BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon radio show, Tuesday, August 15th, 2017, with guests Dan Butcher and Dave Milner

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Our guests were Dan Butcher of High Plains Pundit Media/Radio/TV, who weighed in on Charlottesville and its implications, as well as Dave Milner, the Unpleasant Blind Guy, who weighed in on the English Defense League and Islam’s plan for Europe and beyond.


Tonight in the Saloon:

  • We speak to Dan Butcher about all aspects of the recent Charlottesville protest/riots;
  • Where were the local and state police during this incident?
  • I cannot begin to express my disappointment in law enforcement
  • What does this mean for Antifa?
  • What does this mean for white supremacist groups?
  • Both of these sides showed up for a fight, that much is clearly evident;
  • Dave Milner discusses the origin of the English Defense League;
  • Dave illustrates the relationship between EDL and UK law enforcement;
  • Angela Merkel wants 40,000 more migrants into Europe;
  • A new book: NO GO ZONES. There ARE Muslim No Go Zones in Europe;
  • Haitians migrants think Canada is cheap and demand more Free Cheese;

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, August 15th, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on start.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.


Macron wins in France

As of this writing 65% for Emmanuel Macron and 35% for Marine Le Pen.

French unemployment is at 10%. French youth unemployment is at 23%. A French youth is three times more likely to be unemployed than if you walked across a line into Germany. French socialism isn’t working.

France has, it appears, decided that is the track with which they wish to continue.

They will continue to lamprey onto the European Union and they will continue to apologize for the terror attacks that will continue in France as well as the Islamization of the nation. The disaffection will continue as per normal. The EU will continue as will the Euro, for a time.

The French voters decided that this state of Paris is acceptable and doesn’t need to change.

The French voters decided that this state of France is acceptable and doesn’t need to change.

The French voters decided that this state of Paris is acceptable and doesn’t need to change.

Here is a quite interesting take on the French election, and what may be in store for the French in the future, by The Iconoclast.

Katie Hopkins speaks to Tucker Carlson about multiculturalism in general in the UK and the EU.

This election, in retrospect, must be viewed in a fashion similar to that of the current state of Germany — that is to say, in terms of national guilt and shame — national shame and guilt throughout the European Union as well. James McAuley wrote quite presciently about the French election at the

The troubling history at the heart of the French election

‘If you don’t know the history of Algeria, you cannot understand France in 2017’

In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, France’s complicity in the Holocaust and, to a profound degree, its colonial crimes have been defining themes of the most contentious presidential campaign in recent memory. When voters go to the polls Sunday, they will choose between warring interpretations of France’s past as much as between different visions for its future.

You see? Guilt and shame.

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the two candidates in the final round of the vote, are distinct in many ways. Macron, a former investment banker and the darling of Parisian and academic elites, is a boyish acolyte of cosmopolitan Europe; Le Pen, a hard-line nationalist, is an advocate of economic protectionism and closed borders. But rarely are the two more opposed than when they talk about history, as they have done frequently throughout a long and bitter campaign.

Approximately 76,000 Jews were deported from France to the Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Most never returned.

“If there were those responsible,” Le Pen said, “it was those who were in power at the time. This is not France.”

Marine Le Pen is absolutely correct. France now is as responsible for what occurred then as I am responsible for reparations to blacks due to the American Civil War — not to even consider that my forebears fought for the blue.

In one of Macron’s most controversial decisions on the campaign trial, he went in February to Algeria, which France had annexed for 132 years, and called on the French state to apologise formally for its crimes as a colonial power, especially in the bloody war for Algerian independence between 1954 and 1962. France’s history in that war, Macron said in an interview days later, represented “crimes and acts of barbarism” that today deserve to be labelled “crimes against humanity.”

For months, Le Pen has harped on Macron for those three words, accusing him once again in a televised debate Wednesday of “insulting” the French people.

It’s done, it’s over. Further breast-beating won’t change history nor will it appease those who are essentially unappeasable on the issue. Here is what holds France back and could likely quite seriously damage or destroy it in the future.

Benjamin Stora, France’s preeminent expert on colonial Algerian history and a founding member of Paris’s National Museum of the History of Immigration, said in an interview that the outcry over Macron’s declaration has highlighted the ways in which, at least in this election, the past remains present.

“For many people, colonialism has always been a distant abstraction, a peripheral problem,” he said. “But no one today who is honest can see it that way anymore. The question of immigration is a central question in our society and in many ways, the question.”

So many of the problems in French society today, Stora said, stem from the aftermath of France’s colonial history – and the French state’s struggles to integrate immigrants from across the once-expansive French empire.

“If you don’t know the history of Algeria, you cannot understand France in 2017,” he said.

For further perspective, writes:

At its height in the 1930s, the French empire encompassed some 60 million colonial subjects, from the Caribbean to Southeast Asia. But after decolonization in the 1950s and 1960s, the French relegated imperial racism, slavery and colonialism to the “historical back burner.” The eruption of the history wars finally broke this public silence in the mid-1990s.

Guilt and shame. In France and Germany, for somewhat similar reasons.

We may, overall, draw this conclusion of the European Union. It seems the EU believes there is nothing wrong with being completely subsumed and overtaken by what they call “refugees” and “migrants” — when in fact they are over 95% young Muslim males of combat age — for three massive and overarching reasons: that of 1. Guilt, 2. Shame, and 3. Failure to see the logical extension of this. Human nature.

Mix in GOWP Leftist political and administrative viewpoints and you have the volatile recipe required for the fall of Western civilization in Europe, the desire of which Islam isn’t afraid to say out loud to our collective faces.

This man has a serious warning for the EU and for the US.

You have to hand it to Islam. It’s not shy about telling you precisely what it wants and how it’s going to get there.

I repeat: Islam is not shy about telling you precisely what it wants and how it’s going to get there.

Islam’s leaders are not stupid. They play the Long Game. Western Civilizations frequently can’t see two feet in front of themselves.

This election was for the heart and soul of France. Emotions won and this is what France will get. France will also continue to get deaths by terror. French voters have indicated this is acceptable to them. I haven’t even addressed the “minor” issues such as employment, budget, defense and survival.

Demography is prophecy.

Italy has the lowest birth rate since 1861 with 8.4 per 1,000 people and much or Europe is following the same trend.

Birth rates are far higher in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, which is where most migrants are coming from.

The notion of using mass migration as a form of stealth jihad is outlined in the Koran, which states, ‘And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance.’ 

To move to a new land in order to bring Islam is considered a meritorious act.

I shake my head.



Demography is prophecy: listen up, America

As I have emphasized for a number of years now, “demography is prophecy.” It is true with regard to Mexicans attempting “Reconquista,” as well as Muslims entering the US and using our system against us.

Please listen carefully to Dr James Mitchell on “The Kelly File.”

Islam has no problem telling Westernized countries precisely what it wants to do and how it will accomplish its goals of assimilation or the elimination of infidels.

From the

Christian worship plummets in Britain as Muslim following rockets by 72 per cent

by Siobhan McFadyen

A GOVERNMENT report has revealed that Christianity is on the wane in Britain dropping to record lows while the number of those following the Muslim faith has rocketed by 72 per cent.

And the decline in Christianity has fallen from 40.2million down to 36.1m with further declines projected.

Christianity is still the largest faith group in the UK by a significant margin but those falling away from the church are increasing in numbers and more has to be done by faith leaders to prevent further decline, says the report.

The Casey Review published earlier this month shows that Islam is now the largest non-Christian religious population in the UK.

This should come as no surprise when it’s revealed the number one name for male infants in the UK is Mohammed.

“Among faith groups the number of people identifying themselves as Muslim grew most significantly, by 1.2m people.

“This 72 per cent increase is higher than for any other religious group and Muslims make up the largest non-Christian religious population in the UK at 2.8m in total, compared with 0.8m Hindus, 0.4m Sikhs, 0.3m Jews and 0.3m Buddhists.”

Even Bill Maher — encountering pushback of his own — recognizes the Islamic threat.

Wearing a YOU CAN PEE T-shirt. Are you kidding me? You want me to provide the briefest, most fleeting moment of serious consideration? Uh, no.

To me that bespeaks volumes. Because, as I wrote here, ideology even trumps Leftist survival instincts. Do you not realize, you blithering bints, that Leftists, women and gays would be the first sacrificed in the name of Islamic good?


World’s Muslim population more widespread than you might think

by Drew DeSilver

There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, making Islam the world’s second-largest religious tradition after Christianity, according to the December 2012 Global Religious Landscape report from the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.

Although many people, especially in the United States, may associate Islam with countries in the Middle East or North Africa, nearly two-thirds (62%) of Muslims live in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the Pew Research analysis. In fact, more Muslims live in India and Pakistan (344 million combined) than in the entire Middle East-North Africa region (317 million).

And those humans who are awake realize the greatest number of Muslims don’t live in the Middle East, but instead live in Indonesia.

CAIR exists for the promotion of Muslims over anyone and everyone else. CAIR exists to practice and promote taqiyya sub rosa, no matter the day, no matter the accusation, no matter the instance.

It is already known that, for instance, in the United States, a majority of Muslims in America prefer Sharia Law to conventional US law. writes:

Here’s the Best Prediction Yet of How Christianity and Islam Will Change Worldwide by 2050

by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

If fertility rates, the size of youth populations, and rates of religion switching remain the same, Christianity will still be the largest religion in the world in 2050, according to a detailed report released today by the Pew Research Center.

But Islam will be gaining fast, nearly neck-and-neck with Christianity “possibly for the first time in history,” and potentially eclipsing Christianity after 2070.

Meaning one very important thing in, at least, the unencumbered United States: Islam is heading for a very serious future confrontation with Mexicans. Birthrates tell us this. Caucasoids are diminishing because of lack of interest, blacks are diminishing due to abortions, Asians are diminishing because there is no new country to flood the US since Vietnam. So when things were settling, it was time for the First Melanin-In-Chief to tip the political and refugee scales as he passed.

The same is ever more true for Europe.

Perhaps you think I’m writing this in terms of the pale. Caspar. Becky. Albino. 8 Mile. Betty Crocker. Bird shit. Blue eyed devil. Boss. Brady. Cauc. Cracker. Eminem. Flour bag. Frosty. Gringo. Haole. Hillbilly. Honkie. Horseface. Ivory. Keebler. Leche. Lice. Maggot. Mayonnaise. Milk. Moss eater. Mudshark. Musungu. Nigger Magnet. Peckerwood. Pinkaloid. Round eye. Sheethead. Slim Shady. Snowman. Termite. Trailer trash. Tiny Tim. Triscuit. WAM. WASP. White Out. Wonder Bread. YT (White-ee).

But actually I’m writing this as an elder observer who is interested in seeing my country thrive no matter the melanin count of the largest organ in the body politic. Because as Westerners don’t quite yet Grok, Islam isn’t stopping.

And neither was Barack Hussein Obama. From

Obama Administration Nearly Doubles Number of Refugee Arrivals So Far in FY 2017

by Michael Patrick Leahy

The Obama administration has accepted 25,584 refugees into the United States in the two months and 26 days since FY 2017 began on October 1, according to the Department of State interactive website. That number is nearly double the 13,791 refugees accepted during the comparable period between October 1, 2015 and December 26, 2015 of the prior fiscal year (FY 2016).

Obama only had a specific limited window in which to finally hose the United States and, frankly, don’t think he wasn’t doing his level best every day to do so. When once he would have been holding daily press conferences, his focus was on enabling his “legacy,” whatever the hell that connotation might be.

Wake up America. I will continue to say and write that until my last breath.

Wake. Up. America.



Sharia Law next for Michigan-dominated town?

Muslims In Dearborn MichiganThe US will very soon learn that demography is prophecy — Caucasoids in Fornicalia already know that fact as we are now a statistical minority, with Mexicans edging white folk out.

Hamtramck, Michigan, now holds a Muslim majority city bureaucracy.  From

Muslim-Majority City Council Elected in Michigan

by Breitbart News

HAMTRAMCK, Mich., Nov. 9 (UPI) – A city near Detroit made history when it elected the first Muslim-majority city council in the United States.

The town of Hamtramck, a long-time Polish-Catholic enclave, has been demographically changing for decades and the election symbolized how far the city had come. The top three vote-getters were Muslim, two were incumbents — Anam Miah and Abu Musa — and the third, newcomer Saad Almasmari, had the highest number of votes overall in last week’s election.

Estimates of Hamtramck’s Muslim population are between 30 percent to 50 percent.

In 2004, the city made headlines when the city council — then with one Muslim council member — allowed a mosque to broadcast its call to prayer from loudspeakers. Opponents of the decision said it was a religious intrusion into their lives.

You may look on the calendar and mark my words from today, Tuesday, November 10 of 2015.  The “call to prayer” is just the beginning.  Soon Hamtramck will see foot baths in town.  Sales of pork and alcohol will first be frowned upon and later forbidden.  Non-Muslim businesses will start to close because of neighborhood and town pressures.

That’s just the beginning.  Again, marking my words, there will be small forms of Sharia Law introduced and larger pushes coming in a relatively short time.  It won’t be terribly long before there are no non-Muslims in Hamtramck.  Non-Muslims are soon to feel the building pressure in their schools, in their local government, in their municipal services.  Mark my words.  There will also soon be “no-go” zones for non-Muslims.

Note to non-Muslim Hamtramck police officers: you might want to start looking for your next job; you soon won’t like the one you have and its political working conditions.

Dearborn, Michigan is already the Arab Capital of North America.  There are actual “no-go” zones in Dearborn, where Christians were stoned in broad daylight while local law enforcement officers stood by refusing to protect them.

Mark my words.



The reasons to leave California keep mounting: Jerry Brown welcomes all ILLEGAL Mexicans

ReconquistaJerry, riddle me this:

As someone who vetoed all water projects whilst you were governor in the 70s, how is that playing out for you now in your second stint as Gubner, sir, during Fornicalia’s worst extended drought in quite some time?

Not well.

And, as Gubner now, how will your willingness to turn Fornicalia over to Mexico play out in the future, sir?

Not well.


Gov. Jerry Brown to Mexican Illegals: ‘You’re All Welcome in California’

by Tony Lee

On Monday evening, California Governor Jerry Brown said all Mexicans, including illegal immigrants, are welcome in California. 

Of course they are.  They will continue to vote for either you, Mr Brown, or your Demorat replacement sir.  They will continue to vote for Free Cheese and various elements which, if examined, actually place illegals over the actual citizenry of Fornicalia.

According to the Los Angeles Times, while introducing Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who said America is “the other Mexico,” Brown “spoke about the interwoven histories of Mexico and California.” He “nodded to the immigrants in the room, saying it didn’t matter if they had permission to be in the United States.”

“You’re all welcome in California,” Brown reportedly said.

On the other hand, let’s talk about just how racist Mexicans can be in terms of La Raza (The Race) and “Reconquista.”  That is, the “reconquering of the United States on behalf of Mexico.”

“In Mexico, a recent Zogby poll declared that the vast majority of Mexican citizens hate Americans. [22.2] Mexico is a country saturated with racism, yet in denial, having never endured the social development of a Civil Rights movement like in the US–Blacks are harshly treated while foreign Whites are often seen as the enemy. [22.3] In fact, racism as workplace discrimination can be seen across the US anywhere the illegal alien Latino works–the vast majority of the workforce is usually strictly Latino, excluding Blacks, Whites, Asians, and others.”

A vast majority of Mexicans hate citizens of the United States.  Come as a shock to you?

Further, thanks to former Mexican President Felipe Calderon:

“Wherever there’s a Mexican, there is Mexico!” — President Calderone. As an American living under Spanish speaking Mexican occupation, I would add to this “Where there’s a Mexican, there’s a violent Mexican gang!”


La Raza has total contempt for freedom of speech. Anyone that disagrees is a “racist”. La Raza means “the race” — the Mexican race.  In sanctuary county of Los Angeles, Mexican gangs are murdering African-AMERICANS to “cleanse” the communities they are taking over. Google it.

Please read this article, “Funding Hate” by Joseph Fallon; many citations below.

Let’s also examine the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), whose website reads:

As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente.

That’s correct; MEChA’s job is to take back the American Southwest, from its American “occupiers.”  Once again, “The Race,” La Raza — which means there is no other race.

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan
“Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.”
“Everything for the race. Everything outside the race, nothing.”

Aztlan - La Raza, Whites Get OutContinuing from Funding Hate:

English Only is incredibly divisive because it sends the message that the culture of language minorities is inferior and illegal. With a dramatic increase in hate crimes and right wing terrorist attacks in the United States, the last thing we need is a frivolous bill to fuel the fires of racism. …English Only is unnecessary because over 97 percent of Americans already speak English and those who don’t are eagerly trying to learn. English language classes have three year waiting lists in Los Angles and New York and current immigrants are learning English at a faster rate than their predecessors.

LULAC offered no evidence to support any of these claims. If what LULAC claimed was true, however, then why was LULAC – a) opposed to legally recognizing this fact by legally recognizing English as the official language of the United States and b) demanding that the U.S. government provide bilingual voting ballots, bilingual welfare forms, bilingual motor vehicle examinations, bilingual education, bilingual translators, etc.

An excellent point.  Why, indeed?

Then there is MALDEF — The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

* MALDEF filed charges alleging textbooks in California were biased against minorities.

* MALDEF litigated for free public education for the children of illegal aliens that successfully culminated in the 1982 U.S. Supreme Court decision in ‘Plyer v. Doe.’

* MALDEF opposed California Proposition 187 that denied illegal aliens free social and welfare services and filed a class action lawsuit ‘challenging its every provision.’

* Some individuals associated with MALDEF have demanded that U.S. citizenship be eliminated as a requirement to vote.

* MALDEF sought and received legal status to naturalize immigrants.

* MALDEF successfully lobbied for passage of the ‘motor-voter’ bill of 1993 that allows voter registration at welfare offices or when applying for a drivers’ license; mandates mail-in voter registration and discourages States from verifying the applicant’s eligibility or citizenship.

* MALDEF opposes immigration reform.

* MALDEF opposes securing the Mexican border even to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the U.S. When the Federal government launched ‘Joint Task Force Six’ to combat drug smuggling along the border, MALDEF filed suit to halt the project arguing in court that ‘it would cause irreparable damage to the human and physical environment in the area.’ What of the irreparable damage being done to the human and environment due to illegal aliens and drug smugglers? On that question, MALDEF is silent.

Here is the most accurate paragraph of all:

What is MALDEF’s goal? According to Mario Obeldo, former head of MALDEF, ‘California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who does not like it should leave.’ In 1998, Obledo was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Clinton.

In a land and a time where “demography is prophecy,” I submit:

In 2012, 28% of Californians were born outside the United States, according to The New York Times. Hispanic voters reportedly “made up 19.2% of California voters” in 2010. And according to Pew Research, Latinos make up nearly 40% of the state’s population and have made California “only the second state, behind New Mexico, where whites are not the majority and Latinos are the plurality.”

Even though the University of California has admitted a record number of Hispanics, the Latino Caucus has vowed to make affirmative action and bilingual education top legislative priorities.

Caucasoids, like myself, are now the statistical minority in Occupied Fornicalia on the Left Coast.  “Other than Caucasoids” are the majority.

Demography is, in fact, prophecy.

Get ready, blacks and Asians and others: Mexicans have the numbers and you do not.  Plain and simple.

One final question: does anyone ever ask why Mexicans want to be in the US?  Answer: because it’s not Mexico and because it’s better than Mexico.  So what will happen when the southern US is filled with Mexicans?  Answer: it will be Mexico.  Then what?



Also read the following article from LiveLeak regarding La Raza, and visit the website of MEChA.

Aztlan Reconquista