Syria: some sources indicate US strikes to begin within 24 hours

Evil US vs President AssadAnd Greta Van Susteren is on early and extended.

I still say: going into Syria is completely unnecessary and wrong.  It will be a quagmire to be used against the United States.  I don’t see good things coming out of this for either the US or Israel.  Mostly, Mr Obama couldn’t care less about either one.

Syria AttackAssad knows we’re coming, he reads newspapers too.  Whatever strategic materiel may have existed in specific places — are now quite likely moved.  Just as Syria received the WMD and gas from Iraq under Saddam Hussein.  Where, for example, do you think Syria acquired the gas for their most recent play time?

When you broadcast a time and a date, Mr Obama, then people will respond.  You are apparently transparent in your transnational attacks, but opaque when dealing with domestic issues.  How nice to know.

And smacking Syria, roughly a week after the event, is like walking up to your dog — a week after he shat in your boots — and smacking him with a newspaper.  It’s pointless.

The dog doesn’t make the connection, nothing is learned, behavior isn’t corrected, and the dog begins to make plans to kill you in your sleep.


Obama & Syria


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6 thoughts on “Syria: some sources indicate US strikes to begin within 24 hours

  1. To go in there at all is lunacy. But to even think of going in there without UN sanction, much as I do despise the UN, is madness beyond belief.
    And what will happen if a missile lands on a hidden cache of CW?
    Who will ovomit blame then?

    • Certainly not Himself.

      It is already estimated that the UN will take at least another week before it officially reports if gas was truly utilized — and that’s IF, not “by whom.”


  2. Polls indicating 9% popular support for bombing along with Fox News now putting blame on Hillary’s doorstep tells me this actually might not happen.
    It’s all about the election….. already.

  3. Pingback: Seymour Hersh Alleges Obama Administration Lied on Syria Gas Attack | Bloviating Zeppelin

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