Islamists & Leftists chase college Republicans out of their own movie screening

As Texas Fred wrote in his post, “A warning from a former Muslim,” Islam has patience.  And drive.  And violence.  They are the 800-pound gorilla of religions, cold, cruel, barbaric, single-minded.  Read Fred’s post first.

Some people may be asking, in light of the recent declaration that Feds suggest anti-Muslim speech can be punished, why such emphasis on the negative aspects of one tiny religion when there are so many other issues of greater importance requiring focus in today’s world?  And, further, won’t this get me in trouble?

The second question is easiest to answer: because I believe in my First Amendment rights.  Once we lose our First, everything else means nothing.  That is why it is the FIRST Amendment and why the Leftists and “Progressives” by way of the Demorats work so hard to eliminate our Second Amendment protections.  Once the Second Amendment is gutted and emasculated, the rest of the Bill of Rights — with the First Amendment clearly “first to go” — can be tossed aside with abandon.  Then the nation truly becomes one populated by Groundlings, Serfs and Proles.  This doesn’t just work for Obama, folks; any old and staid Republican could potentially do the same thing.  No one, ladies and gentlemen, gets my First Amendment.

The first question is also an easy one to answer: because Islam has the West in its gunsights.  Literally and figuratively.  And the so-called “good” and “moderate” Muslim keeps silent and quaking in his boots for fear of the True Islam.  My phrase “Islam is as Islam does” isn’t merely some trite coinage; it’s the absolute truth.  Do the reversal: substitute the word “Catholic” for all the death and carnage committed at the hands of and in the name of Islam and imagine what the state of Catholicism would be today.

People say that, after all, these kinds of thing can’t happen here and that Texas Fred and I are simply religionists and terribly over-reactive.  One tiny point: people also intimate that Texas Fred and I are racists and to that I laugh out loud: the dolts and cretins making this remark are themselves ill-educated and give away their obvious poor public school days: Islam is a religion and not a race.  Such goobers.

It can’t happen here, you say?

Really?  Watch:

Ah, nothing like the goodness and kindness of Leftists and Islamists working in concert to eliminate the truth regarding Islam.  As so clearly illustrated by Texas Fred’s guest writer.

Plus this:

You think the First Amendment isn’t already threatened?  You think that Islam doesn’t already have a foothold in America?

Then you would be foolish.



See two linked articles about the Portland event, here and here.


The best ever PSA from a County Sheriff, regarding firearms

Here again, another Sheriff who dares to tell the truth and dares to fly in the face of the current Autarchy in DC.

Milwaukee County Sheriff (WI) David Clarke says: “You have a duty to protect yourself and your family.  We’re partners now.  Can I count on you?

This, of course, is making the heads of Leftists literally explode.