Boehner: will he blink and walk away with empty hands? Is the GOP “rushing to surrender?”

My last information indicates there is a meeting occurring now between Obama and Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy, Sessions, Upton, McKeon, Hensarling, Walden, Rogers, Issa, Camp and Ryan.

Too early to call it.

The poll, now, that allegedly and “reportedly” has the GOP quivering:

NBC/WSJ poll: Nearly two-thirds say not raising debt ceiling would be a serious problem

With House Republicans set to meet with President Barack Obama to discuss raising the debt limit and ending the government shutdown, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that 63 percent of Americans believe refusing to raise the debt ceiling would be a real and serious problem.

Is this a real issue, or is it another American Media Maggot-created heavily-sampled Demorat biased poll?


Harry Reid Won’t Negotiate Until GOP Opens Government

Updated 4:25 p.m. | A House GOP offer to pass a six-week debt ceiling extension without reopening the government isn’t enough to jump-start stalled budget talks, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters at the White House.

After meeting for about an hour and a half with President Barack Obama, CQ Roll Call asked Reid if he would be willing to negotiate on reopening the government as the GOP has demanded.

“Not going to happen,” Reid replied and walked off.

The White House backed Reid in a readout provided by the press office.

29 active members have died on active duty in the past days during the government shutdown.  With benefits denied.  And that was craven and cowardly and worse.



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4 thoughts on “Boehner: will he blink and walk away with empty hands? Is the GOP “rushing to surrender?”

  1. Much talk on Republican polls being in the tank. Boehner has all but lost his speakership. He failed. There was a chance to build consensus amongst the Republican establishment and the Tea Party. Lots of good stuff to rally over. But no. I don’t get it. Failure here is the destruction of the country. Prideful arrogant idiots won’t even stand up to a fascist regime. Republicans should not be rushing to talk to this President before they talk to each other. We need a new speaker…. now.

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