School Bans Even Secular Easter Images; Doesn’t Want To Offend Anyone

From WREG in Memphis:

MADISON, Ala. (WHNT) Teachers at Heritage Elementary School in Madison, AL were informed Monday their plans to have an “academic egg hunt” with their kindergarten and second grade students would need to be scrapped.

The school’s principal, Lydia Davenport, informed staff no activities related to or centered around any religious holiday would be allowed in the interest, she says, of religious diversity among students.

There is nothing biblical about Easter bunnies or colorful plastic eggs or synthetic iridescent grass clippings, but the perceived need to modify the student egg hunt has many parents upset; less upset, they say about the need to preserve religious freedom and more about their students’ freedom to simply be a kid.

One Heritage parent wrote in an email response:

“I don’t get upset about too many things, but this upsets me. What is this world coming to? I am a Christian and proud to announce it. But even non-believers enjoy a good egg hunt. Kids need to enjoy being kids.”

“We had in the past,” explains principal Lydia Davenport, “a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school, so we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”

And there you go.

When ONE person “objects,” then EVERYthing must come to a screeching halt.  Because, God forbid — or “Goddess forbid” — when ONE person objects, there clearly is a problem with perspective.

My immediate response: then all secularists should ensure they do NOT take days off for any number of heinous and oppressive days.  Work the holidays.  Work every day.  Stick to your guns.  Harder work, and more of it, Secularists.

You hanyaks.



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7 thoughts on “School Bans Even Secular Easter Images; Doesn’t Want To Offend Anyone

  1. So when one person objects to your blog you will be obliged to take it down. You need to start being PC very fast or else!

    Really, the parent hit it with: “What is this world coming to?”…my thoughts exactly.
    You’re right, no holidays for secularists and no more for Obama & his lovely family.

  2. Damn progressives will be the death of this country, and I don’t think it will be long. All Dr. Spock’s fault!
    Spare the rod my ass! When we stopped spanking kids when they needed it, the end was in sight.

  3. It always takes one ignorant person to ruin for everyone else. I don’t see the harm in kids having Easter Egg hunts or chocolate bunny rabbits, etc. It’s fun and the kids love hunting for them.

    I remember one year, my eldest son’s kindergarten invited parents to hide the eggs and then wait for the kids to come and see us there and the fun began!

    How sad that our children being forced to deal with the ignorance of adults.

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