BZ’s Saloon, 02.08.25: “We Are Them, And Them Are Us”

On a Special Saturday night episode of BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show:

We Are Them, And Them Are Us,” as more Americans clue in to the VAST corruption of USAID.

PLUS: here’s PROOF that Demorats knew about USAID corruption beforehand — and, of course, there are more Happy Stories!

Starting at 11PM Eastern, 10PM Central, 8PM Pacific, on select and exclusive Tuesday and Thursday nights, you can watch on the SHR Media YouTube channel, KLRN, X @KLRNRadio, @BZsSaloon, @2againsttyranny, @jerseyjoeTalks, Twitch, and the SHR Media Rumble channel:

Grab your favorite adult beverage, relax, watch, and jump into our plush, sumptuous, palatial, and resplendent chat room on both YouTube and Rumble!

For the best in late night Conservatarian talk radio, you’re invited into the Saloon — where the speech is free, but the booze is not!

1. USAID employee unsure if the wheels will continue to go round and round.

2. The DNC attempts to explain how vice chair elections will go; shades of Monty Python and the People’s Front of Judea.

3. Boston University’s JARED MAY calls for DOGE employees to be killed. Ah, the peaceful and tolerant Leftists.

4. Judge Paul Engelmayer has unilaterally forbidden all of Trump’s political appointees—including Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent—from accessing Treasury Department data.

5. Muzzie female CAIR employee calls for jihad and wants ISIS to kill all of us. How pleasant. Ah, the peaceful, loving, and tolerant Islam — just as peaceful, loving, and tolerant as Demorats and Leftists.

6. Fact Check: Democrat Wasserman-Schultz Lied — Kristi Noem Did Not Call Venezuelans ‘Dirtbags’.

7. From an April 4th, 2014 article in the gigantically-Leftist site, “Is USAID the New CIA? Agency Secretly Built Cuban Twitter Program to Fuel Anti-Castro Protests.”

8. VIDEO: Is USAID the New CIA? Agency Secretly Built Cuban Twitter Program To Fuel Anti-Castro Protests?

9. Our Man in Havana:
Was USAID planning to overthrow Castro?

10. Leaked USAID Docs: Helped Overthrow Bangladeshi Government With Military Coup.

11. Anti-Dem video 1.

12. Anti-Dem video 2.

13. Anti-Dem video 3.

14. Anti-Dem video 4.

15. Anti-Dem video 5.

16. Anti-Dem video 6.

17. Anti-dem video 7.

18. Anti-dem video 8.

19. DAVID SACKS: “We knew that the US Government runs a $2T deficit every year, we’re in debt almost $40T, and every time someone tries to cut something in Washington the whole city screams bloody murder. The question is why? Now we know — everyone was getting paid.

20. Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) on X/Twitter.

21. White House: Trump presidential actions.

22. The DOGE discoveries are not just about “wasted” taxpayer funds. The real story is that USAID was literally funding an entirely hand crafted pseudo-reality. Not just in America, but all over the world.


The CBO just revealed that Congress spent $516 billion in 2024 on programs with expired authorizations, some dating back over 40 years.

Despite rules against funding unauthorized programs, lawmakers ignored them—letting billions flow without updated approvals or oversight.

24. USA: Trump’s foreign aid freeze throws journalism around the world into chaos. Why should ANY public/government dollars support ANY journalist? EARN your money, deadbeat. If you’re of any actual value and your articles are worthwhile and accurate.

25. Nancy Mace calls a tranny a tranny. Oh, how evil. It’s a word. Get over yourself.

26. Prescient: In 2017, Rep. Francis Rooney questioned why U.S. taxpayers were funding the World Economic Forum through USAID:

“Why should American taxpayers subsidize the WEF when its attendees all arrive on Gulfstream G5s?”

27. USAID supported revolutions and insurgencies, with CIA help.

28. AFT union leader Randi Weingarten says “the feds have no constitutional authority to be in education.” Hypocritical a bit, ol’ Randi?

29. Why Do We Have a Department of Education? Jimmy Carter’s Debt to a Teachers Union.

30. WATCH: Foxx Reacts to Biden-Harris Jaw-Dropping $1 Billion DEI Spending Spree in Schools.

31. Has Brendan Carr Finally Figured Out How To Stop NPR?

32. John Fetterman explains why the Democrat party brand is toxic, and is not sure the Democrats can ‘win white men back’.

33. ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump.

34. ‘Level Of Jackassery’: James Carville Outraged At Dems Over 2 ‘Stunningly Stupid’ Moves.

35. Leftist white chicks are in fact nuts, but we need MORE of them sterilized like this. No one requires more Leftist kids, unless you want to destroy civilization.

36. Trump wants taxes REMOVED on tips, Social Security, and overtime.

Tales from a Communist

Obama In Cuba with Che Guevara BehindAmerica is turning Communist.

And no one recognizes a Communist like another Communist, or one living or having lived under a Communist regime.

From the

Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country

by Ginni Thomas

Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.

Correct.  Because each new advocate of Socialism or Communism believes fervently in his or her heart that he or she can truly make it work, if only they were given their own opportunity.  They could “do it better than the last guy” if only they were provided the chance.   Despite what history tells us, and in consideration of the definition of insanity.  They are like their own personal vision of Reddy Kilowatt.  Reddy Kilowatt

In this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

For Blazquez, watching American youth embrace avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, strikes him as “absurd.” It is the end result, he says, of the cultural Marxist education and media propaganda that has anesthetized too many Americans who do not defend the values that made America exceptional.

Now, however, it is bad for America to be “exceptional.”  That is judgmental.  America is no better than any other country and is frequently — almost always — worse than any other country.  Just ask a Leftist.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is part and parcel of precisely why Leftists more and more not only want but command the meanings of words to change.  It is about control, nothing but control.

Not control by the people.  Oh no.

Control by the government.  Leftists wish the government to be the ultimate arbiter in everyone’s life.  Der Regierung.

No one knows how to run your life like a Leftist or the government as far as they are concerned.  Your silly-assed views about “what you want” don’t count.  Proles, groundlings, serfs.  STFU and step aside.  Concede your sins and repent, apostate.

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PURPOSEEnter Orwell’s 1984, written in 1948.  Numerical transposition?  If you have not yet read it, by all means, drop everything and acquire a copy.  Do that now.  Read it.  The similarities to the UK, Europe and now the US are startling.

Millennials do not embrace privacy.  They do not embrace independence.  They embrace babysitting, hand-holding and Free Cheese.

Listen up:

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.”

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?”

Meaning: words are mouth diapers to be changed whenever convenience beckons?  Like babies who shit their drawers?

[Note: BZ’s Axiom is: whoever controls SCOTUS and education controls the US.”]

Watching President Barack Obama travel to Cuba, he says, made him “want to throw up.” This was a “betrayal to victims of communism,” the filmmaker of “Covering Cuba” says. Blazquez adds there are “so many [Nelson] Mandelas” in Cuban prisons, who are tortured, denied medical attention and abused. Yet, prominent black elites from America, including most incredibly to him, the Congressional Black Caucus, are wined and dined by the political elites but are blind to their “betrayal of blacks in Cuba.”

Barack Hussein Obaka was wined and dined by the Castros and was dared by Raul Castro to name anyone held illegally in a Cuban prison.  Did Obaka perform the obvious resultant task and pull out his phone and Google “Cuban political prisoner names” as would any other logical thinking human being with technology at their fingertips these days?

Of course not.  Obaka was too busy concentrating on the sucking of Cuban cock.  For his legacy, you see.  He’d been practicing for years on Cuban cigars, available as they were for our elite political class despite their proscription.

As the “fundamental transformation of America” continues under Obama’s governance, Blazquez warns that elites in America are in a precarious situation. Their privileges, rights and property could evaporate fast with America’s trend towards erosion of liberties. “Wake up, America!” the Cuban-American proclaims.

This of course hearkens me to a perfect Animal Farm quote with regard to the application of government in America:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Listen to this author, America.



Let us not forget Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”

“Community, Identity, Stability,” Soma and Feelies.

Obama Che

All you need to know about Obama’s trip to Cuba

Obama In Cuba with Che Guevara BehindFirst, Raul Castro failed to meet Obama at the airport.

Massive lack of respect.

Obama pandered of course and gushed about, of all things, the food.

In the meantime there are more political prisoners now in Cuba than in many years.  Even though Raul Castro says there are no political prisoners in Cuba.  He asked Obama: name them.

Here they are.  Did or will Obama brace Raul Castro on this lie?  No.

There isn’t anything Obama does that isn’t scripted.  He stood where he did and when he did for a purpose.

Don’t fail to see it.



How sad to think that most Leftists, Millennials and college attendees won’t have any idea about the photograph at the top of this post.


As east coast Leftists say: “heres’ your Cubar for ya”

Cuba CommunistFIRST, let me state unequivocally up front, because I know this will alienate: I can’t hear the word “Cuba” and not hear the stilted Bastin lingo of perfumed Northeast Leftists mispronouncing the country.  When I hear Boston, New York or New Jersey accents I can’t help but think of loud, overbearing and ill-educated public school masses queued up like herring up public transportation.  My bad.

That said, here is just the beginning of Mr Obama’s Legacy:

Castro to Pocket 92% of Worker Salaries from Foreign Companies

by Frances Martel

Just one day before President Obama announced sweeping changes that would allow potential American investment in Cuba, the Cuban government apparently had begun preparing itself by announcing new measures that would allow Cubans who work for foreign companies to keep only 8% of their salaries.

In an official announcement in state newspaper Granma, government officials announced a system in which employees who work for corporations with foreign capital will be paid two Cuban Pesos for every Convertible Cuban Peso (CUC) the corporation actually pays them. The Convertible Peso (CUP) is almost exclusively for the use of tourists and is of significantly greater value; one CUC is the equivalent of an American dollar and the equivalent of 26.5 CUPs. The other 24 CUPs Cuban workers will not receive amount to 92% of their salaries.

Granma explains:

The payment will now be agreed to with businesses possessing foreign capital taking into consideration the salaries issued to workers in jobs of similar complexity in entities in the same area or sector of our geographic area, the salary scale that is applied in the country (as a reference point) and some additional payments for the corresponding law.

In other words, even if a foreign company has the means to pay more than a Cuban company, the worker will receive the same salary as if he were working for a Cuban company, and the government will pocket the rest.

Mr Obama may “feel” (and I use that word embracingly as a Leftist must necessarily do) as though he has actually notched an accomplishment for civil rights and the freedoms of workers everywhere, in fact Mr Obama has truly continued to push the governmental yoke of dependence upon the residents of Cubar whilst, simultaneously, enriching the coffers of its Communist Leaders.

Think about it: and isn’t that just precisely what Mr Obama wanted?



Four-letter words: Cuba and Sony

Obama CubaProving that Leftists are Defeatists.

First, Cuba:

What did Mr Obama acquire from his move?  What did he negotiate?  What did he — usget from the negotiation?  Was it even a “negotiation” or was it simple capitulation?  I submit Mr Obama’s move was nothing more than outright capitulation to the Cuban regime.  This is nothing more than a reward to Cuba, with zero expected in return.  Cuba arrested over 8,000 “political prisoners” just this year.  Cuban-Americans are disgusted.  Obama has extended political legitimacy to this dictatorship.  This is a 55-year-old policy overturned.  Obama’s transcript is here.

“Let us leave behind the legacy of both colonization and communism, the tyranny of drug cartels, dictators and sham elections,” Obama said.  As he equates Communism with what he perceives as US colonial power — a thing he must defeat at all costs.

What gets rewarded gets repeated.  And those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it.  It would appear time and again that Mr Obama has total Historical Alzheimers.  Because here is what will happen:

History will repeat itself.  Vladimir Putin, a power broker/seeker of the Nth degree who would love nothing more than to re-create the USSR, has just been provided with a perfect pathway right back into Cuba, a mere 90 miles from the United States.  A Putin whose strength has been partly broken because of the plummet of petroleum power (and whose petroleum power he held over the vast lands of the European Union).  A Putin who, when threatened, will look to the past and see Nikita Khrushchev.  And will be consoled by same when he determines to repeat that past by sending Russian troops to Cuba, welcomed by Raul Castro.

This Obama move did nothing for the people of Cuba.  They will wake up tomorrow still ensconced in a Communist regime with no more freedoms than the prior day.  Americans throughout the globe are no safer; in fact, they are less safe.

Finally, what happens to Guantanamo?  Is this a roundabout way to get Guantanamo finally shuttered by the eradication of the contract?  Was this the point?

Obama, thy name is Chamberlain.  Crouching Obama and Paper Tiger.

Second, Sony:

Rob Lowe TweetSony has likewise submitted and yielded to cyber-terrorism.  This is Spineless Hollywood in the face of a threat clearly on behalf of North Korea and no other. According to Variety, Sony has “no further release plans for The Interview.”  No DVDs, no video-on-demand.  Completely scrapped.  Dead.  Fini.  Roll over, doggie.

Sony, the institution, the entire film industry, just completely collapsed, encouraging others in the future.  “Look what North Korea just got away with.”  This is damned near an act of war against the United States of America.  And yet met with defeatism.

What gets rewarded gets repeated.

Kim Jong Un Churning Nork Peasants Into LubricantAbove, Kim Jong Un churns North Korean peasants into convenient lubricant.  Photo courtesy of Sir Ben Shapiro.

Does this get the Taliban and ISIS thinking: “all we have to do is threaten movie theaters or malls and America?”  That would, I submit, be a Logical Extension of Sony’s action.

In the face of that, however, a Texas theater decides to show “Team America” in place of “The Interview.”  Bully!

Mr Obama weighed in on Cuba.  What is his position on cyber-terrorism against America?  Why is Obama conspicuously silent on the issue?  Why does he refuse to recognize that America was attacked digitally?  What is his reticence?  Why is he hesitant?

Hollywood, thy name is Chamberlain.


Obama Philosophy