Progressive pledge of allegiance

Leftist Pledge of AllegianceBut wait; Charles Angeletti takes it even further.


College prof makes students recite anti-American ‘pledge of allegiance’

If you sign up for Denver college professor Charles Angeletti’s American Civilization class, be forewarned that you’re going to have to recite his invective-filled ‘New Pledge’ — and according to some of his students, also be ready to swallow a big helping of his politics.

Angeletti, who teaches at Metropolitan State University of Denver, has students learn an anti-American spoof of the Pledge of Allegiance that denounces the U.S. as a Republican-controlled bastion of injustice, all while spewing his own far-left brand of politics, according to current and former students.

“I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American,” reads Angeletti’s version. “And to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you, if you don’t watch your step.”

Perfect.  Just what we need to be teaching young and soft brains with little training, education and experience.

“We’re very racist, we’re very repressive, we’re very Christian oriented, we don’t tolerate other kinds of thinking in this country.”

– Charles Angeletti, professor at Metropolitan State University

 Interesting point from a student in the class:

 “If you are a liberal, you will like him,” a student wrote. “He encourages you to speak out and voice your opinion… Unless of course, you are a Republican.”

Another student said the class was unfocused.

“All this teacher does is ask what is on your mind at the start of every class and that is how class is run everyday based on what students say,” the student wrote. “The only reason I got a B is because I hardly showed up to that class because it was so pointless. All he does is argue with everything you say and you are always wrong. Didn’t learn anything.”

Out of the mouths of babes.



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5 thoughts on “Progressive pledge of allegiance

  1. Since he is an atheist and a Socialist he should give N. Korea or China a try. Then he would be qualified to discuss what is repressive and racist.

    Between illegal amnesty, an Imperial Executive branch and an educational system (HA!) seemingly determined to undermine our foundations, I think it would be hard to find another country which seems so hell bent on committing national suicide.

  2. Pay good tuition to stay away to get good grades.
    And to think I was suspicious of on line universities.
    “we don’t tolerate other kinds of thinking…”
    He got that part right.

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