And you wonder why Conservatives HATE the GOP?

OBAMA RYAN McCONNELLWonder no more.  And NOT covered by the Drudge Report.


First Senate Appropriations Bill Passed Spends More Than Obama Requested

by Phillip Wegmann

The U.S. Senate’s first spending bill of 2016 spends more than President Barack Obama requested and lacks significant conservative amendments, but it still sailed to passage in the Republican-led Senate Thursday.

An overwhelming number of U.S. senators on both sides of the aisle approved the energy and water development appropriations bill by a vote of 90-8. Conservatives had objected to the higher spending levels and lack of policy riders in the weeks leading up to the vote.

In the end, it didn’t seem to matter.

Of course.  It never matters.  Not when consistent Republican jobs are on the line.  Jobs like those of, say, Mitch McConnell.  Paul Ryan.  Obama should get more cash than he originally requested because the GOP can’t wait to fellate His Imperial Member.

Leftists still mention the TEA Party.  The TEA Party died a few years ago.  It gets mentioned only by those who want to use it as a prop for power.  But the TEA Party has no power because it doesn’t exist as any form of cohesive unit today.  Leftists know this.  But they still utilize the phrase.  Because they have more balls than the GOP.

Moving legislation and avoiding fights has been a top election year priority for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The Kentucky Republican wants the GOP Senate to prove that Republicans can govern by avoiding a one-and-done omnibus spending package at the end of the year.

GOP InvertebrateRight.  #BecauseSpineless

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Alexander were the only Republicans to vote against the amendment. Neither responded to multiple comment requests by The Daily Signal.

“McConnell said the ‘Senate is open for business’ and if you’re a K Street lobbyist of Democrat interest group that’s definitely true,” the aide said. “But Harry Reid and the Democrats have made it abundantly clear that conservatives policies will not be tolerated in the appropriations process.”

Good to know that the GOP in DC continue to give the Demorats everything they want and then some.



Ted Cruz leaves the race

THAT'S ALL FOLKSLeaving Donald John Trump.

We are well and truly fucked as a country.

Hillary Clinton is going to win unless Trump pulls out a Talking Points Strategy Memo from God.

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilisations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.



Cruz: gone?

Ted Cruz PhotoThe media seems to say that Ted Cruz is gone, he is a non-starting fait accompli.

Ted Cruz is hopeful about Indiana.

Fornicalia doesn’t hold its primary until June.

Is Cruz dead?

I’m not so absolutely sure.  He’s about to make Carly Fiorina his running mate, an individual I thought was one of the most cogent, grounded, business-wise and best extemporaneous speakers of the GOP candidates.  Fiorina easily held her own against Donald Trump and would wipe the floor with Hillary Clinton in any kind of debate or confrontation.

Further: there is Indiana next week, and Fornicalia in June.



Paul Ryan: “I don’t want to be speaker”

Ryan & ObamaAnd then he became Speaker of the House.

Paul Ryan says he doesn’t want to be a presidential candidate.

But for a guy who says he doesn’t want to be a presidential candidate, he’s making a lot of speeches about not wanting to be a presidential candidate.  A certain Bill Shakespeare line comes to mind about now.

The GOP is pretty much already convinced that it’s going to lose the presidency.

If it’s Trump or Hillary, the GOP wants Hillary.

If it’s Cruz or Hillary, the GOP wants Hillary.

They just don’t have the testicles to come out openly and say it.

GOP InvertebrateThe GOP believes Trump or Cruz lose to Hillary.  They’re planning on it.

The GOP is thinking, hell, we may as well lose with “our guy,” whomever “our guy” might turn out to be.

This is American Politics, ladies and gentlemen, politics writ large, and politics writ Establishment.  This is the Old Guard Establishment GOP doing everything it can to ensure one of the Usual Suspects gets into the race.  The GOP mostly consists of an assload of Surrender Monkeys.

GOP RINO FactsFirst the GOP was shocked that Jeb Bush didn’t resonate.  They were sure he was going to walk right into the presidency. Maybe even Mittens.  VP?

Meb Bushney 2016Then each one of their other mealy-mouthed do-nothing empty suits fell by the wayside, including Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Lindsay Graham, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore.  Hell, my dead cat Mose would have had a better chance at president than Jim Gilmore.

Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, Scott Walker, Rick Perry — they persevered a while longer until it shook out to the final three.

Read carefully what Paul Ryan said on Tuesday:

Count me out: I simply believe that if you want to be the nominee for our party to be the president, you should actually run for it.  I chose not to do this, therefore I should not be considered. Period. End of story.

So what is Paul Ryan really saying?

He’s saying there needs to be a back up plan, and that back up plan should include someone from the Old Staid Establishment GOP.

Who ran for president.



Wouldn’t that be a Jeb Bush or a Mitt Romney or a Lindsay Graham or a Mike Huckabee or a Jeb Bush or a Jeb Bush?

Hey, what about Jeb Bush?

GOP Fat Cat Old Guard Establishment

You know, I think Jeb Bush might be available.  At a moment’s notice.  He speaks Spanish.  He loves him some illegal immigrants.  Syrians too, I’m sure.  Come one, come all, no background checks, it’s an “act of love.”

But wait.  Paul Ryan said we need a rule.  A new rule.  Delegates, we need a new rule.  A rule that says to be the nominee, you need to have run in the primary.  You need to have been an actual candidate.

Speaking of Paul Ryan, there is the Super Chapter 9.  Ryan wants to go along to get along.  And bail out PUERTO RICO with American tax dollars.

Look, I don’t trust ANY politician any more.  Trusting a politician is a fool’s game and this country is already rife with a sufficient number of Free Cheese Fools.

Charles Krauthammer thinks that Ryan is just trying to rebuild the party early, seeing its destruction in progress.

But the bottom line?  If Paul Ryan pulls the Lucy Football on his own denial, I won’t be gobsmacked.  He’s done it before, he can do it again.  Think: speaker.



53% of those polled think Paul Ryan is lying when he says he won’t accept the presidential nomination according to a Fox poll displayed on the Greta Susteren show, Tuesday.

You brought this on yourselves, GOP.