115 days to see a doctor — welcome to ObamaKare, visible now in VA clothing

Obama Lying to AmericaYes, ladies and gentlemen, many of our veterans are customarily waiting 115 days to see a doctor at VA facilities.  That is, if the VA isn’t lying about those wait times.

That was confirmed this week in a report by the VA Inspector General which can be seen in its entirety here.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

1,700 vets not on official wait list at Phoenix VA facility, preliminary report finds

 by Jacqueline Klimas

A preliminary report released Wednesday found “serious conditions” at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs facility, including hundreds of veterans who were never placed on an official wait list and faulty scheduling practices that meant some veterans would never see a doctor.

Repeat: “some veterans would never see a doctor.”

“We identified an additional 1,700 veterans who were waiting for a primary care appointment but were not on the [electronic wait list,]” the report from the VA inspector general said. “Most importantly, these veterans were and continue to be at risk of being forgotten or lost in Phoenix [healthcare system’s] convoluted scheduling process. As a result, these veterans may never obtain a requested or required clinical appointment.”

Requested = nice.  Required = mandatory.  And required by whom?  Why, that would be the medical system itself, not the patient.  As in: required by the system that could not remotely fulfill its own requirement?


And here’s the rub: Mr Obama has patterned ObamaKare after the glorious VA medical system.  Wasn’t it Mr Obama who said, in 2009 at a VFW convention in Phoenix, Arizona, that he was going to “clean up” the VA?  And wasn’t that promise made FIVE years ago?  Didn’t he say he was going to cut those backlogs, slash those wait times, deliver your benefits sooner?  Why, yes, he did.

In case you’ve forgotten, the transcript is here.

Why doubt that allegation?  Let’s play the video, shall we?

The full 32-minute speech is here.  And herein Mr Obama promised:

“Whether you’ve left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfill our responsibility to deliver the benefits and care that you earned. And that’s why I’ve pledged to build nothing less than a 21st-century VA. And I picked a lifelong soldier and wounded warrior from Vietnam to lead this fight, General Ric Shinseki.

“And we’re keeping our promise to fulfill another top priority at the VA, cutting the redtape and inefficiencies that cause backlogs and delays in the claims process. This spring, I directed the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to create one unified lifetime electronic health record for the members of the Armed Forces, a single electronic record, with privacy guaranteed, that will stay with them forever. Because after fighting for America, you should not have to fight over paperwork to receive the benefits that you’ve earned.”

A speech that so many people seem to have conveniently forgotten now, mostly Leftists and Demorats.

Even back in 2007, Mr Obama made promises about the VA whilst he ran for President, such as the “Sacred Trust” Kansas City speech.  He said:

“To keep our sacred trust, I will improve mental health screening and treatment at all levels: from enlistment, to deployment, to reentry into civilian life. No service-member should be kicked out of the military because they are struggling with untreated PTSD. No veteran should have to fill out a 23-page claim to get care, or wait months – even years – to get an appointment at the VA. We need more mental health professionals, more training to recognize signs and to reject the stigma of seeking care. And to treat a signature wound of these wars, we need clear standards of care for Traumatic Brain Injury”

So upon those promises in 2007 and 2009, who is to be responsible?  Will it be Mr Obama?  Will it be the current VA head, General Shinseki?

One thing upon which you can be guaranteed: it will not be Mr Obama.



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9 thoughts on “115 days to see a doctor — welcome to ObamaKare, visible now in VA clothing

  1. 115 business days? 5 months and 3 weeks.
    $16.6 million in bonuses. Some at $33,000 a pop. Without accounting for lesser amounts, that’s 503 people at a bare minimum.
    (channel The Price is Right)
    Say Bob; what do you get for screwing thousands of veterans?
    A NEW CAR!!!!! (Cue music)

    That’s what happens when you take an English teacher, who likes jaunty caps and has nooooo medical background, and place him in charge of 1,700 health care facilities serving 9 million veterans.
    (**he was right and outspoken about troop levels in Iraq however**)

    O: “…to fulfill another top priority at the VA by cutting the redtape” that holds it together.

    O: “…a single electronic record, with privacy guaranteed, that will stay with them forever. Because after fighting for America” I’m gonna make damn sure you can’t fight in America.

    O: “No service-member should be kicked out of the military because they are struggling with untreated PTSD.” We’ll kick ’em out after their addiction to psychotics becomes evident.

    O: “No veteran should have to fill out a 23-page claim to get care…” we’ll make the print smaller and cut the paper work in half!!!

    O: “No veteran should have to …wait months – even years – to get an appointment at the VA.” We simply will not give them an appointment. No more waiting, less waste.

    O: “We need more mental health professionals, more training to recognize the” threat returning veterans present to this regime.

    O: “We need clear standards of care for Traumatic Brain Injury” because Hillary is still having trouble with her memory.

  2. Don’t be distracted. The fault lies at the feet of the congress and senate! The very same people that are now feigning outrage. The problems of the VA are much much deeper than Shinseki and Obama’s empty campaign rhetoric.

    • Good point. How can the VA clean up? More money? More competency? Stern and unyielding direction? What’s the solution?


      • At this point, I’m not so sure that we can, BZ. As long as we keep re-electing the very same people that are responsible I don’t see much hope.

        The media will tire of reporting this, just like they always have in the past and all will go quiet once again.

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