2011: It Can’t Happen Here

A comment I encountered at random on the ForeignPolicy.com site, addressing world areas of potential civil unrest for 2011:

I’m amazed we (the US) made it though this year. If Greece, Britain, hell most of Europe aren’t good examples of what “austerity measures” can do for the morality of a country, wait till they stop the welfare checks in the USA. Forget the owners and supporter of the 2nd Amendment, heck most people in the projects either have a gun or know where to get one; and I aint talkin bout a three day waiting period either.

But, of course, just because it can happen in France, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and the UK, it certainly cannot happen here.


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8 thoughts on “2011: It Can’t Happen Here

  1. The entitlement class mis-behavior will lead to the great miscalculation…that firearms must be rounded up for “safety”.

    Remember that tipping point that you talked about a few posts back BZ?


  2. The 2nd Amendment is the difference between Greece, Italy, Spain, UK, France and here.

    In the Czech Republic the citizens have a much easier time getting FA weapons: they remember Communism there and don’t want it back.

    While it can happen here, it won’t turn out like Europe… for we understand our rights are born with us, not granted by government. It is our government that needs reminding of that and that isn’t the point in Europe.

  3. Greetings, I live in the UK and whilst I do not agree with the coalition government’s U-turn regarding student fees – which brought about the violent marched on London – I am mindful of the staggering national debt that needs addressing. Hence the austerity measures.

    As I understand it, the US also has a staggering debt problem. And the sooner the US administration starts addressing this – by way of austerity programmes – the better. Of course it is hard being a popular President in a recession. Furthermore, who caused the global meltdown in the first place?

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