Once again, Leftists wanting what they want when they want it, and disdaining certain Leftist dogma when it hits them personally in the pocketbook.
Case in point? The Ultimate Ground Zero for Leftists, University of California at Berkeley.
From FreedomOutpost.com:
Liberal University Won’t Pay Higher Minimum Wage Imposed By Liberals
by Tim Brown
According to Inside HigherEd:
In Berkeley, where the city’s minimum wage is $10 per hour for all private employers, the University of California at Berkeley is continuing to pay about a quarter of its student workers less than that, according to a spokeswoman, Janet Gilmore. She said the average student pay is $12 an hour.
Ah yes, this is liberal ideology at its finest! The only thing they forgot to mention was that UC Berkeley also purchased its own armored personnel carrier! After all nothing screams “budget restraints” like a tank on a university campus, right?
Wait; aren’t these the same Leftists who simultaneously scream that the police are becoming “militarized” with armored vehicles?
Apparently that doesn’t include “Bastion of Leftism” universities.
These are heaping helpings, again, of Leftist Hypocrisy unrestrained.
Leftists are generally liars, one and all. Nothing good comes out of Berkeley.
I left Berkeley once. That was something good coming out of Berkeley. Also, Giovanni’s on Shattuck is pretty good Italian food.
Most of these liberal/leftist outfits do leave alone the alumni donation generating program, i.e., the football team. How about a minimum wage for the “student” athletes?
Refusing, huh? That is PRECIOUS!
The hypocrisy never quits.
BZ…lots of good food in Berkeley!
I love your Christmassy site pictures…