Central. I don’t just see it every day I LIVE IT every day. My observations aren’t pure pap.
“Secure the border! No more illegal crossings!” Roger that! But the Demorats absolutely will NOT, nor will the Republicans for that matter, for reasons too numerous to elaborate here.
“Approachable” has its limits. I’m approachable if you obey the law, respect OUR laws, ASSIMILATE, speak our language, respect our culture and immerse yourself like so many other immigrants have.
“Our goal should be to make everyone financially vested, so everyone will want to have a say in how taxes are spent.” I couldn’t agree more.
That’s the KEY. As long as people — ANYone — has no “skin in the game” they couldn’t care less about doing anything other than consistently voting for more, more, MORE. And the Demorats are the party of MORE.
Nice comment, good job.
I agree with your feedback on my observations with the exception of the following: “God bless you, sir, for leaving the Dark Side.”
I, sir, am a ma’am.
Thanks for your blog and your courage to share your views. I am an appreciative reader.
>sorry< BZ