The Republican who ran and won the governor’s seat on Tuesday, was OUTSPENT 3-to-1 by the Demorats. There is no way conservative businessman Matt Bevin should have won.
Yet the Republican won the governor’s spot in Kentucky. He was only the second Republican to potentially occupy the governor’s desk in 40 years. Four decades of Demorat rule.
Guess somebody is saying “how did Matt Bevan pull it off?”
In a word.
This does not bode well for Demorats. Won’t admit it. Wouldn’t be prudent.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, a Republican is now Governor-elect. This is the Demorats’ pouty-face.
Matt Bevan ran on anti-ObakaKare and he won. The Demorat turnout sucked. Guess what? Cows and bourbon distilleries can’t vote. And there clearly weren’t enough dead Chicagoans to influence the voting results.
Not only did the Demorats get their asses kicked in Kentucky — installing a white Conservative male as governor of Kentucky — a Conservative black female was elected as Lieutenant Governor, Jenean Hampton.
An Aunt Thomasina. A sellout. A black beyotch. Worse yet: she served in the US military. An even more craven sellout.
First African American ever in statewide Kentucky office.
This is a woman who has not acknowledged Black Lives Matter. She has not been educated at the feet of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, or Stokely Carmichael or H. Rap Brown or Eldredge Cleaver or Cinque or Angela Davis.
It gets worse. Hampton is a TEA Party activist who — gulp — dared to marry not a black male, but a Caucasoid male doctor who also served in the United States Air Force.
This a terrible precedent to set for the state of Kentucky. Reprehensible. What were the voters thinking?
Not only did a young Caucasoid male win the state house, he brought with him a Conservative young black female as well for Lieutenant Governor.
Because, of course, as we all know, Caucasoids and specifically Republicans/Conservatives are such incredible racists.
But let’s think for a moment: just how many times did Demorats have the opportunity to install a black male or female into a statewide position?
That’s right: all of them.
Good for them!
In other news, in Conn, same ol’, same ‘ol a convicted felon DEM was elected as mayor…
Connecticut gets what it deserves. However, in VA, gun control advocates funded by BLOOMBERG do NOT get their gun control advocates into office — the Republicans win.
The mainstream media won’t recognize this but this election plus Ohio voting down legalizing pot and Houston in a landslide voting against the so-called HERO amendment is a continuation of the tsunami turn to the right that was displayed in the midterm elections in 2014. We are now less than 2 months away from 2016 and just one year away from the 2016 presidential election. This bodes well for conservative Republicans going into that election.
At this point yes it does; we can only hope a trend is beginning.
All that needs to happen now is that when the GOP/Conservatives get elected that they don’t *roll over* and waste it all by becoming RINOs….
Does any of this matter?
Yes, the brakes are bein’ applied.
But I fear this train is still headed off the cliff.
And a BUNCH of my neighbors will be surprised that the engineer failed to act responsibly.
(Thanks BZ. It was your prodding that brought me back to the Blog.)
Great sir, great to hear it! !