From the
The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that “evidence exists” the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening.
I don’t like Christy but in ALL honesty, do you seriously think he KNEW about this crap? As Governor, wouldn’t he have a lot more to do?
Unless…. Unless HE ordered the closures?? Hmmm…
Can we get some jelly and butter on that toast?
As my Civics teacher in 1968, Mr Helms, said: “Democrats don’t win elections; Republicans lose them.”
See foot.
Shoot foot.
Repeat if necessary.
Lost all respect for him when he was sucking up to O’Bama. This is another RINO that needs to change the R to a D.
I totally agree with you, cary. There was a time I liked Christie but his sucking up to Barack changed that along with his stand on Muslims and his dictatorial manner. I hope he goes down because of this and then we can concentrate on someone worthwhile to win in 2016.
Christie backed himself into a corner with a 107-minute news conference. Much of this is of his own doing.
But the bottom line is: WHERE is and WHAT is the evidence?
Sometimes the best thing to say is NOTHING… Apparently Christie doesn’t know that…