Sheila Jackson Lee: another idiotic black female Leftist

SJL GeniusApparently the Pilgrims wrote the Constitution.  In the frame of 400 years.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mr Obama picks out a pink sweater at a Gap store.

AP_obama_gap_sk_140311_16x9_608That said, can there be no response to Sheila Jackson Lee?


The Leftists are their own best promoters.  Problem is, there are fewer and fewer intelligent persons who can sift caca from actual.  400 years?  Really?

Lee brings the Stegosaurus into view: it had an amazingly-primitive brain in its head, but it required a separate ganglion of nerves to make its hips move.  Remarkably stupid.

Perhaps a ganglion of nerves operates Ms Lee’s hips.

I can think of no other viable option.



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5 thoughts on “Sheila Jackson Lee: another idiotic black female Leftist

  1. A ganglion of nerves? the stegosaurus needed these, but for what it’s worth my estimate is that a vacuum pump with servos and linkage rods operates her legs, hips, mouth and arms, since her brain was pickled about 20 years ago.

    Then again, all of the rethuglicans(credit to GunnyG @ the anti liberal zone for the word)aren’t much different.

    • Thanks for visiting, Grog, and thanks for taking the time to comment. I probably should have apologized to Stegosaurs.


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