Opie and Anthony don’t love ObamaKare any more:

Opie and Anthony, a radio show on satellite radio in New York City, and historically rather Left leaning, are no longer smitten by ObamaKare.  I wonder why.  [Caution: “bad” rangruage.]

Imagine that.  Reality comes crashing down onto the heads of more and more Leftists.  “It’s gotten ridiculous.”  They admit: Obama lied to the American people.


“It exists to penalize people, to bring in revenue.”

I am really enjoying the schadenfreude on this one, folks.



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3 thoughts on “Opie and Anthony don’t love ObamaKare any more:

  1. Those guys historically lean left? Sure could have fooled me! I love Obamacare! It’s REALLY fucking with a lot of leftist minds!! It must really suck to be so enthralled with obummer for so long and then FINALLY wake up and see the light. HA!!! About time!

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