Matt BevinThe Republican who ran and won the governor’s seat on Tuesday, was OUTSPENT 3-to-1 by the Demorats.  There is no way conservative businessman Matt Bevin should have won.

Yet the Republican won the governor’s spot in Kentucky.  He was only the second Republican to potentially occupy the governor’s desk in 40 years.  Four decades of Demorat rule.

Guess somebody is saying “how did Matt Bevan pull it off?”


In a word.

This does not bode well for Demorats.  Won’t admit it.  Wouldn’t be prudent.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, a Republican is now Governor-elect.  This is the Demorats’ pouty-face.

Matt Bevan ran on anti-ObakaKare and he won.  The Demorat turnout sucked.  Guess what?  Cows and bourbon distilleries can’t vote.  And there clearly weren’t enough dead Chicagoans to influence the voting results.


Not only did the Demorats get their asses kicked in Kentucky — installing a white Conservative male as governor of Kentucky — a Conservative black female was elected as Lieutenant Governor, Jenean Hampton.

Jenean Hamptom Lt Gov KentuckyAn Aunt Thomasina.  A sellout.  A black beyotch.  Worse yet: she served in the US military.  An even more craven sellout.

First African American ever in statewide Kentucky office.

This is a woman who has not acknowledged Black Lives Matter.  She has not been educated at the feet of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, or Stokely Carmichael or H. Rap Brown or Eldredge Cleaver or Cinque or Angela Davis.

It gets worse.  Hampton is a TEA Party activist who — gulp — dared to marry not a black male, but a Caucasoid male doctor who also served in the United States Air Force.

Jenean Hampton and HusbandThis a terrible precedent to set for the state of Kentucky.  Reprehensible.  What were the voters thinking?

Not only did a young Caucasoid male win the state house, he brought with him a Conservative young black female as well for Lieutenant Governor.

Because, of course, as we all know, Caucasoids and specifically Republicans/Conservatives are such incredible racists.

But let’s think for a moment: just how many times did Demorats have the opportunity to install a black male or female into a statewide position?

That’s right: all of them.



Boehner resigns?

John Boehner And Obama And ObamaKareFrom the

John Boehner, House Speaker, Will Resign From Congress

by Jennifer Steinhauer

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner, under intense pressure from conservatives in his party, announced on Friday that he would resign one of the most powerful positions in government and give up his House seat at the end of October, as Congress moved to avert a government shutdown.

Mr. Boehner, who was first elected to Congress in 1990, made the announcement in an emotional meeting with his fellow Republicans on Friday morning.

“My first job as speaker is to protect the institution,” Mr. Boehner said at a news conference at the Capitol, adding, “It had become clear to me that this prolonged leadership turmoil would do irreparable harm to the institution.”

An interesting paragraph, next.

Mr. Boehner, 65, from Ohio, had struggled from almost the moment he took the speaker’s gavel in 2011 to manage the challenges of divided government and to hold together his fractious and increasingly conservative Republican members.

“Fractious and increasingly conservative Republican members.”

Right.  Because that “moderate thingie” Boehner embraced was altogether working out so damned well.  Look how much the GOP has accomplished since its installation in both houses.  It’s managed to keep a check on the budget, support and control our borders, reduce or ameliorate the ACA, support our military, continue to befriend our allies and diminish our enemies, and to oppose Mr Obama on every level possible, lest this nation continue on its fall under the Obama Administration.

As it’s doing now.  Because the Republicans under Boehner’s “leadership” have accomplished none of those things above.

It’s a big job, being speaker.  Actually being a leader.  Bringing Conservatives back to the party and embracing Conservatism.  A daunting job.

But the new and fresh talent is there in DC, much of it, for a new start.

As Marco Rubio said, it is time to turn a page.



Boehner supports Obama on Iran deal

Boehner Obama's BITCHTime and again I hear on the Michael Medved show that the Republicans have fought bravely on behalf of the American Taxpayer.  I enjoy listening to Mr Medved but with the caveat that he is clearly a GOPEE supporter.

The GOPEE is starting to wear on me as it is on those who support Donald Trump.

The backlash which has manifested itself in the success of Donald Trump?  I understand it.  I don’t think it’s fruitful or will hold water in the end when the chips are down, but I understand the source of the frustration and its resulting orange hair.

And it is because of things like this that Trump continues to resonate despite his pettiness, his childish behavior and lack of insightful substance.

Because of things like this from

Republicans Thwart Boehner Plan To Move Forward On Obama’s Nuclear Arms Deal With Iran

by Matthew Boyle

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A full-scale revolt against House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) —including a looming resolution that could come up for a vote at any time that would remove him from the speakership—has thrown into disarray the House GOP leadership’s previously carefully laid plans to push President  Obama’s nuclear arms deal with Iran through Congress without a fight.

The Boehner GOPEE is at work once again, “going along to get along” with Obama..

I term it the GOPEE because Boehner represents the GOP Establishment Elite, the same people who, at the end of the day, meet their good Demorat friends at local watering holes for expensive name drinks, backslapping all around, laughing prevalent at having screwed the American Taxpayer over another day.

Amid a rebellion in the House GOP conference meeting on Wednesday morning, leadership canceled a previously scheduled rule vote that would have set up the House putting through a resolution of disapproval of the president’s Iran deal under the terms of legislation previously signed into law from Sens Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Ben Cardin (D-MD).

This all happened as a result of an argument furthered by Reps. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) and Pete Roskam (R-IL) that Congress shouldn’t even vote on the Corker-Cardin resolution, either approving or disapproving of the Iran deal, since the president has not yet complied with the law regarding the release of text of the deal including “side deals” cut with Tehran.

In other words, Obama and his sycophants are insisting that Congress vote for something the likes of which they haven’t even seen in totality.  There are a host of “side deals” as yet unrevealed even to Congress.

Sound familiar?

Besides being an idiotic idea — supporting something that so very few have apparently even read in totality much less the “side bets” —  the parts that are known make no sense for the security of the United States, for Israel, or the world. We are giving nuclear weapons to Iran with essentially no monitoring of their program whatsoever.

Khamenei Tweet About Israel 1The Iranians are laughing, sending out Tweets (Iran’s Khameini is on Twitter, for God’s sake) that Israel will be gone in 25 years.  They are singularly pleased that the United States and the West could be such abysmally stupid dupes.

Khamenei Tweet About USIran’s Ayatollah Khamenei takes pleasure in the fact that Iran will not negotiate any further with the US unless it is in their favor — as with the nuclear deal.  Trump is correct: this is roughly the worlds worst negotiation.

It is action like this, endorsed by Speaker Boehner, that makes people like me, actual Conservatives, upset.

In four words, we are fed up.

Boehner and Republicans like Boehner have got to go.

Hence: the popularity of Trump.

Right or wrong, the popularity of Trump.



GOP: learn a lesson from Trey Gowdy

Because you certainly won’t learn it from Bernie Sanders, and now you definitely won’t learn it from Jeb Bush.

When two Black Lives Matter imbeciles took over the podium of Bernie Sanders this past weekend in Seattle, they made Sanders appear the dithering fool.  Sanders is a pacificist and provided what I expected: a smidge of verbal pushback later.

Today, Jeb Bush received the same treatment from Black Lives Matter, and immediately ducked out with no further comment as though he had simply beamed off the stage.  Jeb Bush, where are your stones?  One thing about Trump: I do believe him when he said BLM wouldn’t be able to pull a stunt like that at any of his campaign stops.

On the other hand lies Trey Gowdy, whose tenacity is not unlike a Komodo Dragon/pit bull mix.

In the intervening three years since the Benghazi attack, Gowdy has hung on to the issue like the aforementioned Komodo Dragon.  He has not given up, no matter the pushback, rampant belittling by the MSM (what I term the American Media Maggots) and the flak from Demorats and Leftists on every level imaginable.

Gowdy said regarding Hillary Clinton and her server (and watch him shut down the CNN anchorette):


“Well, I read that statement, and it’s easier to read Egyptian hieroglyphics than it is to parse the words that her lawyer wrote in that statement,” he responded. “Wherever you see the phrase ‘on information and belief,’ that should be a blinking red light for you to be suspicious of it.”

No parsing, no equivocation by Gowdy: “I’m entitled to all of those records.”

Hillary vs PetraeusGowdy has hung on for years now.  And his courage and tenacity is paying off.

Yes.  “It’s about time.”

The GOP could and should take a page from the Gowdy Book of Spine.  His gumption, resolution, perseverance and downright bravery sets him clearly apart from the bulk of the Old Staid GOP.

RINO Being Walked by Michalle ObamaMichelle Obama out walking John Boehner at the Spite House.

Learn a lesson now, RINOs, or learn one later at greater cost.



First two GOP debates: who won?

In my mind, Carly Fiorina won them both.  (Please see these videos from my Thursday post for reference.)

Overall, Carly Fiorina won the so-called “Happy Hour” debate — and — she managed to overshadow some of the other candidates on the second major debate.  Fiorina spoke about Iran along with Rick Perry, and her video was seen in the second debate itself.

Here, directly following the Happy Hour debate, Carly Fiorina eats Chris Matthews’s lunch:

In the first debate on Thursday, some of her quotes included:

“I started as a secretary and became ultimately the chief executive of the largest technology company in the world.  I know personally how extraordinary and unique this nation is.”

“We need a leader who will lead the resurgence of this great nation and unlock its great potential once again.”

About Donald Trump: “Well, I don’t know. I didn’t get a phone call from Bill Clinton before I jumped into the race. Did any of you get a phone call from Bill Clinton? I didn’t. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t given money to the foundation or donated to his wife’s Senate campaign.”

“Hillary Clinton lies about Benghazi, she lies about emails. She still defends Planned Parenthood and she’s still her party’s front-runner. 2016 is going to be a fight between conservatism and a Democratic Party that is undermining the very character of this nation.”

Fiorina comes off looking presidential as opposed to Donald Trump, who came off looking the blockhead and with no specifics to support his various ideas.  Just how are you going to force Mexico to build a wall, Mr Trump?  You refuse to say.  I believe it’s because you truly don’t know.

From July 26th, a few days ago, on Fox News Sunday:

Fiorina speaks plainly, clearly, truthfully, quite frankly, with maturity and poise.  She is a bit of Trump without the bombast.  She is well equipped to handle Hillary Clinton and is useful in pointing out the obvious with regard to Clinton.  As “only Nixon could go to China,” only Fiorina can poke Clinton with the least about of feminist blowback.

This is only the second debate of roughly 10 more to come.  The schedule is here.

Hugh Hewitt fans please take note:

The next debate is scheduled for September 16th at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, where I visited last Tuesday the 4th (a post will be forthcoming for same).  This debate will be moderated by Hugh Hewitt and Jake Tapper.  Here, I suspect the questions asked will be much more pointed and likely involve actual policy, past practices, history and facts.  CNN will air the debate as well as Salem Radio.

Look, it’s only August.  GOP debates are tentatively scheduled, so far, out to March 10th of 2016.

There will be dropouts.  Clearly, 17 candidates is an unwieldy number and the crowd will thin.

The first to go should be Lindsay Graham, Jim Gilmore, George Pataki — the crowd of Old Staid GOP members who just won’t change.  They’ll glad-hand the Demorats just as John Boehner does now.  That’s not what American Conservatives want or need.  I wouldn’t piss on any of them if they were on fire, Boehner included. Bobby Jindal just isn’t a strong candidate.  Give him time.

In the “top ten,” Huckabee needs to leave, Christie needs to leave, as does Rand Paul and Rick Santorum.  Dr Ben Carson means well and has some good ideas, but his persona is too weak; he is not a “presence” and strength, true or perceived, is vital.  Carson is steady but not ready for prime time.

Then there is Donald Trump.  He continues to entertain and simultaneously prove what a buffoon he truly is.  Potentially a dangerous buffoon if he runs a third party.  His usefulness is over.

In the meantime, Fiorina’s star will only rise.



Who do you think won the “Happy Hour” debate, and who won the Top 10 debate?