HERE is a cop: Capt Clay Higgins

Finally, someone in law enforcement — besides Sheriffs Clarke, Babeu and Arpaio — who are serious and plain speaking.

The ACLU says Capt Higgins shouldn’t call the referenced thugs “heathens.”

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

St Landry Parrish (LA) Sheriff’s Department’s Captain Clay Higgins is only controversial to those who don’t much care for law enforcement doing its job on the streets of America.


Capt Clay Higgins

San Antonio tabloid declares war on cops

Stephanie Zarriello San Antonio Observer

SA Observer Editor Stephanie Zarriello, not a friend of law enforcement.

The San Antonio Observer, a weekly Leftist tabloid aimed at the black community, has declared war on cops — as we watch Stephanie Zarriello, the Caucasoid Editor-In-Chief of said weekly, say so at a press conference in the below video — with a bow-tied Black Muslim member in the background for security, his earpiece in place.

“Like Ku Klux Klansmen with hoods, they do everything they can to protect their identities for fear of being brought to justice.  Just as the names and addresses of sex offenders are publicized in order to protect the public from their wicked behavior, we feel that our community has the right to the exact same level of protection.  We of the San Antonio Observer newspaper are looking into the future prospects of publicizing the names and the addresses of all San Antonio Police Department officers.”

This reprehensible exhibition follows on the heels of two terrible events.

First was the shooting by the San Antonio Police Department of a black male, the predicating event for Zarriello’s puerile rant.

SAN ANTONIO — John Lee, who fatally shot an unarmed man on the North Side last week, was not the only uniformed San Antonio Police Department officer at the scene, according to new details revealed in an incident report obtained by Wednesday.

Officer Lee said he believed Antronie Scott, 36, was holding a gun at the time of the shooting, however, the object was a cellphone.

Wanted on two felony warrants, Scott was being followed by undercover officers Thursday, McManus said in a briefing that night. They watched as he drove to the Wood Hollow Apartments at 10362 Sahara St., near Isom and Ramsey roads, about 6:45 p.m. and called for a uniformed officer to approach him, McManus said.

The other tragic event involved the shooting deaths of two Harford County (MD) deputies this Wednesday; one deputy was shot in the head without warning.

Members of David Brian Evans’ estranged family were alarmed to see him several times in the last month at the Panera Bread restaurant in Abingdon, calling police to report that the man they say shot his former wife almost 20 years ago was back in town.

On Wednesday morning, his former wife saw him there again and called police. Harford County sheriff’s Senior Deputies Patrick Dailey and Mark Logsdon responded — and were shot to death by Evans, who was killed by return fire.

More details emerged Thursday about Evans, 68, whose son says had abused his family, and about the officers who died at his hands. Dailey, 52, and Logsdon, 43, were veterans of the Marines and the Army, respectively, who left behind children, parents and what Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler said were “absolutely” devastated colleagues.

And this despicable threat was offered by Zarriello in keeping with what many term the current “war on cops,” as I wrote here on Tuesday and then spoke about on the Tami Jackson Show on the 405 Media that same day, with former Chief of Police Enes Smith.  The podcast is here.

Later, Zarriello recanted her words to Fox’s Shannon Bream, saying that, no, that’s not what she meant.  She meant to perhaps publish the addresses of the “bad cops” but could not delineate a “bad cop.”  Bream asked how Zarriello would determine a “bad cop” if they haven’t been convicted in an American court of a charge or crime?  Zarriello said yes, that’s true, they should only be identified by a conviction.

Zarriello made the linkage of publishing the addresses of law enforcement officers in San Antonio to the publishing of the addresses of registered sex offenders.

And the owner of the Observer didn’t even provide his name.

Absolutely disgusting.

But I want you to understand, without reservation, that in the eyes and minds of Leftists, those two events are one and the same, with the unspoken exception that sex offenders can’t help themselves and cops have it coming.

I’m sorry, White Editor Goddess, ruler of black publishing in San Antonio, but that’s not what you said at your press conference.

Your publication’s owner — who refused to give his name to the press — said well, now, we may have overstated things a bit.

Finally, I determined it would be appropriate to weigh in with the following comment.

SA ObserverYes, this is what passes for “journalism” these days in the bankrupt culture of Leftists.



A new paradigm for US law enforcement

Police Officer MovedTami Jackson, a Conservative author who has written numerous articles for various blogs and news sites, and is editor in chief of RightVoiceMedia and currently executive editor for, hosts her own streaming radio show once again on the 405 Media out of Los Angeles.

She contacted me on Monday and asked if I would appear on her 405 radio show Tamara Jackson On RadioTuesday night (7 PM Pacific) with guest Enes Smith, a former Tribal Police Chief for the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Indians of Oregon, as well as a detective, homicide investigator and author of numerous mysteries available on Amazon — to the point where “Cold River Rising” has been optioned for film.

The topic is American law enforcement and the current war on cops, as most recently exemplified by a 39-year-old Seaside, Oregon police officer being killed this past Friday the 5th.  From

A 13-year veteran of the Seaside Police Department was fatally shot while trying to arrest a career criminal with a history of assaulting officers, officials confirmed Saturday. 

Sgt. Jason Goodding died Friday night after he and another officer attempted to take 55-year-old Phillip Ferry into custody, Clatsop County District Attorney Josh Marquis said during a morning news conference at Seaside City Hall. 

They were trying to arrest Ferry on a warrant tied to an earlier assault on a police officer, said Sgt. Kyle Hove, an Oregon State Police spokesman. 

He is survived by his wife and two young daughters.  A husband and a father dies because of an individual who has a history of targeting law enforcement officers.  If convicted, the suspect will receive much street cred and respect in prison for having murdered a police officer.

Enes Smith knew Sgt Goodding personally.

Oddly enough I have been to Seaside.  My wife and I drove there during our honeymoon in 2007.  We stayed in Astoria but traveled to visit the Seaside Aquarium.

American law enforcement is in a state of flux right now.  There are major societal pressures on law enforcement from many directions.

There are those in Chicago who say there simply shouldn’t be any police presence in the city, as incredible as that may seem.  They want the Chicago PD defunded.  A Portland officer was removed from his position when he Tweeted off duty that he had to “babysit these fools” later, referring to Black Lives Matter protesters.  Repeat: he made that remark off duty, on his own time.  Sorry.  No freedom of speech for cops.

There is, contrasting, no problem with Black Lives Matter chanting about” pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.”

I asked, “who is responsible for the war on cops?”  I wrote: Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama sets the tone and the pace for the administration in DC and, by dint of that, the tone for the rest of those who follow he and his fellow political Leftists.

Trayvon Martin became Barack Hussein Obama’s son.  Obama didn’t have all the facts but proclaimed Martin a victim.  Zimmermann was found not guilty, though Obama had already found him guilty.

Obama stated with Bully Pulpit firmness that the Cambridge Police Department “acted stupidly” in the arrest of professor Henry Gates, though Obama didn’t have all the facts.  Gates, by the way, just “happened” to be a personal black friend of Obama’s.

Obama’s attitude of Officer Darren Wilson was that of guilt, though Wilson was never indicted or charged.  Wilson’s life was, however, ruined forever though not convicted of any crime.

Holder had the opportunity to make a statement when Black Panthers barricaded the polls in Philadelphia with weapons they carried, but Holder refused to take any actions whatsoever.

Obama has fanned racist flames, whenever he could, in Ferguson and in Baltimore.  It’s no secret that he wants to federalize police nationally.

Hold that thought.  We’ll get back to it.

On the other hand, a black male was baldly murdered for taking leg bail on a white police following a traffic stop.  That cop, University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing, now in fact does face murder charges for the killing of Sanuel DuBose in July of 2015.  DeKalb County (GA) Police Officer Robert Olsen was indicted for murder in January of this year involving the shooting of Anthony Hill, a naked black man with PTSD.  A Portsmouth (VA) police officer, Stephen Rankin, was indicted for murder in September of 2015 for the shooting death of William Chapman, a black young man, stemming from a shoplifting call at a WalMart when Chapman charged at the officer

These are the exceptions and not the rule.  This doesn’t count Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson who was not charged at all after the shooting of Michael Brown, as well as countless other officers uncharged in various shootings around the country.  This also doesn’t take into account the white males who have been shot and killed at the hands of black police officers — a fact entirely unaddressed by media.

Statistically, roughly 5% of police shootings fall under circumstances that are questionable according to the Washington Post.  The vast majority of individuals shot and killed by police officers were armed with guns and killed after attacking police officers or civilians or making other direct threats.  Of the 960 people killed by police in 2015, 564 were armed with a gun.  281 were armed with another weapon.  Almost half have been white, a quarter have been black and one-sixth have been Hispanic.

Fact: doctors kill roughly 400,000 people per year in the United States.  Doctors are the #3 killer in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer.

In Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, New York, even in my own department, officers are being assaulted, shot and/or killed and some are literally ambushed and assassinated, such as NYPD Detectives Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.

On October 24th of last year, my department lost Deputy Danny Oliver, who was shot and killed during a suspicious person contact adjacent a motel.  That same suspect fled that scene, shot a civilian, and then killed Placer County Sheriff’s Detective Michael Davis Jr a short time later.  Detective Michael David Davis Jr. was killed 26 years — to the day — after his own law enforcement father was killed.  Both deputies were slain by a Mexican national who had been deported twice and had drug arrests.

The Ferguson Effect isn’t simply a phrase, it’s a phenomenon that is, I believe, a contributing factor — amongst many — to the rise in crime rates across the nation.  Even FBI Director James Comey believes there is such a thing as the Ferguson Effect.  My department is not exempt from it.  Deputies are having to consider not only the physical officer survival aspects of the job, but the career survival aspects as well.  What are the, now, political ramifications of doing something on a call?  Certainly, officers are responding to calls for service.  But trust me when I tell you that what is termed “self-initiated activity” is plummeting.  Good or bad, that is a fact.

This is occurring as, in general, the populace seems to culturally be turning more to port, whilst cops tend to be representative of a mid-to-starboard rudder position.

There is a general disrespect for authority and a specific disrespect for police, where the most recent public display occurred by Beyonce during the Super Bowl halftime, in full support of Black Lives Matter by way of the Black Panthers.

In front of a TV audience of one billion, her dancers paraded in outfits similar to controversial activists the Black Panthers. They also raised their fists in an apparent tribute.

The tiides have changed to the point where it is acceptable to denigrate the police during the Super Bowl.  And most persons are sufficiently ignorant as to be completely unaware.

Body cams for police officers will change everything.  There are large issues with body cameras and there are many varieties from which to choose.  Officers are already accustomed to dash cameras, many of which have an audio microphone placed on the officer themselves.

Video has changed the landscape for police officers nationally.  Not only are cameras everywhere, from freeways to intersections to bank ATMs to businesses far and wide.  Video cameras are in public transportation, buses, trucks and locomotives.  They are endemic.  It is customary now to video police, pushing the police as much as possible solely for video reactions.  YouTube is replete with examples, mostly focused upon “bad cops.”

Body cams create a lack of privacy for police that no one quite yet knows how to resolve.  When do you turn the cams on and off?  Who has an expectation of privacy regarding police body cams?  What about citizens on mundane report calls?  Their children, visiting neighbors or friends, people entirely uninvolved with a given call for service?

Will cops be videoed urinating, defecating?  Because, as an attorney, I can make an excellent argument that, unless turned on at the beginning of watch and only turned off at end of watch, “your officer specifically chose when to activate his camera to the detriment of my client.”  You see where I am going, I presume.

This is monitoring on an ultra scale, and does not even address the issue of expense, time and space.  Body cameras are not cheap.  The Denver Police Department has estimated a cost of $6.1 million taxpayer dollars to outfit their agency.  Then there is the issue of storage, mandating huge servers and huge space requirements.  Baltimore estimates a cost of $2.6 million dollars per year just for storage.  Then: how long do you keep your video take?  Where and how do you keep it?  And moreover, who can see it, when, where, and why?

That last question has huge connotations and unanswered issues.

Then there is the physical issue of uploading.  Police vehicles already outfitted with dashcams are generally automatically and wirelessly connected to police station servers at end of watch.  Some downloads are easy, some are difficult.  Police vehicles have been taken out of service for subsequent shifts because their uploads have not completed.  That already occurs in my department.

There is also the issue of comparing styles of police enforcement.  More and more US cops are being compared to England and other European countries who do not arm or minimally arm their police.  Norway, for example, recently decided to disarm their officers completely.  Again.

In the face of greater terror threats, ISIS, Syrian refugees, I believe this philosophy will not pay off for the lawful citizens of European nations.  Many EU nations are already wishing they had their own version of the Second Amendment.

People — and Obama — want US cops “de-militarized” despite the fact they are true first responders.  Not the FBI, not FEMA, not the national guard.  Your local law enforcement.  Yet Mr Obama and some citizens want police agency to give back their “scary equipment” like free MRAPs, military nylon equipment, ballistic helmets, dark boots and those even-more-frightening black rifles with funny thingies protruding all over.  They all look scary.  But they have been historically free from the US government as military surplus.

Funny thing: Mr Obama wants police departments to give back their scary equipment, but doesn’t mind leaving thousands and thousands of tons of equipment behind in the Middle East for ISIS to wrest from the grip of former allies of the US — to include MRAPs and its variables, Hummers, automatic weapons, shoulder-fired weapons, explosives and a host of armored vehicles to even include tanks.  Yes, there are US tanks now being driven and controlled by ISIS.

The Syrian refugee issue IS coming to the US, and just as what you see in Europe could easily happen here.  Mr Obama wants Syrian refugees imported into the US and that is already in occurring.  Ask any Texan.  With that importation comes the myriad problems associated with those young war-age males who bring no skills, no training, and entirely different and frequently incompatible cultural values.

There is also a push to re-train US cops like officers from Sweden and Scotland.  Major unmentioned differences between these nations include a history of gangs, a history of multiple groups and ethnicities, our western manifest destiny with firearms, and the size of the population and minimal comparative resources available.

There is the issue of the mentally ill.  Training. The never-ending threat of those with mental problems, juveniles, those with no concept of mortality or death.  I told my trainees there was almost nothing more dangerous than a mentally deficient male juvenile with a firearm.  I would have been inclined to the drop the hammer on a person of that type more readily than most anyone else.  A tough concept to swallow but based in reality.

We decided in the 60s to stop housing our mentally ill in buildings away from the population in general.  Good or bad, there are now thousands of mentally ill persons walking the streets, involved in crime, encountering officers, being arrested, and only receiving treatment for whatever brief periods they remain in national jails — then released back onto the streets.

Just because someone is mentally ill doesn’t make them less dangerous to the officer on the street and playing the “mentally ill card” seems to, more and more, excuse citizens and damn cops for force and violence between the two.

All along, there is huge, massive competition by law enforcement agencies for grants and assets they normally otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford.

There is also the Millennial Recruit issue — soldier veterans vs civilian recruits.  Cops are only as good as their surrounding agency gene pool.  We have to remember that Millennials — unless they served in the military — have seldom if ever been struck in anger.  You can train and train, but we are seeing that cops want to avoid going “hands-on” with a potential suspect as much as possible.  This is being reinforced by societal and agency administrative reactions.  Injured or killed cops cost money.

Millennials also aren’t familiar with many of the psychomotor skills and aspects of law enforcement required to do the job, such as EVOC (few Millennials, if they drive, drive large chassis vehicles), firearms range training and hands-on weaponless arrest tactics.

Millennials have no loyalty to jobs, change jobs, are into jobs for the working conditions first, and money a bit down the line.  How kindly and considerately they are treated by supervisors and managers makes the greatest difference to them.  What kind of car they get to drive, can they wear a beard, wear shorts, what kind of gun will they get to carry — those are all important aspects to Millennial recruits.  In their first weeks of training they will ask when they can take vacation days.  Their drive for patience and sacrifice is lacking.  Hand them a graveyard shift with crappy days off and few vacation days — well, that becomes a death knell.

Law enforcement realized many years ago that risk management has a great deal to do with police conduct, planning and training.  Because there are more attorneys per square inch in the United States, much of what law enforcement does is predicated upon their fiscal exposure to suits and resulting case law.  Gordon Graham was a man ahead of his time but still makes massive sense.

Law enforcement can still do better with its Risk Management.  Gordon Graham rules that venue with his Seven Rules of Risk Management and High Risk/Low Frequency incidents.  Liability, lawsuits, massive awards; all a part of law enforcement because of deadly potential consequences on so many calls.

Of course there are common sense applications to cop work.  To any job.  Common sense is how I operated as a cop and as a Sergeant.  I am an Oathkeeper, and a believer in keeping law enforcement as simple as possible — a very difficult task in the face of ever-changing and sometimes diminishing societal mores — but still do-able.

Wrap that all up in the average time at any given law enforcement call for service, where you have roughly 10 or 15 minutes to solve a set of problems that may have been growing and festering, sometimes, for weeks, months, maybe five, ten, sometimes twenty years.

A wise old Sergeant named Bill Roberts said something to me a long time ago that held then and holds now.  He said, “kid, there are only three things you need to do to have a good career.  Tell the truth.  Do your job.  Don’t be malicious.”

True then and true now.

There was a time when, literally — as I was told in the early 70s by a grizzled veteran of the Sacramento Police Department — the police academy was held in the shed of the Rose Garden of McClatchy Park for two weeks and, on their first day, they were handed the keys to a car and a shotgun.

Those days are gone, as well they should be.

We know that law enforcement is in the midst of a very important and perhaps potentially radical paradigm shift.

How radical?  Here is potentially the most important, as the advocacy wave is growing.  What wave?  The one where all national law enforcement shootings — and perhaps even all use of force incidents — are investigated by the federal government.

Trust me when I tell you that this will be the next trend in law enforcement.

In spite of these trends, there is hope.  Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is a standout law enforcement administrator, as are Sheriff’s Joe Arpaio and Paul Babeu.

In closing, there are three things I know that are eternally immutable.

  • I am a Sheepdog.  For those of you who don’t know what that is, click the link.  I took an oath as a law enforcement officer and, even though I am retired, my oath has no expiration date.  I will defend my Constitution and foundational documents against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to my last breath.
  • If you want more cops, buy ’em.
  • Finally: society gets the kind of law enforcement it wants and deserves.

If the US keeps on its current path, it is going to get the kind of law enforcement it deserves.



Sanctuary City SF Sheriff voted OUT

SF Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi OUT With XFORMER San Francisco County Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi wasn’t a cop anyway.  He was a Leftist poseur who donned a law enforcement uniform in order to further his own perverse Leftist agendas because he could.  And shamed the uniform itself during his ridiculous rule.  He also has the blood of Kate Steinle on his hands.

Now he’s gone.  The citizens of San Francisco voted him out, and a former SFSO Chief Deputy Sheriff named Vicki Hennessy is in.  Even SF voters can act like a broken clock now and then.

Let’s recall: Ross Mirkarimi was the co-founder of the Green Party of Fornicalia.  His claim to fame as a SF Supervisor was to ban plastic bags.  He introduced legislation to legalize marijuana.  He wanted to ban smoking on golf courses.  He introduced the re-naming of Eddy Street to Marcus Garvey Way, because he knew the name change would convince SF Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi Cool Goateeblack residents to stay in the city despite cost of living increases.  He wanted reparations for SF blacks displaced in the 1960s when the Fillmore District was mostly torn down.

Mirkarimi was a heavy advocate of gun control despite the fact that he owned firearms.  One happy note: he had those firearms confiscated, and was convicted of false imprisonment stemming from a domestic violence call where he was initially charged with battery, child endangerment and dissuading a witness.  Good times, eh Ross?  Smack the ol’ wife around, get convicted of false imprisonment and then “somehow” manage to get that conviction expunged?  Good times, eh Ross?  Read about that here.  His firearm was given back due to a plea bargain.  He was Sheriff, after all.

Except for this: if me or any other LEO in Fornicalia were convicted for any domestic-violence-related charge, we would be mandated to forfeit our firearms under Fornicalia law, which in turn means we would forfeit our jobs.

Mirkarimi also had his license suspended when he was involved in an accident with his official County of San Francisco vehicle and did not report the accident to DMV as required by law.  Oddly enough, his county G-ride got repaired.  Imagine that.

Sort of a clue: Mirkarimi did not receive an endorsement from the SF Deputy Sheriff’s Association when he ran for Sheriff.

Finally, if you recall, it was the agenda and directives of Ross Mirkarimi that resulted in the needless death of Kate Steinle on SFs’ Pier 14.  The illegal Mexican suspect had been deported five times.  Despite that, it was the policy of the SFSO — under Mirkarimi — that illegals should not be held.  SFSO asked for the Mexican suspect to be transferred to their agency so that they could free him.

Sanctuary-Cities-CartoonI wrote that San Francisco helped to kill Kate Steinle here.

I wrote that Mirkarimi was personally complicit here.

Ross Mirkarimi, go back to smoking your bags of dope, your fairies, pink ponies, unicorns and purple skies.

One further suggestion: stay the FUCK out of law enforcement.



One reason why crime starting to rise

Cops Making ArrestMany officers and administrators will tell you I’m incorrect, but I’m telling you I am correct.  Because much of this is occurring subconsciously on the part of officers on one level.

One reason — amongst many reasons — that crime is starting to rise is in fact due to what some are calling the “Ferguson Effect.”  That is to say, law enforcement is not being as aggressive as they used to in terms of what is known as “self-initiated activity.”

Certainly, cops don’t shirk going to assigned calls.  Where they’re sent and why they’re sent is meat-and-potatoes to cops.

And certainly cops don’t lack for bravery, as it is the Sheepdog in us (I write “us” because, though retired for only three months, I still am a Sheepdog and, as an Oathkeeper, I swore then and swear now to uphold the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and protect this nation from all enemies be they foreign or domestic) that brought us to the profession in the first place.

That said, we are all human in LE.  We have feelings and emotions and good days and bad days, just like everyone.  We are affected by external circumstances and situations just like everyone.

The following is just one more example, upon many others, where LE has been denigrated, removed from businesses, had their food purposely tainted, spat on or urinated upon recently.


Olive Garden apologizes to police officer after hostess asked him to leave


INDEPENDENCE, Mo. – All Michael Holsworth wanted to do on Sunday was enjoy a nice birthday lunch with his family, but a hostess at Olive Garden wouldn’t even let him wait in the restaurant.

The Kansas City police officer was dressed in full uniform when he was refused service from the Olive Garden on 40 Highway and Noland Road for carrying his service weapon, WDAF-TV reported.

The employee allegedly asked Holsworth to leave the restaurant. Believing it was a joke, he asked the hostess if she was serious. Her simple reply was: “Yes, please leave.”

Tweet To Olive GardenThanks to social media, the officer did precisely what I would have done: spread the news.  Just as there are consequences for cops being stupid, there are consequences for businesses being equally stupid in their own domains.  Olive Garden has since apologized.

This is but one in a continuing series of factors which are resulting in cops deciding to do their work but not to rock the boat.  Because at this point in time boat-rocking is not paying dividends to cops.  It’s called officer survival and career survival.

LE administrators will say this is false because they have to.  Some officers will say this is false because they are not watching their surroundings carefully or don’t have their finger on the pulse of reality.  But I have had deputies on my department tell me covertly that is precisely what is happening.  They are watching their physical and political and career backs very carefully.

When I retired as a Sergeant, I was responsible for 50+ deputies per shift.  My number one goal was to ensure they got home safe at end of watch.  I trained and emphasized that in terms of their priorities the flow chart went like this:

  1. Themselves
  2. Their partner/fellow officer
  3. The citizens
  4. Suspects

Why is it, you may ask, that the citizens we are sworn to protect are third on the list?  Because if we cannot take care of ourselves individually, our partners and fellow officers, then we cannot take care of the citizens.  One officer killed or injured in a vehicle accident, a shooting, a fight, is just one fewer officer available to respond to future calls for service the next hour, the next day, the next week.  And Officer Safety was my personal priority when it came to my troops.  It was my duty to ensure they all went home safe at the end of their shifts to the people who loved them.

To me, the acts of Ray Tensing and Michael Slager are irredeemable.  They are beyond the pale.  But the other acts that have been quoted as responsible for Black Lives Matter, as in Ferguson and New York and other places, are justfifiable and in most of those cases predicated upon outright falsehoods.  The black DA in Baltimore charged too quickly and overcharged.  Race played a huge factor in her decision.  She will be greatly disappointed when she does not get her convictions.  Because, frankly, she “acted stupidly” — to quote another racist black.

Of course there was blowback throughout the nation because the national meme, pushed by our Commander In Chief, was that cops “acted stupidly” and in a clearly racist fashion, even when they were defending themselves and way before all the information was acquired.

Now, Rahm Emanual chimes in.  From the

Emanuel blames Chicago crime uptick on officers second-guessing themselves

by John Byrne

Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Monday stood by his contention that Chicago police officers are becoming “fetal” out of concern they will get in trouble for actions during arrests, blaming officers second-guessing themselves in the wake of high-profile incidents for rising crime rates in Chicago and elsewhere.

Last week, the mayor was part of a meeting in Washington, D.C., with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and a group of mayors and police officials from across the nation to discuss a spike in homicides and other crime.

“We have allowed our Police Department to get fetal, and it is having a direct consequence. They have pulled back from the ability to interdict … they don’t want to be a news story themselves, they don’t want their career ended early, and it’s having an impact,” Emanuel said, according to the Washington Post.

Officers “second guessing” themselves is what results in hurt or seriously injured cops.  And trust me, cops know just who has their back, and who doesn’t.  They will work for people, like me, who had their six.  Not so much for folks who don’t.  Just like any other job, anywhere else.  Because we’re human.