9/11, Nine Years Later:

Next year in 2011, a decade will have passed since Islam attacked the United States.

No one quite frames it that way, but I do.

For next year, I want to portray the Real Cost of 9/11.

I want to show what actually occurred.

You know and I know that there are photos of Americans who jumped from the twin WTC towers and then were crushed by gravity by their impact with the concrete.

There is not ONE photo, however, of which I am aware, portraying this.

Again, both you know and I know that those photographs exist. They were never revealed. Precisely because someone, somewhere, decided that it was best not to inflame Americans.

I will pay $500 dollars to the first person that will send to me, digitally, one photograph depicting the reality that occurred, on the ground, around the World Trade Center on 9/11 of 2001. Of the Americans that decided to jump to their deaths instead of facing burning, or worse, in the WTC towers.

I don’t need to know your name, your background, your history. I will credit or not credit you if you wish. I must, however, be able to verify your photograph in some fashion.

I want to see an American’s literal, actual, impact on concrete or steel. It pains me to write this, but the more graphic, the better.

Americans, in my opinion, need desperately to see this.

Nationally, we have a brain-glazingly short memory. Sometimes this is good; most times this is bad.

Please contact me, Bloviating Zeppelin, at: milepost154@yahoo.com.

Let me be blunt: I am soliciting a jpeg image of an American having impacted the ground around the World Trade Centers. It must be in focus. It must be graphic. I must accept it.

If I receive your image, you must understand that my sole and specific point is to publish your image on my blog. I shall give you credit or shield your name, however you wish.

I will respect your determination.

I merely seek to make this point: there was a Cost, on 9/11, that most Americans still do not recognize or understand.


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