What color IS it?

Avocado Dress BLUELittle did you know there was a complicated little puzzle within one of Sunday’s Super Bowl 50 commercials.  You would never have guessed it involved avocados.

First, watch the commercial.  Keep your eyes open.  You’ll notice something in passing.

Now that you’ve seen the video once, do you remember the dress on display in the case adjacent Scott Baio?  The “white and gold dress that caused a civil war”?

He said white and gold.  To me it is clearly blue and black.

What color was the dress?

Tell me.



Second favorite commercial:

The rest of the commercials were mostly uninspiring.

What happened to creativity?

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18 thoughts on “What color IS it?

  1. I commented on this in the previous post, so I will keep this comment short. I see White and Gold. Not sorta white and sorta gold. Absolutely white and gold. I tilted my head, I squinted, I turned sideways, I shined a 500 lumens flashlight in my eyes for 10 seconds then looked at it, and did everything I could think of to try and see anything remotely like blue or black…NOPE. The damn dress is white and gold.

    And for the record, my damn wife swears it is blue and black, and is laughing at me and calling me a blind senile old man…which is not helping this situation any. If this dress is anything but white and gold, then up is down, black is white (or blue now), then muslims are peaceful, then obama is a great president, then nancy pelosi is a sexy woman, then hiLIARy is an honest woman, then bill clinton is a faithfully married monogamous man, need I go on?

    IT’S WHITE AND GOLD DAMMIT!!!!! The alien guide even said so in the commerical…what more proof do you need for your lyin eyes?

  2. Oh…and for the record, my favorite commercial was the retired astronaut who gets to drive the Audi R8. Nice sentiment, and damn sexy car.

  3. Blue and black, in horizontal stripes, and scott baio moves his head.

    Ok, that part isn’t relevant, but he still moved his head.

    • I see white and gold.
      I read that explanation. Does this mean that the background/lighting determines the color of what you are seeing? Could white really be black? Does this mean that Bill Clinton really WAS our first black president?
      . Color me Confused…

      • Now that’s the line of the post: “Does this mean that Bill Clinton really WAS our first black president?”

        Hmmm. . .


    • Me too. Just as those who think I’m wacky for the black and blue, I cannot possibly conjure how anyone sees white and gold.

      The eyes, they do play tricks.


  4. I’m with you, BZ, BUT…
    Isn’t the fact others perceive it differently an observation worthy of study in these political times?
    I liked the Christopher “Walken Closet” commercial, but I thought it needed more Cowbell.

  5. I watched only parts between getting something to eat and visiting the crapper.
    Saw some of it and my brain shut down on it because it did not stir interest.
    Just like the half-time show. Didn’t catch the black power connotations either. Just saw a bunch of stinky ass coloreds shaking their asses like they always do.
    Nothing there interested me.
    Let’s get back to Denver kicking their butts,,black or white!

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