Scientists dismiss claims that Yellowstone volcano about to erupt


(Reuters) – Yellowstone National Park assured guests and the public on Thursday that a super-volcano under the park was not expected to erupt anytime soon, despite an alarmist video that claimed bison had been seen fleeing to avoid such a calamity.

Yellowstone officials, who fielded dozens of calls and emails since the video went viral this week following an earthquake in the park, said the video actually shows bison galloping down a paved road that leads deeper into the park.

There was a 4.8 earthquake in Yellowstone this past Sunday (March 30th), given that such a scale hasn’t been seen in the park since 1980.

What would occur if the volcano below Yellowstone were to erupt?

You wouldn’t want to know.



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5 thoughts on “Scientists dismiss claims that Yellowstone volcano about to erupt

  1. I know! Let’s take an innocuous video, mislabel it, claim it shows something else, come up with an alarming story, and see how many people we can panic/cause to spread the story!

    Y2K much?

  2. Bison migrating from one area to another may well use a nice open highway rather than wallowing through snow and sage brush. Doing so at a fast pace minimizes the time they are not in their usual herd formations. I’ve seen similar behavior in free range cattle being rounded up from high mountain summer grazing to lower elevations.

  3. It’s just funny to see how a few buffalo (28) capering down a clear path prompts huge speculation as to what this means and elicits questions like how does this affect me.
    Meanwhile videos of thousands of Mexicans crossing illegally into the U.S. elicit no thoughts whatsoever. In fact, I was looking for a well known video of immigrants charging the border in rush hour and successfully crossing into the US unhindered for comparison. It has been removed from the web. So… since this video is still available, I would suggest that there is no threat whatsoever.

    Besides, we have FEMA. They have a plan….. I’m sure of it! 😉

    • Of course FEMA does. Because it CARES.

      [The blithering idiots who think that ANY federal agency is ANY kind of a First Responder.]


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