ACORN: Some Good News

1. Thank God, ACORN IS This Stupid:

Two more ACORN officials were fired Friday after a second video surfaced showing staffers in the community organizers’ Washington office offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute acquire illegal home loans that would help them set up a brothel.

The firings came less than 24 hours after another pair of ACORN officials from the group’s Baltimore office were canned for instructing the “pimp” and “prostitute” how to falsify tax forms and seek illegal benefits for 13 “very young” girls from El Salvador that pair said they wanted to import to work as child prostitutes.

Darn. ACORN officials fired. How sad.

2. ACORN Will NOT Be Involved In The 2010 Census:

And shocking to think they would have. From

It is clear that ACORN’s affiliation with the 2010 census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has indeed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 census efforts,” Groves wrote.

What is it that Forrest Gump said? “Stupid is as stupid does”?


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22 thoughts on “ACORN: Some Good News

  1. I wouldn’t bet on them not being involved… Trust me, Rev Wright is involved, Van Jones will still be involved…ALL of Obama’s buddies in the marxist/Socialist realm will be involved….They may be out of camera view but they will be there.

    ACORN was found to be a fraudulent organization before the election, yet Obama suggest there will be money saved by “Rooting out fraud in Medicare” Odd huh? he will root that fraud out but leave ACORN alone? LMAO.

  2. Everything seems the same as it was a few years ago to me. Nothing has changed as far as my life or lifestyle is concerns. Business is having a record breaking year and Hollywood projects have never been better. Taxes haven’t gone up, infact mine have gone down. Yes, my auto registrations went up, besides that nothing has really changed.

    Don’t care about Obama or really anything in politics these days. I get all the information I need from my daily reports from my company, phone calls from business associates in the entertainment industry and all seems to be doing fine.

    The other day I cleaned a few guns, they all seem to be where I want them. Investments seem to be going in the right direction.

    Don’t care about Rev. Wright or Van Jones, means nothing to me and doesn’t effect my life one way or the other.

    Sam just finished his movie, he got paid and tonight we’re having dinner together, he’s buying.

    Landscape Designers and his installers are still working away on our beach house, they’re happy.

    Never belonged to a Union nor would I so that’s not a problem.

    Maybe someday I’ll see you’re concerns but as of today, it’s all OK where I’m at.


    Maybe things just effect us if we allow them to.

  3. Aw, so cute. Little pea brained extreme righty’s still need their Acorn binky to keep their hate and fear festering.

  4. I was not surprised in the least when I saw the Acorn videos. They are corrupt to the core. A lot of their bad behavior happens right here in KC and ST. Louis, we are very familiar with their crimes!!

  5. BZ,
    I have had to deal with some family issues. They are resolved and I posted a new one. Thanks for your question. I looked at your last two posts and really was touched as usual. It’s nice to see ACORN get its comeuppance. Now BO’s czars are starting to be questioned. Hopefully, the bloom is off the rose. However, the MSM will never subject him to anywhere near the scrutiny Bush was.

  6. The young lady and gentleman who made those films are owed a great debt of graditude by the American people. They may have a price on their heads for their efforts though. ACORN stands to lose millions over this if it blossums like I hope it will and you know how corrupt they are. I’d be keeping an eye on my 6 if I were them.

  7. BZ,
    Speaking of the impending census, what is the minimum leagal information I have to fill out on the census form?
    I realize that over 90% of the form is Nanny-statism intrusion. Income, number of bathrooms, education level, all get the “noneya” answer.

    B Woodman

  8. All the Constitution requires is the number of people residing on your property, while even in the first census the name of property owner was listed as well.

  9. Anonymous: hey, so cute to see that you and the other Leftists can’t seem to push the Government Nipple from your OWN mouths! Awww, liddoe bay-bee!

    Does Obama-um need to send mill-yuns of dollars-um to liddoe pee-poe who can’t stand um liddoe two-feetums?


  10. Woodman: I’ve never turned in a census form and I never will. I had a census worker come to my house and knock on the door. They can knock and send forms all they want. They can go straight to Hell.


  11. Thanks.
    I realize “they” already have my address. I know that I have to give the number of people residing therein. I was more wondering if I even have to give names and ages, or not. I guess not.

    Again, thanks.
    B Woodman

  12. I’d like to see the USC that specifically states ANY citizen can be subject to arrest for failing to answer questions or failing to fill out a form.

    Anyone know the SPECIFIC United States Code on this? Good luck finding it.


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