One of, if not the major reason people justified, overtly or covertly, the cessation of business for “sheltering in place,” was that the science “justified” our doing so. We were attempting to “flatten the curve” as it were, which somehow morphed into “flatten the economy.”
I’ll translate for you:
-Two months ago: “We can’t open until we flatten the curve to save our healthcare system.”
-One month ago: “We can’t open until we have a vaccine.”
-A few days ago: “We can’t open until we have multiple vaccines.”
-Today: We can’t open until Biden wins.
The very persons who bleated that “we can’t politicize a pandemic” were the very first to politicize a pandemic.
As the saying goes: “Whatever the Leftists and Demorats are accusing you of, they themselves are doing right now.”
Which is this: utilizing Fear Porn to keep all you little proles, commoners, groundlings, unwashed masses, subjects and serfs in line.
This guy nails the current state of Covid panic. And does so hysterically ?#obamagate #q #qanon
— Q The Wake Up (@QTheWakeUp) May 13, 2020
All you Leftists, remember to stay inside and remain scared. Do whatever your governor or mayor tells you to do. Your business, you livelihood, your job, even your health means nothing if even one governor’s edict or mayor’s edict can be saved. OBEY. Sieg Newsom! Sieg Murphy! Sieg Cuomo! Sieg Pritzker! Linke über alles!
Remain Blue Pilled, all of you people. Quiver in the fetal position underneath your desks, in your closets, under your beds.
Let’s stop here for a moment. It’s no surprise that I’ve lost acquaintances, some fairly close, and even some friends when I voted for Donald John Trump, OMB, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head. Here’s a bit of the “odd thing” about that as well. They drew some clear lines — so I did too.
But I find it amusing that there appears to be a pretty close correlation between Trump and this Wuhan-19 thingie. The same people who kicked my ass to the curb for supporting Trump — are now kicking my ass to the curb for my support of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
You know, that pesky crap called “freedom” and “liberty.”
Frankly, I think that says a helluva lot more about them than it does me.
I’m losing more acquaintances, mostly in law enforcement (and even an actual LE friend), for my stance on law enforcement’s handling of the various incidents involving people who want to get back to work, walk in a park, boogie board on the water, let their kids visit another child, cut hair, eat at a restaurant, work out, or encounter sand.
You can walk through the wet sand, but you can’t be trusted to sit in dry sand for any period of time unless you occupy an adult playpen.
I want my baby rattle. Oh hell. I crapped my diapers. Medic!
In the meantime, some people think that woman is nuts. What’s she doing out? Moreover, what’s anybody doing out? Time to call the police! Time to create a new hashtag! #RespectTheFearPorn!
Let’s be honest; if we haven’t died yet, well, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE.
“The Fear Porn lives strong in you.”
Particularly in light of not only the revelations of the Kern County Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi. Here, the false safety of mask and gloves is summed up by those same doctors.
? Covid-19 ?
The MSM lies to us ~ everyday!
The Democrat Congress uses it to harm Pres. Trump ~ they cheer
Globalists use fear to perpetuate their evil agenda on us
But here is the truth about Covid-19
Follow All
?Add @TomWick15— ?
?? ?????? ??
? (@TomWick15) April 29, 2020
Then there were more recent revelations of these persons.
Here is Dr Ivette Lozano, speaking in Dallas, Texas on May 10th, about the Wuhan-19 virus — daring to give you the truth.
And there you go. YouTube took Dr Lozano’s speech down because it provides an alternative to the goose-stepping Leftist governor and mayor dictator edicts that YouTube and Facebook know and love so well. So I put this up. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Here is Dr Jeff Barke from Orange County, speaking in public about Wuhan-19.
Here is Dr Barke speaking in his office about Wuhan-19 and what he has experienced.
We are seeing an absolutely unprecedented spike in videos removed by both Facebook and YouTube if they even remotely go against the grain of “huddle like a rat inside, genuflect and bow to the WHO, and Dr Anthony Fauci is god.” YouTube and Facebook will not even brook a discussion of any of these issues, as YouTube CEO Susan Wojcocki clearly states here on CNN with George Costanza.
You know, anything that slightly goes against that Chinese managed organization, the WHO — which means that, by dint of doing BZ’s Logical Extension, YouTube is nothing but a puppet for the Chinese Communists and Xi Jenping.
Not to mention the entire paradigm shift made by the WHO, World Health Organization, that kicked the Chinese model to the curb and advocates the open Swedish model of dealing with the Wuhan-19 virus.
WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward
by Jack Salo, 4-29-20
The World Health Organization lauded Sweden as a “model” for battling the coronavirus as countries lift lockdowns — after the nation controversially refused restrictions.
Dr. Mike Ryan, the WHO’s top emergencies expert, said Wednesday there are “lessons to be learned” from the Scandinavian nation, which has largely relied on citizens to self-regulate.
“I think there’s a perception out that Sweden has not put in control measures and just has allowed the disease to spread,” Ryan told reporters. “Nothing can be further from the truth.”
Ryan noted that instead of lockdowns, the country has “put in place a very strong public policy around social distancing, around caring and protecting people in long-term care facilities.”
“What it has done differently is it has very much relied on its relationship with its citizenry and the ability and willingness of its citizens to implement self-distancing and self-regulate,” Ryan said. “In that sense, they have implemented public policy through that partnership with the population.”
Let us not forget, however, that no one can advocate for hydroxychloroquine or any such cheap or readily-available drug because, after all, if it isn’t personally-embraced immediately by Dr Anthony Fauci, well, it’s just too inexpensive and won’t bring requisite cash and control to Big Pharma.
And isn’t it odd that, somehow, two American plants oddly enough happen to be on fire. I put this together; no one else that it worth mentioning.
First, this fire in Illinois.
Large fire at magnesium factory in Madison, Illinois
by Roche Madden, 5-7-20
MADISON, Ill. – A thick plume of dark smoke could be seen pouring from the site of a factory fire in Madison, Illinois Thursday afternoon.
Firefighters from 35 departments all over the area responded to the fire at Magnesium Elektron. They were afraid the fire would turn into an explosion. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
Firefighters were concerned magnesium was burning.
Then this from the company itself, Magnesium Elektron.
Magnesium Elektron Launches New Biomedical Solutions Using Magnesium Alloys
Magnesium Elektron, a global materials technology company specialising in the design and manufacture of high performance materials, has announced the launch of magnesium for its first biomedical applications.
The use of the bioresorbable material, specifically Magnesium Elektron’s revolutionary Synermag magnesium alloy, in CE approved, cardiovascular applications has been announced.
This and a wide variety of potential pharmaceutical and biomedical applications are detailed in two new publications available to download here.
Those stories and incidents aren’t linked. What’s the problem or issue?
Magnesium stearate is an ingredient of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. Two separate plants that manufacture it were on fire; the one in Madison, Illinois, and a plant in Mexico.
Simply coincidence? BZ does not believe in co-inky-dink any more. I have been terribly disabused of that by recent events.
And just when the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine is being shot down by Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots — because it is absolutely politicized — I can and will talk about articles pointing out the positive, more readily available and workable effects of hydroxychloroquine. Here is one major, major article that no one is featuring and everyone — in the American Media Maggot realm — is purposely avoiding.
From the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons:
Hydroxychloroquine Has about 90 Percent Chance of Helping COVID-19 Patients
Press Release, 4-28-20
In a letter to Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) presents a frequently updated table of studies that report results of treating COVID-19 with the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ, Plaquenil®).
To date, the total number of reported patients treated with HCQ, with or without zinc and the widely used antibiotic azithromycin, is 2,333, writes AAPS, in observational data from China, France, South Korea, Algeria, and the U.S. Of these, 2,137 or 91.6 percent improved clinically. There were 63 deaths, all but 11 in a single retrospective report from the Veterans Administration where the patients were severely ill.
The antiviral properties of these drugs have been studied since 2003. Particularly when combined with zinc, they hinder viral entry into cells and inhibit replication. They may also prevent overreaction by the immune system, which causes the cytokine storm responsible for much of the damage in severe cases, explains AAPS. HCQ is often very helpful in treating autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Additional benefits shown in some studies, AAPS states, is to decrease the number of days when a patient is contagious, reduce the need for ventilators, and shorten the time to clinical recovery.
We also know this, oddly enough, from
Report: Covid-19 patients recovering quickly after getting experimental drug remdesivir
by Maggie Fox, 4-17-20
Covid-19 patients who are getting an experimental drug called remdesivir have been recovering quickly, with most going home in days, STAT News reported Thursday after it obtained a video of a conversation about the trial.
The patients taking part in a clinical trial of the drug have all had severe respiratory symptoms and fever, but were able to leave the hospital after less than a week of treatment, STAT quoted the doctor leading the trial as saying.“The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We’ve only had two patients perish,” Dr. Kathleen Mullane, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Chicago who is leading the clinical trial, said in the video.
In fact, an entire nation is attempting to corner the hydroxychloroquine market because it believes in the results of the drug in helping its citizens. From UK’s
UK bulk buys hydroxychloroquine as potential Covid-19 treatment
by Rajeev Syal and Lisa O’Carroll
Hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug being taken by Donald Trump as an unproven protection against coronavirus, is being bought in bulk by the UK in case it does turn out to be an effective Covid-19 treatment.
Ministers are seeking 16m tablets in packets of up to 100 as part of a £35m contract put out to tender on Friday.
The drug is being tested by government scientists, health officials said. They are securing additional supplies so it can be distributed among the population if required.
The contract, which was uploaded to a government website on 15 May, is an “open opportunity” for pharmaceutical suppliers to supply more than 33m tablets of various drugs between June and next January.
“Yeah, we don’t believe in the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine because we want to appear politically correct with all of the other talking Leftist heads — but just in case. . .”
What did we know and when did we know it — about hydroxychloroquine? Well, it would seem the extremely praised High Lord Himself, Dr Anthony Fauci, knew something pretty important way back on August 22nd of 2005.
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases including malaria, amoebiosis and human immunodeficiency virus is effective in inhibiting the infection and spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. The fact that the drug has significant inhibitory antiviral effect when the susceptible cells were treated either prior to or after infection suggests a possible prophylactic and therapeutic use.
Let’s mention the NYU study about the combination of hydroxychloroquine and a Z-pack. Because this is likely the only place you’ll read of it.
Drug Combo with Hydroxychloroquine Promising: NYU Study
by Alyssa Paolicelli, 5-12-20
NEW YORK – Researchers at NYU’s Grossman School of Medicine found patients given the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine along with zinc sulphate and the antibiotic azithromycin were 44 percent less likely to die from the coronavirus.
“Certainly we have very limited options as far as what we have seen work for this infection so anything that may work is very exciting,” said Dr. Joseph Rahimian, Infectious Disease Specialist at NYU Langone Health.
Additionally, from Texas:
39 elderly Texans successfully complete hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19, doctor says
by Jason Whitely, 4-14-20
DALLAS — What happened at a Galveston County nursing home over the last week was one of the first big tests of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients in Texas.
“I thought the risk of seeing 15% of that nursing home die was just not an acceptable,” said Dr. Robin Armstrong, MD, medical director at The Resort at Texas City.
Fifty-six residents at this senior facility in Galveston County contracted the novel coronavirus. Dr. Robin Armstrong said 39 of them gave him permission to treat them with hydroxychloroquine pills.
“Most of the patients have done well. And, you know, and I think that that is suggestive that the medication is helpful,” Armstrong told WFAA.
Of course, you’re only hearing about the negative studies and effects because, frankly, that’s what the Demorats, Leftists and American Media Maggots only want you to hear.
You have to look deeply to find other studies. That is purposeful.
The massive demand didn’t exist then. It does now. But now that the medicine appears to be the worst of all possible worlds to Big Pharma and those doctors quite possibly on the take and padding their bank accounts — it’s cheap and effective — whoa, hold up there on that car wash! Let’s not go all crazy on solving the problem now.
There’s a fat hog to be cut here and we all want our piece.
Now, despite the fact that more and more studies clearly indicated that the Wuhan-19 virus is infinitely more prevalent than anyone previously surmised — meaning that its mortality rate is actually much, much less than previously surmised (right at or just a slight tick above that of the yearly flu), and the World Health Organization (WHO) has abandoned the Chinese model of strict isolation for the open Swedish model — we still have Demorat governors and mayors who are not only adhering to their Draconian measures but actually expanding them and extending their time in place to August and, in some cases, beyond.
First, the Stanford Research project:
Stanford researchers test 3,200 people for COVID-19 antibodies
by Kate Selig, 4-4-20
Over 3,200 people in Santa Clara County were tested for COVID-19 antibodies on Friday and Saturday in an effort to determine the proportion of the population that either has or has recovered from coronavirus. The study, led by researchers at Stanford Medicine, is the first of its kind in the nation.
Then the USC study results emerged.
Preliminary results of USC-LA County COVID-19 study released
USC-LA County Study: Early Results of Antibody Testing Suggest Number of COVID-19 Infections Far Exceeds Number of Confirmed Cases in Los Angeles County
Los Angeles (April 20, 2020) – USC and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) today released preliminary results from a collaborative scientific study that suggests infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread – and the fatality rate much lower — in L.A. County than previously thought.
From this, epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis announced the results of a study that measured presence of SARS-2 antibodies in populace: 50 to 85 times more people have had the virus than was previously believed. The infection fatality rate is therefore very similar to the regular flu.
Epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis announces the results of a study that measured presence of SARS-2 antibodies in populace:
50 to 85 times more people have had the virus than was previously believed. The infection fatality rate is therefore very similar to the regular flu.
— ☨ Resurrection Europa ? (@WolfishHead) April 20, 2020
Leftists seem to love China. Here’s a report about China’s statistics, from
The biggest breakdown yet of novel coronavirus cases suggests that 80% are mild. Some patients never show symptoms.
by Morgan McFall-Johnsen, 2-19-20
- About 80% of novel coronavirus cases are mild, according to China’s most comprehensive report about the outbreak published so far.
- Many patients experience only a fever or dry cough, while some show no symptoms at all.
- The new numbers, along with the fact that 322 out of 621 confirmed cases on a quarantined cruise ship involved people who showed no symptoms, suggest that many mild cases of the new coronavirus are going unreported.
The researchers found that 80.9% of the confirmed cases were mild. Those patients might experience a fever or dry cough but weren’t likely to have difficulty breathing or to develop a severe lung infection. The study also found that infected people could show no symptoms at all — that was the case for 1.2% of the patients.
That was the case for the co-owner of the SHR Media Network, Shaun Lewis, who is in his early 40s, when he acquired Wuhan-19 in late March. He was specifically diagnosed with having it, and stayed in the residence where the studio is located for about two weeks. He said it was similar to his having had the flu with coughing, sweating, general weakness, and an occasional temperature. He fully recovered.
I went back to broadcasting in that studio when he felt better. I am almost 70 and quite obese; a proverbial tasty target for Wuhan-19. I don’t wear a mask or gloves when shopping, having stayed inside, and have been to businesses and restaurants when they were open. I am fine.
We’re also discovering that, no, asymptomatic Wuhan-19 people aren’t going to kill us all.
In summary, all the 455 contacts were excluded from SARS-CoV-2 infection and we conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak. All CT images showed no sign of COVID-19 infection.
So I continue to ask: why are those not in the highest risk categories — like those persons over 80 or with a series of serious co-morbidities — still locked down and even taken to jail?
From the
Science says: It’s time to start easing the lockdowns
by Dr Scott Atlas, 4-26-20,
The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have been enormous, and New York has suffered more than anywhere else in the world. Compared as a separate country, the New York area would rank, by far, as No. 1 for deaths per capita.
The New York-New Jersey-Connecticut tri-state area accounts for approximately 60 percent of all US deaths. Theories abound, but the New York area itself is different: New York is the top port of entry for the hundreds of thousands of tourists coming to the US every month from China; Gotham has a uniquely high density of living that swells daily by millions from workers and tourists; and Manhattan sees some 1.6 million commuters daily, mostly on crowded public transit, including 320,000 from Jersey alone.
Multiple recent studies from Iceland, Germany, USC, Stanford and New York City all suggest that the fatality rate if infected is likely far lower than early estimates, perhaps under 0.1 to 0.4 percent, i.e., 10 to 40 times lower than estimates that motivated extreme isolation.
But wait; there’s more.
When states and hospitals abruptly stopped “nonessential” procedures and surgery, that didn’t mean unimportant care. Treatments for the most serious illnesses, including emergency care, were missed. Some estimate about half of cancer patients deferred chemotherapy. Approximately 80 percent of brain surgery cases were skipped. Perhaps half or more of acute stroke and heart-attack patients missed their only chances for early treatment, some dying and many now facing permanent disability. Transplants from living donors are down 85 percent from the same period last year.
And that doesn’t include the skipped cancer screenings, avoided childhood vaccinations, missed biopsies of now-undiscovered cancers numbering thousands per week — and countless other serious disorders left undiagnosed.
Lastly, total isolation prevents broad population immunity and prolongs the problem.
Read that again: “Lastly, total isolation prevents broad population immunity and prolongs the problem.” Another reason, in other words, why people are becoming more “allergic” to certain foods and environments — other than it’s currently “cool” to be so.
For population immunity, it is great news that half of infected people are asymptomatic and that medical care isn’t even necessary for the vast majority of people. That fact has been incorrectly portrayed as an urgent problem requiring mass isolation.
This is what a doctor says.
The curves have been flattened. Now, we must use established medical science and the evidence we have gathered, and for New York City in particular, limit the enormous harms accumulating from broad isolation and economic lockdown. While New York is unique, strategy should now focus on rigorously protecting the most vulnerable and strictly regulate access to senior-care centers.
Officials must issue rational distancing guidelines to the elderly and their families, including self-isolating the mildly sick. Masks could be required for public transit. We know children and young adults in good health have almost no risk of any serious illness from COVID-19, so logic means opening most schools.
A very important side-note about what the US population itself has been demanding over the decades, and I think it’s worth mentioning. This is from a Washington Examiner article by Dan Hannan (4-27-20) called “We Get The Leaders We Deserve.” He writes:
This is where public opinion comes in. We are bad at calculating trade-offs at the best of times. When there is panic in the air, we want safety at all costs. Or, rather, we don’t think about costs at all. The very idea of calculating the effect of the shutdown on people’s welfare and, indeed, overall longevity, seems distasteful. It’s far easier and far more satisfying to sloganize, to say, “Better safe than sorry” or “Lives before the economy,” as though the economy were some abstract entity rather than the word referring to human interaction intended to maximize health and happiness.
We get the leaders we deserve. Politicians know that they won’t be punished electorally for erring on the side of caution, the key word here being “erring.” There is an authoritarian tendency in every electorate, and crises of this sort inflame it. Once leaders around the world decided to immobilize their populations rather than just quarantining those most at risk, it became politically difficult to switch course. New evidence tended to be pressed into the existing narrative, that is, to be seized on as further justification for the lockdowns.
Did we bring this on ourselves? Not you, not me, but the greater population of quivering pussies in our nation? In a word, yes. And it’s generational.
Even Newsweek recently wrote:
Most U.S. Hospitals Are Empty. Soon They Might Be Closed for Good / Opinion
by Rick Jackson, 4-24-20
Tens of thousands of health care workers across the United States are going without pay today, even as providers in the nation’s hot spots struggle to contain the coronavirus pandemic
This “tale of two hospitals” is a function of clumsy, if well-intentioned, federal and state directives to halt all non-emergency procedures, which appeared at first blush to be a reasonable precaution to limit unnecessary exposure and safeguard staff, beds and equipment.
But instead of merely preserving hospital beds and other resources, this heavy-handed injunction has created a burden of its own design: a historic number of empty beds in systems left untouched by the pandemic.
Those hospitals have resorted to unprecedented levels of furloughs to stave off temporary budget shortfalls, but industry and economic trends point to more lasting outcomes unless immediate action is taken.
Note this:
Outpatient services account for half of all hospital revenue, which means hospitals are now making, and spending, half what they were this time last year.
It doesn’t take an economist to understand the underlying economics here. And it won’t just be rural health care that will suffer—hospitals in every corner of the country might close for good.
“But it’s for the children.” The bleat of every society. Even in Germany. Even in the 1930s.
We have to begin asking ourselves a critical question: “Did we murder the economy and throw a fifth of the labor force out of work to save less than 0.01% of the population?”
We also have to point out this hypocritical situation — though we all know why it exists.
New York mosque still open for daily prayers while churches across the country face mandatory shutdowns
by Phil Shiver, 4-20-20
A mosque in New York is reportedly still open for daily prayers amid the coronavirus pandemic that has forced Christian churches across the country to close their doors and cancel their in-person gatherings.
While churchgoers in many states have been criticized and even punished for continuing to gather, that same level of scrutiny has apparently not been leveled at the Mosque of Jesus, Son of Mary in Syracuse, New York.
And here’s likely the most important, critical and overlooked statistic of all, which was not just avoidable, but certain New York governors made it a point to infect this class of citizen. From
Ground Zero: A fifth to half of all coronavirus deaths have been in nursing homes
by Christine Dolan, 4-27-20
few days ago the World Health Organization’s European regional director garnered global headlines by providing a grim statistic that pinpoints the ground zero in this coronavirus pandemic.
More than half of the COVID-19 deaths in Europe have occurred in long-term care or nursing home facilities. It is “an unimaginable human tragedy,” Dr. Hans Kluge declared.
Europe is not alone. At least one in five deaths recorded in the United States so far has occurred in nursing homes or long-term care facilities and experts believe that percentage may grow substantially.
Those are facts. Deaths not in youthful populations. Deaths not in people in their 20s, 30s or 40s. Deaths in our weakest, most susceptible populations. The elderly. In nursing facilities.
There’s the issue of the numbers themselves. One of the first public places we learned of this from Minnesota Senator Dr Scott Jenson. Hospitals were paid more for Wuhan-19 patients, so that incentivized their reporting a higher death rate from Wuhan-19. There is a massive difference between “dying WITH” and “dying OF.”
Then we have New York City funeral directors telling the truth about Wuhan-19 death statistics as well.
The numbers are skewed. The numbers are lying. Garbage in, garbage out. We know it now. We know the books are being cooked. We know hydroxychloroquine, when prescribed by doctors under medical conditions considering each individual patient, can be an effective tool in fighting Wuhan-19.
We know there are underlying, motivating factors in keeping Americans locked up, ignorant, quaking in fear. Many factors involving politics and cash. Politics and cash.
Dr Scott Atlas on Tucker Carlson Tonight, from April 28th, indicated it’s time to open America back up.
That’s science. The studies quoted above are science. The rationale for locking down Americans and not allowing them to purchase garden hoses, walk on dry sand, or purchase seeds is based only upon power and control. And money of course. Via tinpot Leftist dictator governors and mayors.
And despite all of this, despite all of the science in evidence, we had this in New Mexico — what was patently under-reported or avoided completely.
New Mexico governor orders roads closed to city of Gallup in effort to stop coronavirus spread
by Morgan Phillips, 5-1-20
New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham invoked the state’s Riot Control Act to slow the spread of coronavirus and sealed off the roads into and out of the hard-hit city of Gallup, she announced Friday.
To help control a surging outbreak in the city, the Democratic governor locked down the city at the request of Gallup’s mayor, Grisham said in a news release.
Beginning noon Friday, all roads into the city were shut down and businesses were required to close from 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. in the city of 22,000. Additionally, only two people are allowed in a vehicle at the same time.
As of May 22nd, there were a total of 300 deaths from Wuhan-19 in the entire state of New Mexico. Sure. Let’s just lock down an entire town and station the Stasi on the border. Sounds like something right out of East and West Germany and Berlin, doesn’t it? To people who know something about history.
The Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot — who despite her own prohibition, went out and got her own hair done “because I felt better and I have to be in the spotlight” a month ago — tacitly said that having 49 people shot, with 10 fatally in the deadliest Chicago Memorial Day weekend since 2015 is, well, pretty much business as usual.
But, dammit, you’d better not party down in Chicago because I’m throwing your ass in jail.
“If We Need to We Will Arrest You and We Will Take You to Jail” – Chicago Commie Mayor Outlaws Parties Under Her Watch
by Jim Hoft, 5-2-20
I’m not playing. Stay home (your own home). Save lives.
— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) May 3, 2020
We can lock up hair salon owners, gym owners, restaurant owners, we can suspend their licenses, their certifications, ruin the lives, dismantle their businesses, and send misguided and wrong-headed cops who aren’t well versed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights to do the bidding of Leftist governors and mayors.
Hey wait. How about some more science, since Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots profess to love and revere science:
CDC’s Latest ‘Best Estimate’ of COVID Death Rate Is 13 Times Lower Than Initial WHO Claim
by C. Douglas Golden, 5-25-20
It’s a number that informed so many of our public policy decisions regarding COVID-19 — 3.4 percent.
“Globally, about 3.4 percent of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1 percent of those infected.”
Now, was this based on incomplete information? Of course.
According to the CDC’s data, the symptomatic case fatality percentage is 0.4 percent.
So, do the math: It turns out that means the death rate is only 0.26 percent, according to the CDC’s own numbers.
If we’re talking about something closer to 0.26 percent, putting the world into a new Great Depression seems a bit of an overreaction.
Despite all of this, there are those who want even more power and control over you. When opportunity knocks, people open the door.
So now is a good time to disabuse people of the notion that there aren’t those who wish to place some kind of human trackers into vaccines and such, not unlike programs placing RFID chips in citizens. Of course those who think this may be a goal of various scientists and governments are considered tinfoil-hat-wearers up to and until the time comes that various articles shed light on the truth. From
New ID2020 Project to Build Biometric ID Program Around Infant Immunization
“The project will involve the exploration of multiple biometric identification technologies for infants, with the aim of building a biometric ID program based on the most successful approaches.”
ID2020, a public-private alliance aimed at supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal on universal identity, has announced a new identity project in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh and Gavi, a public-private alliance concerned with vaccination.
The project’s aim is essentially to create a biometric identity system based on immunization efforts conducted by Access to Information (A2I) – a Government of Bangladesh agency – and the Directorate of Health Service (DGHS), with the support of Gavi. The project will involve the exploration of multiple biometric identification technologies for infants, with the aim of building a biometric ID program based on the most successful approaches.
Such as this.
“At the core of our digital strategy is digital identity, which we believe has the promise to deliver a fast-track to inclusion,” Clements explained. “Nearly one billion people worldwide are unable to prove who they are. That is one reason why the Sustainable Development Goals provide all people with a legal identity by 2030.”
And an important element of digital identity is biometric identification, with Clements highlighting the example of a refugee settlement in Jordan, where “refugees are able to authenticate their identity using biometric Iris scans at enabled ATMs before receiving digitally distributed cash assistance.”
Bill Gates assures us all that none of us should attend mass gatherings absent a global vaccine, from
Bill Gates Crosses The Digital Rubicon, Says “Mass Gatherings” May Not Return Without Global Vaccine
by Tyler Durden, 4-10-20
A recurring theme among conspiracy theorists is that the elite are just waiting for the right moment to roll out their ‘mark of the beast’ technology to remotely identify and control every single human being on the planet, thus sealing their plans for a one world government. And with many people willing to do just about anything to get back to some sense of normalcy, those fears appear more justified with each passing day.
Does this sound like ID2020? Because it is.
In September 2019, just three months before the coronavirus first appeared in China, ID2020, a San Francisco-based biometric company that counts Microsoft as one of its founding members, quietly announced it was undertaking a new project that involves the “exploration of multiple biometric identification technologies for infants” that is based on “infant immunization” and only uses the “most successful approaches.”
For anyone who may be wondering what one of those “most successful approaches” might look like, consider the following top contender for the contract. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed what is essentially a hi-tech ‘tattoo’ that stores data in invisible dye under the skin. The ‘mark’ would be delivered together with a vaccine, most likely administered by Gavi, the global vaccine agency that also falls under the umbrella of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
A simple “tattoo.” Does that sound familiar in some fashion?
Today, with the global service economy shut down to prevent large groups of infectious humans from assembling, it is easier to imagine a day when people are required to have their infrared ID ‘tattoo’ scanned in order to be granted access to any number of public venues. And from there, it requires little stretch of the imagination to see this same tracking nanotechnology being applied broadly across the global economy, where it could be used to eliminate the use of dirty money. After all, if reusable bags are being outlawed over the coronavirus panic-demic, why should reusable cash get special treatment?
Writing earlier this month in these pages, geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar provided a compelling argument that the coronavirus, which is driving the world towards a New Great Depression, is “being used as cover for the advent of a new, digital financial system, complete with a forced vaccine cum nanochip creating a full, individual, digital identity.
Then there is this from
Storing medical information below the skin’s surface
by Anne Trafton, MIT News Office, 12-18-19
Specialized dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable “on-patient” storage of vaccination history.
MIT researchers have now developed a novel way to record a patient’s vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine.
“In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated,” says Kevin McHugh, a former MIT postdoc who is now an assistant professor of bioengineering at Rice University.
The researchers showed that their new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain for at least five years under the skin, where it emits near-infrared light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone.
Nanocrystals called quantum dots.
To create an “on-patient,” decentralized medical record, the researchers developed a new type of copper-based quantum dots, which emit light in the near-infrared spectrum. The dots are only about 4 nanometers in diameter, but they are encapsulated in biocompatible microparticles that form spheres about 20 microns in diameter. This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place, under the skin, after being injected.
Please re-read: “This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place, under the skin, after being injected.”
If you continue to disbelieve, you can read essentially the same information here, from Smithsonian Magazine.
So people that are telling you “chipping with injectable vaccines” isn’t possible, and that no one will do it? Yeah, now you know they’re full of shit. It is possible and people are dying to do it. To you. Do you think they’ll just drop the idea to have people geotagged? And that you’ll not have to get “updates” just like a new app or program?
And that those updates won’t contain a means to GPS your position, or limit your ability to make purchases, get money, goods, services? How about granting access to public venues? How about access to the DMV to renew a license? How about before you purchase insurance? Buy a house? Consider a firearm? Get groceries? Do any banking?
And though, yes, I am straying a bit, this reminds me of a recent social media bit from Sue Meyer. She wrote:
Here we bloody go. I live in Sweden. It is all about controlling people. We are almost cashless now. I am not allowed to cash out my money. I have not paid cash in almost three years. I absolutely hate it.
Every six months, they block access to our accounts unless we answer some very invasive questions. Making me feel, each time, as if I was living under a dictatorship and being treated like a criminal.
A few days ago there was a “glitch” in the bank system, and millions were not able to access their accounts for two days. Where is our choice and freedom?
Australians, do not allow this to happen because it is a trap, and the government can stop access to our accounts at the push of a button. Wake up.
In various articles it was touted that a cashless society was a plus, as the government could force you to spend during a time of recession, or save during a time of inflation. It’s therefore not your money, and becomes the government’s money.
And while we’re at it, wouldn’t it be great if we were all RFID or nano-chipped? What a wonderful world it would be. We’d have to possess an alternative, though. What about ID cards? Would Dr Anthony Fauci be a fan of that? From
Fauci: Coronavirus immunity cards for Americans are ‘being discussed’
by Quint Forgey, 4-10-20
The proposal, already being implemented by German researchers, is under consideration in the United Kingdom and Italy.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, revealed Friday the federal government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus, as the Trump administration works to better identify those who have been infected and restart the U.S. economy in the coming weeks.
“You know, that’s possible,” Fauci told CNN’s “New Day,” when asked whether he could imagine a time when people across the country carry such forms of identification.
“I mean, it’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people are and not,” he said. “This is something that’s being discussed. I think it might actually have some merit, under certain circumstances.”
National ID cards. Wouldn’t that be a dream? You know, like the ID cards every state requires to make sure the proper person is voting, that it’s an actual citizen who’s voting, like the ID you need to get into any DNC conference or rally. Like those.
Dr Anthony Fauci is a professional. So is Dr Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft. Wait; Gates isn’t a doctor. But he plays one on Leftist TV. And what he says, goes. Here, he makes the clear and dictatorial statement that “cases will be exponentially growing anywhere you don’t have a serious shutdown.”
So thank God YouTube and Facebook and all the rest of the social media realize that Dr Gates only hat nur das Beste fur alle Menschen auf dem Planeten im Sinn! Heil Gates!
“You get a hundred, you get a thousand, you get ten thousand.” Yup. Fear Porn.
Let’s begin to wrap things up with some more truth.
Coronavirus Deaths: The Most Predictive Factor
by David Catron, 5-5-20
Your chance of dying from COVID-19 is notably higher if you live in a blue state.
here is only one reliable metric that reveals how likely you are to die from COVID-19 in a given state, and it isn’t what you’re seeing in the legacy media. The number of new cases and deaths, for example, are staples of news stories about the pandemic. Neither of these factoids, however, tells us very much in the absence of sophisticated epidemiological data that just isn’t yet available. A far more predictive metric is “death rate per million.” Why? Testing is far more consistent for fatal cases. By this measurement, you are probably more likely to die from coronavirus if you live in a blue state rather than one of its scarlet counterparts.
Ooooopsie. That is not what the LDAMM want you to read or hear.
- Simultaneously, Leftist Oregon Governor Jay Inslee demands contact tracing. Screw those puny things you think you have, called “rights.” Willkommen in Ihrem neuen Nazi-Deutschland. Heil Inslee!
- Leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer extended the stay at home “order” through June 12th. That’s the penalty for protesting, you dolts.
- Leftist Illinois Governor JB Pritzker wants you to spend up to a year in jail for breaking his emergency rule that criminalizes business people who defy his “stay at home” order.
So this is still happening. All in the eschewing of science, you see. Because I proven time and again that keeping people locked up is essentially against all of science.
As you already know, all the people who are telling you to “stay inside” and “don’t come out” are the same people who have absolutely no skin in the game. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Zed. The Null Set. Bupkus.
At the same time you’ve lost your job, your business, your house, your family, everything you’ve worked for, your life’s savings, perhaps even friends or family members to suicide — these Leftist governors and mayors haven’t lost a dime. Not one penny. They’re still employed.
Oh. And either they or their family members have gone on great vacations to the second or third homes, mansions in Florida, ranches in Wyoming. Time to buy a cowboy hat!
So what do we know? At a time when Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots were berating everyone for saying that now is the worst time to politicize the Wuhan-19, they were the very first to politicize it.
We now know that, particularly now, science has very little to do with onerous exclusions, continued lockdowns and ridiculous strictures.
We know that, in terms of the LDAMM, it has everything to do with money, power and control. “You’re not listening to vat I om zaying? You vill pay a price!” It’s now about power and punishment rather than science.
Let’s examine some final statistics, shall we? Here are some Wuhan-19 death stats at one point. Note the differences.
In Demorat States:
- TOTAL DEAD: 43,679
- TOTAL POPULATION: 51.11 million
Then, in Republican States:
- TEXAS: OPEN 1,369
- OHIO: OPEN 1,720
- TOTAL DEAD: 6,987
- TOTAL POPULATION: 72.79 million
And please also note this:
More people have died by Wuhan-19 in NEW YORK and NEW JERSEY NURSING HOMES than all the people combined in FLORIDA, TEXAS, GEORGIA and OHIO.
So we have to ask ourselves this critical question: “Did we murder the economy and throw a fifth of the labor force out of work to save less than 0.01% of the population?”
Because at this point, the answer would have to be a resounding yes.
This was an inadvertent crisis that was turned into a feature and not a glitch by the LDAMM, the Leftists and Demorats, ably abetted and aided by the American Media Maggots. Simply put: getting the US back on its feet its against their goal to defeat President Trump by any means necessary. Getting people back to work goes against that goal. Getting people back to any sense of normalcy is bad.
And guaranteed, the two last states to release their people will be NEW YORK and CALIFORNIA, because a good portion of the US economy rests in those states and the governors know that. To extend your pain and curtail your growth suits their needs and throttles President Trump. How do we know? Easy.
Dems reportedly warning pre-election economic surge could boost Trump
by Adam Shaw, 5-26-20
As President Trump and the rest of the country grapple with an economic downturn and sky-high unemployment rates amid the coronavirus crisis, some Democrats reportedly worry that an explosive economic recovery in the fall could revive Trump’s lagging political fortunes — and boost his chance at reelection.
Politico reports that Jason Furman, a top economist in the Obama administration and now a Harvard professor, told a bipartisan group of policymakers last month that “We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.”
An Obama Leftists, in a story published by a Leftist organ, says that expected economic recovery isn’t going to be good for Demorats.
The claims may seem counterintuitive amid the bleak economic picture right now. But it’s premised on assumptions that as lockdowns ease, a recovery could follow more quickly than after past economic crises. Since his earlier prediction, Furman has reportedly also been making the case to Democrats, including top members of presumptive nominee Joe Biden’s campaign.
“This is my big worry,” a former Obama White House official told the outlet, who said of the concern about top members of the party: “It’s high — high, high, high, high.”
Translated and meaning: yes, Demorats want you punished, unemployed, bankrupt and even dead — hey, it’s a corollary adjunct — if it furthers their goals of removing President Trump and installing a Demorat in the White House.
Politics, power and money.
Still and all, the most critical questions yet should be:
- Will we learn anything at all from this, and
- If so, what did we learn?
Or do we leave with this quote:
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
Quite the data dump there, but it does make ‘sense’ that there has been a gross overreaction to the WuFlu, especially with those that want to use ANYTHING in their power to dump Trump. However, as your numbers show, all it is doing is proving that the tyrants in the Dem side are ruining their own states for nothing…
ABSOLUTELY. Precisely what I wanted to prove.