Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

Gun-ControlFrom the

A contingent of liberal Democrats in Congress is proposing a new federal gun control idea: mandatory liability insurance for gun owners.

When New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney introduced the legislation last month with eight other Democrats, she boasted that it is “the first bill to require liability insurance of gun buyers nationwide.”

It also calls for the federal government to impose a fine as much as $10,000 if a gun owner doesn’t have insurance on a firearm purchased after the bill goes into effect.

It doesn’t take much more than a fourth grader — yes, even a public school-educated fourth grader — to realize that this is a brain-glazingly idiotic idea.

It’s as idiotic as the rest of the gun-grabbing laws that affect only law abiding citizens.  Actual citizens, actual taxpayers, will be the sole individuals hurt by this and similar laws.  For one very obvious reason:

The vast, vast bulk of gun crime is committed by purposeful criminals, who have records, who have likely been in jail or prison any number of times, who have violated parole any number of times as well.

Because they are criminals.  It’s what they do.  It’s in their genes, it’s outlined in their job description.  I know.  I’ve dealt with criminals for 42 years.  I know them, I sense them, I can smell them, see them, recognize them from afar.

Here’s what’s coming: your homeowners’ insurance will require a separate policy for every firearm owned.  Extra money.  And an accounting.  To the insurance agency and then from them to the government because the government will want the information and the statistics.  Then your ammunition will be limited and riders will be required as well, mandating the same things again: more cash, more regulations, more reports to your agent and thusly to the federal government.

This law and laws like it don’t hurt criminals and it won’t curb so-called “gun crime.”  The mentally deranged are already out there, and many of them are already criminals because the “system” knows not how to deal with the insane and the mentally misadjusted.  Those persons — at least in Fornicalia — get dumped into the criminal justice system and then spend time incarcerated in jails and prisons.  They have criminal and/or violent tendencies and they commit crimes.

Therefore, only the law-abiding are penalized.  Criminals couldn’t care less, and the mentally deranged lack the capacity to want to care at all.

Power and control.  It’s about power and control and ideology.  Leftism.  Socialism.

Because, once completely disarmed, the government can do, literally, anything it wants at any time for any reason with its “citizens” who, by that point, are nothing more than Serfs and Proles and Groundlings.

Check your history.


Gun Control, Switzerland

And here’s the BIG difference: more guns in the hands of LAWFUL American citizen taxpayers — not criminals.  But the Obaka Administration adamantly refuses to make that distinction, placing American gun owners into the SAME category as common criminals.


Liberal UK limiting immigration: US will not

UK BIAEven the rather liberal British realize that illegal immigration is harmful in a poor economy.

From the

MPs want immigrant ban to save British jobs

Britain should be able to block immigration from other EU countries during the current period of high unemployment, according to a group of influential MPs.

In an article for The Telegraph, the joint chairmen of the cross party group on balanced migration, Frank Field, a former Labour minister, and Nicholas Soames, a former Conservative minister, say that David Cameron must do more to tackle “the elephant in the room” by restricting European immigration.

The MPs, two of the most influential politicians in the immigration debate, suggest that draconian action should now be considered “during periods of high unemployment” — such as now — to protect low-skilled British workers struggling to compete with foreigners for jobs.

One in five young British workers is currently unemployed, with about one million people aged 18 to 24 out of work.

Oddly enough, the UK seems to understand that not only illegal immigration, but immigration in general, jeopardizes the employment possibilities of true citizens in tempestuous fiscal times.

Not so the United States, in which Mr Obama, the Demorats and any number of Republicans want to, in essence, grant amnesty to literally millions of illegal Mexicans already violating US laws.  Mexicans that are neither bringing money nor particularly necessary skillsets with them — but instead in many cases are bringing disease and crime and who then tend to commit crimes here, as many are already up into either various cartels or MS13 and then, in Fornicalia, car up into Surenos.

Do you not sense a trend here?  That is, Europe is beginning to re-examine its Multi-Kulti and Socialist leanings, whilst here in the US the current Obaka Administration is willing to engage in the very experiment failing Europe.

Proving, once again, two things:

1. Everyone thinks they can do Socialism better than the last despot, and
2. Obama and his sycophants possess Historical Alzheimers; no one seems to learn from it.



Questions about the “Affordable Care Act”

Doctors Guns IIFirst, a misnomer: the “Affordable Care Act” ISN’T, particularly for the American Taxpayers who are FUNDING it.

[An aside: you know, honest to God, I really do conjure that the bulk of what Rush Limbaugh terms “Low Information Voters” believe that the government is the source, the fount, of all income — and not the Mark I, Model I American Taxpayer.  America has, sadly, become Brain-Glazingly Ignorant within the past few generations.  Too many alleged Americans believe that their governmental Free Cheese grows on trees.]

I ruminate because of Old NFO‘s recent blogpost involving “My Medical Appointment.”

Please read it before continuing.

With that in mind, in re doctors now apparently asking patients about their firearms during a medical consultation that has and should have nothing to do with firearms, I posit a few questions for my ever-intelligent readers:

1. Are you or have you been posed any questions about firearms during a recent medical visit?
2. What was your answer?
3. Are these questions lawful?
4. Are you legally required to answer them?
5. What statutes are involved?  Provide citations.

Because, up to this point, much has been written that I suspect is hearsay, unsupported and/or otherwise anecdotal from other sites.

Please, I ask, if you have answers to the above questions, kindly provide situations and citations and statutes.


Excellent article about the issue, here.

Doctors Guns I


What French Socialism gets you:

World Socialism ProgressFrom

Katy Barnato ,   – 

US CEO to France: You can keep your ‘so-called workers’

The head of U.S. tire maker Titan launched a vitriolic attack on French productivity after the country’s socialist government suggested he buy a tire factory in the north of France.

“How stupid do you think we are?” wrote Maurice Taylor, in a letter to French Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg, obtained by French business newspaper Les Echos on Wednesday.

Montebourg had asked the U.S. mogul to take over a Goodyear tire factory that is due to close.

“I have visited that factory a couple of times. The French workforce gets paid high wages, but works only three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three hours,” he wrote.

“I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that’s the French way!”

Keep on the same path and you’ll find, in America, the same robust productivity as France.

A three hour work day.