And the Washington Post calls Mr Obama out on it.
Obama’s claim that the GOP has ‘blocked every serious idea’
by Glenn Kessler
“So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.”
–President Obama, weekly address, July 12, 2014
This has become a standard line in the president’s oratory, as part of making his case that he’s “acted this year to help working Americans on my own– when Congress won’t act.”
The Pinocchio Test
We make no judgement on which side has the surplus of “serious ideas,” but the president is engaging in rhetorical overkill. Certainly this congressional session has resulted in few major laws. Perhaps he could make a case that Republicans have blocked many bills that he has sought—or even that his most prized initiatives have been stymied.
But to claim that “every serious idea” has been blocked is going too far–given that the president lauded at least three bills as aiding the middle class. (Update: In a speech the morning this column appeared, the president adjusted his language appropriately: “Republicans in Congress keep blocking or voting down some of the ideas that would have the biggest impact on middle-class and working families.”)
Therefore, the Washington Post gives Mr Obama:
Three Pinocchios

This is a “nice” way to say: YOU LIE.
Speaking of “you lie,” let’s revisit an event during an Obama speech in the House regarding the ACA, on September 9th of 2009, wherein Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted “you lie” in the midst of the address:
It turns out that Rep Wilson was prescient: it has been made abundantly clear that illegal aliens will have their healthcare covered, despite the fact that they have done absolutely nothing to earn it.
Yes, Obama lies. He lied then and he lies now.
And no one seems to care.
It’s easy to tell when Obama is lying… He’s speaking…
I am so, so, SO tired of even hearing his voice.
The republicans have not come up with a solution on how to fix things.
That’s a true statement.
They caved on the budget and they won’t impeach.
I can’t refute that at all, Ed. The Republicans are primarily invertebrates.
Ed B., Virtually everything the Republican House passes is blocked by Harry Reid from even being voted on in the Senate. Calls for impeachment are only empty words until the Democrats lose their majority in the Senate. However, I would like to hear calls for impeachment being made by all who want him gone at this point.
HGP, however, I submit it’s not entirely impossible that the GOP may in fact take the Senate come November.
That’s only one step.
The most important part: IF they get power WILL they actually WIELD it? History indicates: no.
You have to say one thing about Demorats: when they possess power they have no compunctions about throwing it all about the room as widely and unabashedly as possible.
I understand on impeachment, but not on government shutdown.
it’s worse that nobody’s noticing than he’s lying. And he lies so blatantly, too. As does Reid. if Reid would bring a bill up for vote, maybe folks would see how busy Republicans are TRYING TO HELP the middle class?
Just a thought.
Look, it’s simple. Obama’s name is a lie. Made up.
His beginnings have been a lie.
His biography is a lie, like his birth certificate. Sham should be his name.
Don’t you believe that Russia’s Putin, our own CIA, etc don’t know all of this.
They have a “book” on him, knowing every little detail about him.
Maybe if it gets worse, “they” will take action.
For now, they will just let this fool think he is ruling the USA.
The USA is presently safe, and will be this way.
Time to let the Conservatives rule the politics now, and remove all Obama operatives out of their political jobs.
If the government wants to strengthen the middle class several things need to happen:
1. Provide national security, close to borders absolutely stopping the inflow of illegals coming here for handouts which we pay for in higher taxes;
2. Stop all the extra handouts, especially to illegals including college tuition;
3. Stop taxing us to death, and take away the “death tax”;
4. Stop saddling us with legislation solely designed to control;
5. Stop trying to disarm the populace. Enforce the existing laws on the books and quit penalizing the everyday citizen. The vast majority of the populace is law-abiding.
6. Stop the Affordable Car Act, which has more control apparatus in it than actual healthcare concerns.
Here is how obama thinks…
obama says to me, I want to go to the moon, lets collect a million lego pieces and build a space ship. I say to him that this is not a good idea and will not work. obama then says to me that we should flap our arms really fast and hold our breath as that will surely get us there. I again tell him that this is not a good idea. He then proposes we steal millions of shoelaces and make a huge rope to lasso the moon and pull it closer so that he can simply step up onto the moon. I again tell him this will not work.
obama then runs around and tells everyone that I won’t help him get to the moon. That is what is happening here…am I wrong?