Racist black mayor: “these fucking crackers”

On the loving heels of unbiased blacks — the conviction of a racist young murderess — comes the arrest of a racist black mayor for DUI.

Evidence?  The video below.  Check the language to his “fellow black” at 8:00 into the video.  Fast forward to that general area and just keep listening.

The American Media Maggots are into their standard cover-up form: they never once mention the mayor’s racist bent, as in “these fucking crackers.”  And more.  Just listen.

Precisely why I am the antidote to the American Media Maggots — doing the job they won’t, and pointing out actions and events they refuse to cover truthfully or at all.



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3 thoughts on “Racist black mayor: “these fucking crackers”

  1. This is so very sad. He did not obey the law and got caught. Why does he feel like he should be held to different standards than all of us?

  2. He’s a mayor??? Time to fill his mouth with enough Saltines to stop his ability to talk (breathe). Show him what a real cracker is like.

    If Obama had another brother this would be him.

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